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Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:08 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Michaelson wrote:...If you get a lousy jacket, THEN shoot the cook. ;)
"Waiter, this steak is as chewy as leather!"
"That's because it's a jacket, sir."

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:12 pm
by Michaelson
Nebraska Schulte wrote:
Michaelson wrote:...If you get a lousy jacket, THEN shoot the cook. ;)
"Waiter, this steak is as chewy as leather!"
"That's because it's a jacket, sir."
"Is that a fact? I'd like a word with your cook, if I may...."


Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:15 pm
by Hollowpond
Michaelson wrote:Mixed feelings on the 'ick' thing. :-k

When I go to a restaurant, I don't back and shoot the cook because I received lousy service from the waiter, especially if the food was excellent.

Just saying, try to keep things separate. If you get a lousy jacket, THEN shoot the cook. ;)

Regards !Michaelson
As always, you bring a little perspective here. :TOH:
And it should be stated that the whole 'ick' thing is entirely subjective. I no more want to ruin someones gear experiences than I want it to be ruined for me. Having said that, separating the process of getting it from the joy of having it is a difficult process for ME. I want to have great gear that I had a great time attaining.
Awesome gear+Awesome people+Good time=reduced ick gear.
That equation works for me and probably not everyone else, and like I said, if you love it then that is all that matters. :TOH:


Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:21 pm
by jnicktem
The real issue with the ick factor in all of this is that I was sent a jacket when Sarge and US Wings knew those jackets had a problem and they sent it to me anyways... I guess hoping that I wouldn't notice. Then when I told them I wanted to exchange this jacket for a corrected one, which I was told they were going to do, then I was criticized by Sarge how I was too nit picky and that in the 25 years of US Wings selling Indy jackets they have never had a complaint about their long sizes before.

I don't care about SA details. The fact of the matter is that the pocket placement on those jackets were just plain ugly. It wasn't what I had ordered and then I get criticized from the owner of the business for being too nit picky.

Then I was told directly that replacement jackets would be sent out early this week. Then I was later told that it was going to be another 6-8 weeks!!! What the....?!?

If we are to compare this experience with bad service at a restaurant, then I can shoot the cook since I had bad experience with him directly.

This jacket reeks of "ick"

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:25 pm
by Michaelson
USW is the waiter. Wings does not make a single thing.

The cook is either Schott, or the overseas jacket maker, and your problem isn't with them, it's with USW.... so aren't dealing with the cook.

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:27 pm
by jnicktem
But the waiter served me something when he knew there was a problem with it. And then criticized me when I told him of the problem.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:28 pm
by Michaelson
Once again, the waiter is your problem. No argument here....

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:31 pm
by jnicktem
I guess we see things a little differently. I know US Wings didn't manufacture the jacket. But they put their label on it. I ordered something off of their menu and they didn't deliver. Instead they delivered something that was already known to them to have a major problem.

That is my problem with this whole experience and it is why I feel that this deserves the label of "ick".

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:36 pm
by Michaelson
That's fine. Nothing wrong with your reasoning, and I totally understand it. :M: :tup:

Like I said, I just look at things differently. I'm not meaning to throw the 'age' card :lol: , but if I went down that path with all the vendors I've dealt with over the past 30 years, there are only a handful, and I MEAN a handfu, that DON'T have some kind of skeleton in their closet.

Unless the item reflects the actions of the seller, I keep them separate and apart as much as possible, as if I did follow that 'ick' credo, I'd own very little in the way of gear today...and I DO mean little. :lol:

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:41 pm
by jnicktem
I know I have had my fair share of problems when it comes to the quality of an item, but this is the first time I have received an item so blatantly incorrect and then be treated from the owner of the company the way I was... and then be told that I would be receiving a jacket soon and then less than a week later be told that it will be another 6-8 weeks.

I just couldn't take it anymore.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:47 pm
by Michaelson
You have every right to be ticked. I'm surprised you stayed with this as long as you have! I'd have tossed the key in the bucket and ridden out LONG ago myself.

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:51 pm
by jnicktem
That would have probably been the wise decision. My money can easily spent elsewhere and I can receive much more satisfaction.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:04 pm
by PsychicsAndSwords
Michaelson wrote:That's fine. Nothing wrong with your reasoning, and I totally understand it. :M: :tup:

Like I said, I just look at things differently. I'm not meaning to throw the 'age' card :lol: , but if I went down that path with all the vendors I've dealt with over the past 30 years, there are only a handful, and I MEAN a handfu, that DON'T have some kind of skeleton in their closet.

Unless the item reflects the actions of the seller, I keep them separate and apart as much as possible, as if I did follow that 'ick' credo, I'd own very little in the way of gear today...and I DO mean little. :lol:

Regards! Michaelson
Eh, personally I think it's more a matter of a line being crossed. I see what you're saying and I went through the same thing myself recently - had some issues with Wested last year when I bought a jacket, and was very annoyed at the time, mostly due to poor communication. But things eventually went right and I ended up ordering from them again, despite my past issues, when I needed a size smaller.

Sgt crossed a pretty big line, on the other hand. On page one of this thread he is saying the jacket looks very wrong. On page two he is suddenly saying everyone who has an issue with it hates the military, or something. (I know that's not exactly what he said but it's pretty close in attitude) That's kind of a grievous insult that came out of nowhere and frankly I just don't want these people to have my money. Sure it's a nice jacket, judging by what I had for a short time it'd be pretty great with if the pockets weren't all up in the armpits - but there are lots of nice jackets out there. And if you just keep giving money to people who treat you like dirt, it will only empower them to continue treating customers like dirt.

Just my two cents, anyway.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:10 pm
by Michaelson
Well said.

Regard! Michaelson

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:15 pm
by Holt
yes, I agree. well said!

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:27 pm
by Mark Brody
Well said indeed.
jnicktem wrote:The real issue with the ick factor in all of this is that I was sent a jacket when Sarge and US Wings knew those jackets had a problem and they sent it to me anyways... I guess hoping that I wouldn't notice. Then when I told them I wanted to exchange this jacket for a corrected one, which I was told they were going to do, then I was criticized by Sarge how I was too nit picky and that in the 25 years of US Wings selling Indy jackets they have never had a complaint about their long sizes before.

I don't care about SA details. The fact of the matter is that the pocket placement on those jackets were just plain ugly. It wasn't what I had ordered and then I get criticized from the owner of the business for being too nit picky.

Then I was told directly that replacement jackets would be sent out early this week. Then I was later told that it was going to be another 6-8 weeks!!! What the....?!?

If we are to compare this experience with bad service at a restaurant, then I can shoot the cook since I had bad experience with him directly.

This jacket reeks of "ick"
Also well said. You hit the nail right on the head.

I remember when I first ordered the calfskin jacket with it's estimated arrival date of late October. Now I'm wondering if they're sending me one of the new jackets from this shipment, or if they're still busy processing my SECOND returned defect, leaving me waiting a couple months for the next shipment. I'm trying to reserve my final judgment until I either get the jacket, or give up on it altogether, but after FIVE MONTHS :x my patience is wearing thin.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:02 pm
by RaidersBash
jnicktem wrote:
If we are to compare this experience with bad service at a restaurant, then I can shoot the cook since I had bad experience with him directly.

This jacket reeks of "ick"

Or the OWNER of the restaurant who keeps coming over to your table himself blowing sunshine to you about how he's going to make it alright... :-k

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:33 pm
by Dalexs
RaidersBash wrote:
Or the OWNER of the restaurant who keeps coming over to your table himself blowing sunshine to you about how he's going to make it alright... :-k
Or the headwaiter on the cruise ship who shows up after 5 days and pours my glass of wine, knowing that I will be be stuffing the tip envelopes later that night...

(Sorry, is that too far off topic?)

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:37 pm
by bobcatmvp1
PsychicsAndSwords wrote:
Michaelson wrote:That's fine. Nothing wrong with your reasoning, and I totally understand it. :M: :tup:

Like I said, I just look at things differently. I'm not meaning to throw the 'age' card :lol: , but if I went down that path with all the vendors I've dealt with over the past 30 years, there are only a handful, and I MEAN a handfu, that DON'T have some kind of skeleton in their closet.

Unless the item reflects the actions of the seller, I keep them separate and apart as much as possible, as if I did follow that 'ick' credo, I'd own very little in the way of gear today...and I DO mean little. :lol:

Regards! Michaelson
Eh, personally I think it's more a matter of a line being crossed. I see what you're saying and I went through the same thing myself recently - had some issues with Wested last year when I bought a jacket, and was very annoyed at the time, mostly due to poor communication. But things eventually went right and I ended up ordering from them again, despite my past issues, when I needed a size smaller.

Sgt crossed a pretty big line, on the other hand. On page one of this thread he is saying the jacket looks very wrong. On page two he is suddenly saying everyone who has an issue with it hates the military, or something. (I know that's not exactly what he said but it's pretty close in attitude) That's kind of a grievous insult that came out of nowhere and frankly I just don't want these people to have my money. Sure it's a nice jacket, judging by what I had for a short time it'd be pretty great with if the pockets weren't all up in the armpits - but there are lots of nice jackets out there. And if you just keep giving money to people who treat you like dirt, it will only empower them to continue treating customers like dirt.

Just my two cents, anyway.
I couldn't agree more. I won't be ordering from US Wings anymore unfortunately. My e-mails were hardly ever returned, and when they were it was DAYS later. I still have the e-mails from Myke and customer service saying my US made Legend would "ship out tomorrow" and 3 months after my order was placed I still had nothing and poor communication to go along with it. I went ahead and canceled my order and went with Magnoli which I'm sure I will be proud of (not to mention the communication is quick and direct). Just my bad experience with US Wings and my 2 cents.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:00 pm
by Kevin Anderson
RaidersBash wrote:
jnicktem wrote:
If we are to compare this experience with bad service at a restaurant, then I can shoot the cook since I had bad experience with him directly.

This jacket reeks of "ick"

Or the OWNER of the restaurant who keeps coming over to your table himself blowing sunshine to you about how he's going to make it alright... :-k
Or the owner of the Restaurant who tells you you should feel lucky to be eating there as he has much more important (Military!) customers to attend to! :rolling:

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:58 pm
by WhipDude
No jacket today! My guess is that they shipped it Tuesday so probably tomorrow. It only took 2 days last time and their website says 2 days for people on the east side of the Mississippi.

I can't help but feel that *if* it arrives, it still won't be the end of it. :anxious:

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:06 pm
by Hollowpond
Here's hoping! :TOH:

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:02 pm
by WhipDude
Well, usually they are here by now. I'm assuming that it won't be here today *if* it was sent like claimed. UPS guy just drove by our house to do another delivery and took off. No report here! :|

Maybe tomorrow since they deliver on Fridays. Who knows anymore.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:41 pm
by jnicktem
Hopefully US Wings sent your jacket out like they told you they would. I hope you get it tomorrow!

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:44 pm
by singsingjohnny
Hope you all get your jackets soon, I feel bad for those left hanging. It's tough to pay good money for something then have it sit in limbo...ESPECIALLY for an Indy jacket. Fingers crossed until you all receive them safely (and with everything in the right place...)

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:01 pm
by Scott63
So does USW not email a shipping notice on exchanged items? I’ve always received a shipping notice (w/UPS tracking link) from them on everything I’ve ordered - fortunately I haven’t had to exchange anything however.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:04 pm
by WhipDude
I'm not sure. Their website says that UPS does it automatically. Originally the jacket was shipped and I never got any information. Nothing came up in the spam box either. I didn't get any information from UPS this time either.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:13 pm
by Scott63
How strange. Well, I really hope you guys get your replacement jackets soon.


Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:49 pm
by JC1972
WhipDude wrote:I'm not sure. Their website says that UPS does it automatically. Originally the jacket was shipped and I never got any information. Nothing came up in the spam box either. I didn't get any information from UPS this time either.
Are you sure it was mailed out?

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:17 pm
by WhipDude
JC, if you read my above posts you'll see that I said *if* they shipped it as told.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:33 pm
by JC1972
WhipDude wrote:JC, if you read my above posts you'll see that I said *if* they shipped it as told.
Yeah I see that, sorry. Just that I know how their word is about things being mailed.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:33 pm
by Mark Brody
It seems most of us are waiting on large long jackets. I don't think anyone has mentioned waiting for other long sizes. I just spoke with someone at US Wings. I get the impression that all long sizes (not just large) have the high pocket problem and that the first shipment of replacements did not include larges, just other long sizes. She said to expect to wait 6-8 weeks for large long, just like was posted earlier.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:37 pm
by Pitfall Harry
Scott63 wrote:So does USW not email a shipping notice on exchanged items? I’ve always received a shipping notice (w/UPS tracking link) from them on everything I’ve ordered - fortunately I haven’t had to exchange anything however.

I'm can't speak for anyone else or do I know exactly what's going on but I DID get a shipping notice for my exchange. Ironically it arrived in my e-mail shortly after I contacted the company asking them IF they do send out shipping confirmations for exchanges. I didn't ever get a response from the company but since I knew it was now on it's way it didn't much matter anymore.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:22 pm
by Mark Brody
If you read back a page or two, i got a shipping notice for the jacket I returned for exchange. When it arrived, it was the same kind of high pocket jacket, but it WAS a shipping notice for an exchange.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:18 pm
by WhipDude

I just got an update that my jacket was NOT shipped. :x

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:24 pm
by jnicktem
Did they tell you when it would be shipped?

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:26 pm
by WhipDude
No. I was just told that I would be emailed an update with the status. Who knows when that will be?

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:29 pm
by jnicktem
Oh wow. The saga of these jackets just gets better and better.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:36 pm
by WhipDude
What would make it even better and yet highly comical was if the jacket still showed up at my house today. That would really put a new twist in. :lol:

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:47 pm
by jnicktem
It would be fantastic if you did receive it! But I wouldn't hold my breath.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:01 pm
by WhipDude
Oh believe me, I'm not holding any breath. I may have done so initially but not anymore. In 6 to 8 weeks, it'll be to warm to wear any jacket.

I was just thinking about the situation. You'd think that only a handful would be necessary to take care of the issue. By the way it sounded, it was only Indy fanatics who noticed it because they were going to sell it in store as if others wouldn't mind. But I guess it's a bigger issue then we thought? More people then just COW members noticing? Just a thought.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:47 pm
by JC1972
Mark Brody wrote:It seems most of us are waiting on large long jackets. I don't think anyone has mentioned waiting for other long sizes. I just spoke with someone at US Wings. I get the impression that all long sizes (not just large) have the high pocket problem and that the first shipment of replacements did not include larges, just other long sizes. She said to expect to wait 6-8 weeks for large long, just like was posted earlier.
I'm waiting for a XL long, sorry to hear your jacket wasn't shipped.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:56 pm
by Indyzane
JC1972 wrote:
Mark Brody wrote:It seems most of us are waiting on large long jackets. I don't think anyone has mentioned waiting for other long sizes. I just spoke with someone at US Wings. I get the impression that all long sizes (not just large) have the high pocket problem and that the first shipment of replacements did not include larges, just other long sizes. She said to expect to wait 6-8 weeks for large long, just like was posted earlier.
I'm waiting for a XL long, sorry to hear your jacket wasn't shipped.
Hey JC1972,

Did you order a US made or Import?

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:07 am
by JC1972
Indyzane wrote:
JC1972 wrote:
Mark Brody wrote:It seems most of us are waiting on large long jackets. I don't think anyone has mentioned waiting for other long sizes. I just spoke with someone at US Wings. I get the impression that all long sizes (not just large) have the high pocket problem and that the first shipment of replacements did not include larges, just other long sizes. She said to expect to wait 6-8 weeks for large long, just like was posted earlier.
I'm waiting for a XL long, sorry to hear your jacket wasn't shipped.
Hey JC1972,

Did you order a US made or Import?
Import. I'll probably just stay with the Todd's I just got.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:19 am
by RaidersBash
WhipDude wrote:Oh believe me, I'm not holding any breath. I may have done so initially but not anymore. In 6 to 8 weeks, it'll be to warm to wear any jacket.
yeah...if my aging memory serves me correctly...when this whole thing was first being talked about LAST SUMMER...weren't they supposed to be ready by Halloween...October....? :-k

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:28 am
by Michaelson
Actually, they were supposed to be done by Christmas. You're thinking about the 'Hero' version for the Halloween date.

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:24 am
by Hollowpond
The Heros were ready last summer. At one time or another I remember Sarge posting that they did want them (the legend) done by Halloween, but nothing committal was ever stated.
This was back when Sarge was saying that Neil Cooper was back (whatever happened to that?) And announcing that they together would be offering one jacket for each movie...


Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:05 pm
by RaidersBash
Michaelson wrote:Actually, they were supposed to be done by Christmas. You're thinking about the 'Hero' version for the Halloween date.

Regards! Michaelson
hollowpond wrote: The Heros were ready last summer. At one time or another I remember Sarge posting that they did want them (the legend) done by Halloween, but nothing committal was ever stated.
This was back when Sarge was saying that Neil Cooper was back (whatever happened to that?) And announcing that they together would be offering one jacket for each movie...

I'm not trying to argue either, and Lord knows it's been hard to keep track, but it actually was the Legend/Cooper that was due in the fall...

This was taken from the now Locked "Neil Cooper Raiders Jacket" thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=47691" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

...of which I was THE FIRST to sign up for on the list...but of course I NEVER got the promised jacket at the promised price...but that's another story/issue ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

But for SURE it's a fun thread to read just for the history #-o

By the way, does ANYONE know what happened to all those guys who wanted an IMPORTED SL??? I haven't seen many show up on the boards...? :-k
holt wrote:Sarge and I were talking and he suggested we make a new thread.

Neil Cooper and US Wings Inc. are now Partners.

The first jacket will be the Raiders 100 % Neil Cooper spec and the release date will be this Fall to COW Members first..

Neil Cooper will be at His new Office 561 E. Hines Hill Road Hudson Ohio starting the 26th of July this month..

Let the games begin!!

From You in response to a members question about release date...
michaelson wrote:Based on what we've experienced with the 'hero' and New Zealand lambskin jackets, considering the forms will not be sent out until Sept. 1st, I would guess mid to late September myself.

Regards! Michaelson
and this from the Sarge himself...
sgt. wrote: I think you just said it all...Well said.. One thing for sure there will be a lot of Happy Fans World Wide in the next 90 days. BTW Release date for COW is two weeks before Halloween.

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:59 pm
by Tennessee Smith
Well, Michalson did say it was a "guess". No one could have imagined all the differences in what we had been told vs. what happened or didn't happen. :roll: :lol:

At this point who can remember anything? I'm still waiting to see the calfskin :-k

Re: Disappointed by US Wings Legend

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:44 pm
by Michaelson
RaidersBash, I'm flattered you bothered to go through all that stuff to find quotes by me.

What you missed was that this information was emailed to several of us, then 'we' posted it here when Sgt. couldn't himself verbatim, and it was just a matter of who got around to it first.

The Legend PROTOTYPE was planned to be revealed in Fall, but no deliveries were planned until Christmas...and even THAT was a guess as they had not received any confirmation from Roz Schott as to what THEIR production schedule would be. Factor in the import problems, and everything pretty much went out the window.

By the way, the quote you posted by me was about the Hero jackets. NOT the Legend. I even said so in the quote. The Legend was never planned to be released in the New Zealand lambskin. The Hero was, though.

The original plan was what I stated, or at least what we were told. The plans continued to shift forward, and from what I'm seeing, that seems to continue to be the case.

I completely disengaged myself from this project before Christmas as that was the original plan for delivery and completion of the project work. It should have been nothing but production and delivery from that point on, or at least that's what we were told.

I don't know where this stands anymore. I received, reviewed, and passed along each and every version of Legend and Hero jacket I ever received to other members, and haven't paid any more attention to the project since.

I hope everyone is eventually taken care of.

Regards! Michaelson