Neutronbomb my friend, I didn't get your point. You wrote all this long text to say that the jacket was short, or to express that I annoy you by saying it is long?
I 'll answer to you point by point. You don't need to answer back. And sorry to all for hijacking the thread.
Platon, J!M already pointed out on the 000/888 tutorial thread about camera lenses and angles playing distortion games with two dimensional images and Mr. Holt and Flathead have discussed this on this thread. The picture where you point out the left sleeve is lined up with the bottom edge of jacket is NOT because the jacket is longer. It's unzipped and pulled forward (the corner of the front heads towards the back at a 45 degree angle). The back of the jacket in that picture is probably half way up his back. plus HF is leaning slightly forward.
OK, the jacket is pulled forward he leans forward, we got this figured out.
Now explain please this. On the same photo, on the other side, do you or do you not see enough space there to fit one more pocket?
Practically every thread I've read where you post has this deal about long jackets being used in ROLA. Could you please post pictures of you wearing your personal ROLA jacket that is made "long"? Are you serious about this "long" jacket deal or do you just love to play devils advocate 'cause I can't really tell.
I have a standard cut jacket and used to have an 80s cut. When laid flat they have the same length, but when worn the 80s cut is shorter. This gave birth to my long or sort dilemma.
It's really weird that MOST everyone doesn't see what you see, even the very long time members who have studied screen caps for years. I don't know if there is a thread dedicated to your "long" jacket theories but this topic always seems to hijack all the threads. It'd be cool if there was a dedicated thread where this could be debated to everyones heart's content 'till the end of time.
Just because no one else speaks, it doesn't mean that there aren't people who agree with me. I receive PMs supporting my theory.
EDIT: Found the thread. "Jacket length, I told you". Puppetboy addresses optical allusions at length. Also, "the magical, mystical jacket collar" discusses optical illusions created by two dimensional pictures in detail. _ has stated, "This has been explained to unreasonable degrees to you over and over and over and over and over and over and over... Why don't you get this?" I think Runquist mentioned something about "looking for glory". I can't believe the amount of time you spend hammering on jacket length despite many measurements of actual screen used ROLA jackets. Even going to lengths to discount "short" pictures of HF wearing the jacket by claiming those pictures are optical illusions or he's hunching his shoulders up or something, but then discounting those same types of arguments when it goes the other way.
I was never fond of the "optical illusions" theory because it is too subjective. Why do we always have optical illusions about his jacket and don't have any about his shirt, his pants or his nose? Why is it so hard for you to accept that maybe in the temple scene we wore a longer jacket and prefer to blame it all on the optical illusion. Is the whole temple scene an optical illusion then?
Additonally, you've mentioned you believe there are two main jackets used in ROLA, the temple and the Hawaii jackets, but then you say you also believe they used jackets with different lengths for action shots vs. other shots. These two theories seem like they oppose each other. I don't think you can have your cake and eat it too.
I still support the theory of the two main jackets. One must have been longer. I didn't say that they used different lengths for action shots vs other shorts. I made the assumption that maybe at some point HF wore a jacket that was meant for a stuntman.
Even Fedora (Steve) agrees that there could have been different jackets.
I think the problem is the jackets actually varied in length. And don't say it can't happen. There are two brown hats in the new film in so far as specs. The WRONG one was a sample that got aged and sent to Hawaii, and was used in the film BEFORE the difference was noticed. S$%# happens. Fedora
You already have your own thread, "jacket length, I told you" dedicated to this subject, so why do you insist on back handed compliments on everyone's jackets by saying, "it's too short, but nice jacket though". Is your agenda that you want everyone to order jackets with your specs?
People show their jackets and ask for opinions. I say mine, what's wrong with that. I don't want everyone to order my specs. Actually my specs are not "long". I think that the 25 inches of a 40R Wested is the right length.
Sorry if I bore you with my comments. I only posted because I think there are members who may still doubt about the length so I posted those photos to help them make up their mind. I already made up mine, you made up yours, no point arguing.
This was my final post regarding length and sorry again for hijacking.