RCSignals wrote:Sure we do, it's related to the truck drag scene, as is the photo you posted of TL on horseback. The photos were posted before as well, and are in the write up identified as the Wilson's jacket.
Of course it’s related to the truck drag, RC, but as far as I can tell, we don’t know specifically that this is the actual truck drag cowhide jacket. These photos came from the
“Making Of” video (they may be in the
Greatest Movie Stunts as well), but for all we know, based on the brief shot in the video (no real context), Terry
could be wearing his lamb Concessionaires jacket truck (thick with dust for continuity) and had just completed some shot on top of the truck that was eventually discarded or otherwise not included in the final edit. In the TL photos posted above we don’t see him climb out from under the truck, it’s only a single shot of him walking down the road. We don’t really know what he was doing just prior (or about to do.)
RCSignals wrote:Do you see any 'real' action pleat?
It looks like an action pleat to me in the first thumbnail above of TL, but that’s certainly not definitive and I wouldn’t discount that we all see what we want to see.

As Churchill once remarked,
“We occasionally stumble over the truth but most of us pick ourselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.”
As for the horseback photo, I don’t see why TL would be wearing a heavy (read hot) cowhide Wilsons while galloping through the Tunisian desert, especially with no pressing need for abrasion resistance. We know he had a Leather Concessionaires jacket, per _’s jacket examination, and that the sleeve seams lined up with the yoke (which suggests it had a lower yoke;
Hey _ can you confirm?). Since he had a thinner, cooler lamb jacket, I would think he would have used it in those scenes where he wasn’t being dragged behind a truck – especially when continuity was needed for the interspersed close-ups with Ford on horseback.
- Mac