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Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:29 pm
by PSBIndy
Mitch, which shirt and pants are those?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:45 am
by Mitch LaRue
They're just some of my regular, daily wear... nothing anybody on these boards likely would've shown as part of their "Gear" or anything.

Shirt: made by "Wind River" (from Mark's Work Wear House, I think... but maybe even from a Zellers)
Pants: made by "BC Clothing" (20 bucks at a CostCo)

When it comes to a shirt & pants combo I've never felt too hardcore about trying to get an "Indy Shirt" or "Indy Pants" for a couple of reasons:
1. I wasn't interested in spending the money it'd take for either of those items (especially since the jury is still out - at least in MY brain - as to who's making the best looking version of each.)
2. The "overall" look is already my personal style choice (and most of the rest of what's in my closet). It's made up of variations on the "close enough" theme: It's mostly earth tone (the khaki, sand, green, brown, grey family of colors) in "safari-style" shirts and "cargo style" pants... those are just my preference.
3. I'm a really "fashion-lazy" guy... I've found ONE kinda' style that works for/on me and I'm not too interested in branching out... no matter WHAT year it is. ;-)
(So yeah, my closet might look a bit boring to some - when 12 shirts are all line up in a row on hangers and there's maybe only 4 different colors among them - but I'm comfortable and that means I move like I'm comfortable... and in MY opinion anyway, when someone is comfortable in what they wear - be it Indy Gear or...I dunno..."cyberpunk vinyl siding" - if they're sincere (and comfortable) it shows in the way they carry themselves: they're real, they're authentic and they're just being themselves.

I must be in a rambling mood this morning...

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:24 pm
by Weston
That's a superb jacket Mitch! A custom job could not possibly fit better. Now, go get it dirty!


Re: My Turn at Bat with My WESTED

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:32 am
by Mitch LaRue
I'm bumping this thread up to the front lines for a little while just so that I don't have to re-post THIS thread's photos for comparison purposes.
Y'see, I've just added a few UPDATED shots of my Wested Jacket in a thread called "My WESTED... A little bit older and, I think, ALREADY a little BETTER".
Please take a look there and let me know what you think.