Date You Ordered Your AB

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by airforceindy »

Have no fear, my friend... Steve's ways have mystified many of us from time to time, but he has always come though and proven trustworthy. Shoot him another email, put something like "July '07 Order Confirmation" in the subject box, and wait patiently. Your size may be one of the more common ones that simply has to wait it's turn. Some body who ordered after you that was endowed with an 8 1/4" head may well get his before you get your simply because his line is shorter. Don't worry, it's coming...

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Post by DR Ulloa »

Try sending him another e-mail from a different web address. Steve has a weird spam blocker that blocks some e-mail service providers.

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Post by bjack22 »

I have sent another message and I even sent him a message on the board and still no reply. Help...What should I do?
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Post by BendingOak »

bjack22 wrote:This is my first post. I ordered my AB on July 12, 2007. It is a Raiders bash size 24. I have received no update from Steve and no response to messages since 4/21/08. Based on the fact that others have already gotten theirs before me and they ordered after me, should I be concerned? I sent Steve a request for an update today...What do you guys think should I be worried or does it seem like I am on track?

I know that Steve computer crashed and lost a lot of e-mail. Another thing is just because some ordered before or after you and got hats already doesn't mean much for you to be worried. Not everyone is the same size so you don't go straight down the line on your list.

hang in there. You will get your hat and when you do it will be well worth it.

Just an FYI. I just placed an order myself and I'm putting the order out of my mind. I do know that some time next year I will have one #### of a gift on my door step from myself.
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Post by bjack22 »

I have given up hope that I will get an answer to my queries so I will take your advice and just sit and wait. Meanwhile, my 3 year old wants me to dress up as Indy for Halloween so I had to break down and pick up a Dorfman just to finish the outfit in time for halloween. I just will have to put my AB out of my mind and be surprised when it finally shows up.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Thats the way to do it, bjack22. Forget about it and when you finally recieve it, its better than getting an N64 for least thats how I do it.

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Post by viper80134 »

Ok Gentelman I'm in for the long hull now. I just placed my order with Marc for an AB-Deluxe on 10/27/08 he said its about 10 month waite, but from what i've seen its well worth it. As far as my size I'm not sure the actuall but my head messures 22" 7/8" if that helps. Now if only I had a time macheine to zapp forward to when my hat ships. :) :)
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Post by jnicktem »

I ordered an AB Deluxe from Marc maybe a month ago (I don't know the exact date since I made 3 seperate payments). Maybe someone here will know the answer to a question I have: I have a HUGE head (61.5), should I let him know ahead of time in case my block opens up? Or does he just go down the list no matter what size?
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Post by TomTom »

Finally, I received my AB today from Steve. :lol:

The wait was well worth because it's such a great hat... :notworthy: I'm speechless. With setting up the CS bash you did an outstanding job. It's a real competitor to the raiders style fedora.

Thank you Steve!
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Post by Maelstrom »

Just got my AB today as well. Steve is a master of his craft. The hat was so beautiful right out of the box. Truly amazing work!
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Post by IndianaLV »

Congrats Maelstrom! When did you place your order?

best regards,
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Post by Kokopelli »

I had the mods change my username from citRon...if you want to update your first page of orders.
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March 08 order

Post by Ozraptor »

I ordered my CS brown fedora on the 16th of March. At the time Steve promised that I'd get it before the end of the year; is that still likely to happen?
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Post by Indiana Williams »

Brown CS Bash 7 3/8 ordered 7/25/08
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Post by DR Ulloa »

I just got off the phone with Steve. We were talking about me ordering a grey hat in the near future and he told me that my March order, best he could tell without having his records in front of him, would be due probably in January. I guess anyone that is waiting for a hat from Steve can use this as a referrence for when they may get their hats. Steve was great to talk to and asked to call back if I had any more questions. He also said he was finishing a sweat for a hat that will go out today...hopefully that hat will go to some lucky guy here at COW.

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Post by serrecuir »

DR Ulloa wrote:I just got off the phone with Steve. We were talking about me ordering a grey hat in the near future and he told me that my March order, best he could tell without having his records in front of him, would be due probably in January. I guess anyone that is waiting for a hat from Steve can use this as a referrence for when they may get their hats. Dave
Ahhh, thanks for that update, Dave. As I also ordered my first AB in March, hopefully I'll be getting the best post-holiday present from Steve sometime in the early new year. :)

Kind regards,

Post by whipwarrior »

I assume you're talking about March 2008? If so, then that gives me hope that I may actually see my hat this year. [-o<
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Yes, March 2008. I guess orders really did slow after the June rush, like some were theorizing here.

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Post by Louisiana Jones »

Just got word from Steve that my hat is being made this week... he said he had lost my order (July 07) and recently found it. Of course I'll post pics when it arrives.

Hmmm... then there's nothing left to wait for... I guess I'll have to order another Randall Knife.

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Post by DR Ulloa »

...or another AB. Maybe an AB Deluxe? ;-)

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Post by eazybox »

I've only had my AB since May, and I can already see what people mean when they say it will only get better and better with age; all of you who are waiting are in for a real treat. The wait just makes the treat even more delicious

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Post by DR Ulloa »

Thats why I'm planning on getting a grey AB. I don't think I be without waiting for an AB. :lol:

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Post by Louisiana Jones »

And so the day has finally arrived. I returned home from a day of brushing up on my high performance stunt driving to a white box sitting on my dining room table.  My first impression was that the box was smaller than I had imagined it would be.. funny.  I let it sit on the table for a couple of hours... I have been waiting for a year and 4 months so what was the rush to open it at this point.

First thing you notice when opening the box is the smell.. cigarette smoke (as has been previously discussed).  I've been wearing it for a couple of hours now and the smell of smoke is driving me nuts.  Anyone have a quick remedy? I guess it'll disappear with time.

Now I'm no fedora connoisseur, but I can tell this thing is quality.  I've worn wool and fur outback styled hats for years, and this thing blows them away in terms of feel and quality.  The hat is a lot stiffer than I thought it would be.. I can see why Indy's hat in KotCS looked too new and untouched throughout the film.. this is some tough felt.  I had sent Steve an email with some pictures of Indy hats that I liked, and he nailed the exact Raiders-style look I wanted.  The quality and construction of this hat is second to none.

Overall, I love the hat.  I think I expected more, however, but why I don't know.  Maybe because all you read about on this site is how absolutely amazing these hats are, which I guess isn't far off.. the hat is definitely awesome.  I guess I just thought I'd open the box and a bright, golden light would flood out and heavenly music would play in the background. Now all I have to get used to is the stovepipe style.. I am sooo not used to a hat sitting on my head like this. It looks huge.

On to some pics... these were taken with my phone, so they aren't superb, but at least unlike most pictures on this site they are mostly in focus  :lol:





Post by whipwarrior »

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Post by DR Ulloa »

That hat is beautiful, Louisiana! Great work by Steve, as always.

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Post by gwyddion »

The cigarette smoke you smell isn't cigarette smoke at all: it is the smell of something I heard of as "lighting up the hat". That's when a hatter sprays some alcohol on the hat and sets it on fire to remove exess hairs from the felt.

Well, at least that's how I understood it... If someone (BendingOak?) knows more about this and cares to correct me, please do.

Fine looking lid you got there Louisiana Jones, wear it with pride.

Regards, Geert
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Post by Louisiana Jones »

Thanks guys.. yeah the hat is a beauty. As for the smoke smell, it's finally pretty much gone. I've heard it was the burning of the felt that caused the smell.. but I don't get why it would smell exactly like cigarettes. The box reaked of it.. I had to put it out in the garage it smelled so bad.

Anyway.. the hat is superb and I'm sure I'll get plenty of years of use out of it.


Post by whipwarrior »

In that top side-view shot of the hat, the felt appears extremely soft and velvety, almost like suede. Is it heavy?
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Post by Louisiana Jones »

whipwarrior wrote:In that top side-view shot of the hat, the felt appears extremely soft and velvety, almost like suede. Is it heavy?
Actually I was pretty surprised at how stiff the hat was. The brim has softened up a bit because I've been shaping it a little, but the hat still almost feels like it's made out of cardboard! Only with more "head time" has it slowly started to soften.. so I think it's only a matter of time before it really softens up all over.

To answer your question whipwarrior, it's not that heavy. For some reason the picture does make the felt look soft and velvety, but it's definitely exaggerated in the pic.

Great hat though.. .although my wife is sick of seeing it on my head!

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Post by DR Ulloa »

She'll get used to it. The trick is to have a variety of fedoras to choose from so that she doesn't get too sick of any one. Works for me. ;-)


Post by whipwarrior »

When you describe it as 'stiff', it makes me think of a Stetson cowboy hat that my dad used to have back in the 90's when we lived in Texas. It felt like a piece of cardboard. Luckily it was my exact size, and I used the fit as a reference when I ordered my Herbert Johnson from Swales. It came in perfect, fit like a glove! :)
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Post by nicktheguy »

Today marks my 1st anniversary of the wait for my KOTCS AB. I am not really sure where the hats are in que but I hope mine won't be too far away (fingers crossed).
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Post by Louisiana Jones »

whipwarrior wrote:When you describe it as 'stiff', it makes me think of a Stetson cowboy hat that my dad used to have back in the 90's when we lived in Texas. It felt like a piece of cardboard. Luckily it was my exact size, and I used the fit as a reference when I ordered my Herbert Johnson from Swales. It came in perfect, fit like a glove! :)
You know, when I first put the hat on it almost reminded me of a very stiff cowboy hat. I guess I'm just used to wearing softer wool outback style hats, and when I put on my AB there was no give at all. Meaning if the hat was an 1/8th inch too small, there was no way the hat would stretch if I pulled it down further onto my head. I guess you really have to be pretty exact in measuring your head.

But like I mentioned it's starting to soften up and feel "right" on my head.

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Post by airforceindy »

Got a email from Steve today; says mine SHOULD be getting started this month, and I ordered 15 Sept 07. Hope that gives some of you other guys who are waiting a bit better idea...


Post by whipwarrior »

Yes it does. Hopefully September and October 2007 were slow months for Steve. Now bring on the December orders! \:D/
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Post by jedidentist »

Hmm...I don't really want to send him an e-mail, but if mine was an August 5,2007 order...maybe I would have heard about mine getting started on soon? Does he always e-mail people when he gets to starting them?
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Post by DR Ulloa »

I don't think so. If you start seeing October orders come in then I'd give him a call.

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Post by Michaelson »

It also depends on the size hat that is involved. The more standard hat sizes are the ones that are taking so long. The ones that are larger, or much smaller sized are on a shorter turn around.

At least that's how he's explained it in the past.

Regards! Michaelson

Post by whipwarrior »

The ones that are larger, or much smaller sized are on a shorter turn around.
And if someone told you that wolverines make good housepets, would you believe them? ;-)

Couldn't resist using a classic Planes, Trains, & Automobiles quote. :lol:
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Post by Michaelson »

:-s Huh?
No to your question, and yes to what Steve stated was the AB possible turnaround timing reasons.

Regards! Michaelson

Post by whipwarrior »

Just joking around. :lol: My hat size is one of the smaller ones: 6 7/8
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Post by Michaelson »

Then based on what Steve has said, yours will probably show up before one ordered at the same time in, say, size 7 3/8.

Regards! Michaelson

Post by whipwarrior »

Yay!!! :) :) :)
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Awww!!! :( :( :(

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Post by DR Ulloa »

7 1/2. God bless my slightly oversized head!

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Post by Louisiana Jones »

jedidentist wrote:Hmm...I don't really want to send him an e-mail, but if mine was an August 5,2007 order...maybe I would have heard about mine getting started on soon? Does he always e-mail people when he gets to starting them?

My order was placed in July '07 and I just got it.. Steve said, and I quote, "I misplaced a stack of orders and yours happened to be in that stack." How big of a "stack of orders" was misplaced? I don't know. But I guess some of us gotta wait a little longer for our ABs. Maybe that's what happened with yours Jedi?

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Post by jedidentist »

Louisiana Jones wrote:
My order was placed in July '07 and I just got it.. Steve said, and I quote, "I misplaced a stack of orders and yours happened to be in that stack." How big of a "stack of orders" was misplaced? I don't know. But I guess some of us gotta wait a little longer for our ABs. Maybe that's what happened with yours Jedi?

That's a little of what I was thinking, but since I'm a 7 1/4, I'm just going to chill a bit. If I haven't heard/received anything by Christmas, then maybe I'll start an inquiry. I haven't bugged him since my order because I know better. It was just the mention of "misplaced orders" that got me thinking.

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Post by Kokopelli »

Louisiana Jones wrote: Image



What 'style' did you ask for- that looks great!
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Post by JeffB »

whipwarrior wrote:Yay!!! :) :) :)
Looks like a Christmas delivery may be possible for you after all. Mine's a 7 1/8 so I may not be so lucky.
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Post by thatguyno1 »

I just got this email from Steve about 20 minutes ago.

"Hi Paul. I am only July, August and Sept order now. I have yours down to be made, and passed over it here a week or so ago as the blocks were tied up from a previous order. It will get made (both) this month. Thanks! Steve"

My hats were ordered July 29, 2007 so that will give you an idea of about where he is on filling his orders. Thanks for the info Steve and also thanks for all your hard work for all of us fans.

Paul ô¿ô