Can we please get a REAL Wested s.a. raiders jacket Peter??

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Post by Michaelson »

Looks like Lee had a hand in the pocket re-work on the Expedition too! Just read this on his site today:
As I checked it over, I realized that I finally had the jacket I'd been after for eighteen years! The Expedition was modeled from a documented Raiders jacket that _ had access to. He was allowed to measure everything about it (hey, he's an accountant) so you know It's right. A couple of things got lost for a while in the translation (pocket placement?) but the latest version is perfect.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by rebelgtp »

Toldog07 wrote:Exactly ROM Hunter. If screen accuracy is not an issue to someone, then this forum shouldn't interest them at all. To each his own. Peters current offer is good enough for you and thats great. But some of us are screen accurate obsessive, and by improving peters list, it will benefit everyone i think...including peter so that he doesnt get anymore of those insane orders.
actually there are plenty of people around here that like the gear but don't care about being 100% screen accurate. the reason for this forum being here is because people like the gear, however there are many that run with "evolved" indy gear that takes the gear then modifies it to their own taste. so yeah just because someone doesn't care about being 100% screen accurate does not mean they do not belong here, if it was there would be quite a few people missing from these boards :roll:
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Post by Toldog07 »

I didn't mean that they didnt belong in the forums, i was just saying that this thread was created for those of us that really care about screen accuracy. like i said before, to each his own..
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