Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by jlhampton »

i'll do my best

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

I've also been really thinking about getting a pair - dark Khaki in the wool blend. Is it a blend of wool/cotton? I would prefer 100% wool in dark khaki but I will take what I can get. The price is reasonable and everyone has nothing but great things to say about them.
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Indy Magnoli »

Unfortunately, our suppliers to do not keep a consistent supply of fabric year after year, so once again, we'll be changing our "standard" offering for these pants. This is the third time we've had to do this since we started offering these pants in 2005. The fabric we were previously using was a 10oz Merino wool blend, but we have sold out of the dark khaki and that color has now been discontinued. The new fabric is a 9oz wool blend (65% wool, 35% synthetic) and has a small twill weave. Here is a color comparison between our pure wool Cavalry twill (in the back), the old Merino wool and the new wool blend (on top):


When ordering through the site, simply select the wool blend in dark khaki and the new fabric will be used automatically. We have other fabrics to choose from, so you can always e-mail for other options.

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Yeah I might have to wait as well - simply being because upgrading from my current pants, the LL Bean ones which are synthetic, I wanted a pair of trousers that were not only accurate in design but accurate in fabric to the period of the films - so a pure wool would do the trick for me.
I'm still undecided on your brown wool pants since they look so gray to my eyes, but then again I've always had a hard time choosing items like this since I never know what they really look like in person.
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by jlhampton »

from all of the updates and pics posted, it appears to me, that(if you're going for the raiders look) the 100% cavalry twill wool in vintage brown is the way to go. it is the closest thing i've seen out there to s.a. next to the noel howard's original offering.

in the post above from magnoli, isn't it the one in the middle that is no longer available?

i am hoping that by feb. or march i will be able to add some pics of the cavalry twill wool. i've been waiting to get a hold of these for a long time.

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Since I'm about to drop some funds on a serious whip purchase, I have some time to let this decision simmer. I know I want Magnoli Adventure pants - I'm just undecided on what kind to get. I like the dark khaki but want them 100% wool. Maybe I can eventually have my snake suprise and eat it too? :D
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Indy Magnoli »

So to clarify...

One the left: 100% pure Cavalry Twill wool in "vintage brown"
In the middle (and bottom right): NEW 9oz wool blend (technically called "camel")
Upper left: DISCONTINUED 10oz wool blend in "dark khaki"

So, if you order "dark khaki" or "camel" in wool blend on the site, you'll be getting the fabric labeled 2002. We also have a really nice 10oz pure wool in "camel" that is a similar color if you don't want the cavalry twill.

Though if screen accuracy is what you're after, there is no doubt the Cavalry Twill is the way to go. Not only do the look the part, they are comfortable... currently my favorite pair of pants (I'm wearing them as I type this, and it is a very warm Spring day here in NZ).

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Is that swatch of vintage brown accurate to how it looks in person - as far as color goes? On your website, the main photo looks gray and the others look khaki. I would buy those if that is the color brown they are - but I would also want a dark khaki wool as well. I HATE making decisions!!!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Indy Magnoli »

I'm sitting indoors right now looking at these pants and they do look a bit more grey than the swatch shown above. But, that's what great about these pants, they change from grey, to brown, to khaki, sometimes greyish, sometimes with that pinkish hue. As far as I can tell, the color is identical to the swatch I have from Noel Howard.

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Clutters »

I agree. I got mine in Vintage Brown Cavalry Twill this afternoon (thanks again Magnoli!) and they are without doubt the best Raiders offering on the market. I'm freezing the Raiders DVD right now and comparing the pants across a number of scenes and to my eyes, this is the most screen accurate colour. I know I'm on a "gear-honeymoon" right now, but I can't recommend these pants highly enough. The fabric is nice and heavy, draping correctly but without being too hot to wear (it was 30 degrees celsius [86F] and thunderstorms today). It feels substantial and as if it could take a bit of a beating, not that I will be wearing these on a hike or anything like that. But the best part was, my wife saw them on me and without knowing they were gear, she said they looked great and would be perfect to wear out to semi-formal type events. Nothing beats wife-approved gear.
Hopefully this fabric stays in stock for a long time, as I think I will be ordering another pair for winter so I can alternate!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

I guess I'm a little too particular about color. Not that there is anything wrong with owning several different Indy pants in various shades - but for now, I can only splurge on ONE pair.
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by jlhampton »

general frosty,
if one is going to splurge, splurge on the cavalry wool, vintage brown. it doesn't look like you can go wrong based on every owner's input here. these are the ones i will splurge on very soon and without a doubt, it will be the best purchase for s.a. pants.(raiders, that is)

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

My main concern is color - to my own eyes, which I why I may want two pairs, one being the Raiders and another representing maybe the Last Crusade color.
I just bought a new whip from Joe Strain so I have to wait another month to buy Magnoli's trousers, but they ARE on my "to get" list.
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Magnoli, any chance on getting a pair of Last Crusade trousers?
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Indy Magnoli »

Sure, a few people have ordered different colors, often to match the LC look. Your best bet would be to order a set of swatches: ... p-384.html" onclick=";return false;

That way you can see the colors and weight in person as opposed to just on a screen.

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Thanks - I will be ordering the swatch samples.
I am leaning towards the wool blend dark Khakis. The show I'm in now has my character wearing a pair of 100% wool cavalry twill trousers that, once I modify them, will be GREAT Indy pants. Once the show is over and I can take them home, I will post pics. I will still likely wear my LL Bean "close enoughs" too, but owning a pair of Magnoli trousers is a "must have" for any true gearhead.

P.S. - your site offers 20 samples for $30, is it possible to just buy a smaller amount of samples, like just the Indy-esque fabrics? Interested in seeing the Cavalry Twill Vintage Brown, 100% wool "Camel", Wool blend Dark Khaki, and one other sample in perhaps a cotton/wool blend that best matches the khaki color in Last Crusade.
If you can accomidate me, let me know - thanks!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

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The cost is the same even if you request fewer samples as most of the fee is in the courier charges and assembly of swatches, not the pieces themselves. Most of the time, I fill the card up with similar fabrics even if less than 20 are requested.

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

I see - thanks for the info. I have some time to let it stew for a bit since I am in no big hurry to get new trousers but since it IS pretty high up on my "to buy" list, I am sure I will be getting your Raiders trousers sometime soon.
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Indy, how do you feel about your 10oz pure wool "camel" color for the LC/CS trousers? Also, would you be able to make the rear pocket flaps have that 'curve' to the point?
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

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I find color quite subjective, but I've made several pure wool trousers in camel specifically for guys wanting LC pants and they were very happy.

As for the pocket flaps, the concave curve to the point is standard. If you want it more exaggerated, we can oblige, as our pattern is subtle.

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Sounds good - I think I will start with the Camel trousers and later on get in some Raiders. Could you show me pics of exactly how your pocket flaps look so I may decide if I want the curve more exaggerated?
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Your speedy replies are always appreciated!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by tomek9210 »

Tony, what color would you recommend to be most similiar to vintage brown but in wool blend and cotton?
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Indy Magnoli »

tomek9210 wrote:Tony, what color would you recommend to be most similiar to vintage brown but in wool blend and cotton?
That's the problem... there is nothing that color from my suppliers. Everything is either a bit lighter (as our dark khaki, sometimes "camel") or much darker (true brown or dark brown). The only option is to order a set of swatches to see for yourself since scans can really be tricky.

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

I'm fixin' to place my order for the 100% Wool 'Camel' and wanted to double-check the measurements I need to get from my local tailor:
-Under crotch
-Thighs exact
-Thighs loose
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Indy Magnoli »

Yes... and your height (to help confirm the proportions). Keep in mind that the thighs (exact) are the off-the-body measurements, while the thighs (loosely) equate to the finished circumference of the pants.

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Gotchya, thanks!!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by jlhampton »

how much space should one consider for the loose thigh measurement? wouldn't that be left up to the tailor for the overall cut proportions?

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Indy Magnoli »

jlhampton wrote: how much space should one consider for the loose thigh measurement? wouldn't that be left up to the tailor for the overall cut proportions?
This is really up to personal taste. Some guys want their pants slimmer fit, others baggier. This particular measurement is best taken from a pair of pants you like the fit of. Otherwise, we just try to match the fit based on the style of pants.

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

I think I may let you decide on the thigh/loosly specs based on the design. I'm affraid of giving you a measurment too baggy or too slim...
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by fifthchamber »

I just got my order of Cavalry Twill Brown trousers and Raiders shirt from Magnoli and I have to say that they are both stunning... The trousers could use a touch more space in the thigh, but only because I like my trousers rather loose usually, these pants work for my work and the fitted form is great with a formal shirt and suit jacket... Stunning work!
The shirt is also amazing... I'd say spot on for Raiders... (I know people see colours et al different, but this looks perfect to me).. Lovely shape, great quality and so well fitted that it's almost as if I'd been measured by Magnoli for the shirt in the first place...
I think I'll adjust my sizes for my next Magnoli pants order, just to be safe (If I get bigger for instance, rather unlikely, but just in case!), but these trousers and the shirt are perfect.. Well made, sent before time, and great value for what I've got..
Thanks Indy!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by jlhampton »

good to hear fifthchamber. post some pics if you get the chance. i'd like to see how they turned out.
i think i'll be placing my order in the next month or two so i'm looking forward to it.

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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

I have a pair of 100% wool "Camel" trousers on order...I'm looking forward to getting them and posting pics. I know sharing color accuratley is tough sometimes, so I will make sure the photos best represent how the color looks in person - and I know that all depends on computer monitor settings, but I will try my best.
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by fifthchamber »

These are the Magnoli's.... A close up on the hem I'd asked for first...


And the Magnoli's (Left side) compared to the Wested's (Right)


And lastly, the Magnoli's on with the Magnoli (Version "A") Raiders Shirt..


All the best..
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

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Also, in the "Vintage Brown" the colours vary rather incredibly! Depending on light sources and power it'll change from dark grey to light brown with a pink tinge, and they feel amazing...
If you're looking for a close match, I'd say the Wested's aren't far off, Magnoli's trousers are darker, and a touch less "brown" basically, perhaps a more "somber" version of the Wested colours?
The pattern is spot on... Stunning work... 7 belt loops, hems are amazing (A little short, but I'm not complaining), and the feel is wonderful...
As I said above, I'll probably go just a slight touch bigger next time, since I am used to that feeling of space, but the trousers as they stand are a wonderful set and very well made...Best money I've spent for this value ever...Great work..
Hope all this helps..
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by fifthchamber »

Michael.... Yeah, almost there mate... Almost there...
Whip to come, maybe February or March, belts from Wade about the same time? So, sometime next month or the next I'd guess...LOL..
It'll be a good few months in either case....
Oh, and Steve's present as well.... So I'll "add" that one... Although it's covered in the meantime...
Until then... LOL..
I'll try and take some longer shots for the cut, but it's perfect I'd say... The Wested's are very loose, but very comfortable.. I'll try and get shots of those too..
I'll do what I can.. After all the help it'd be a crying shame not too!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Your gear looks top-notch so far - very well done. Looks like you're really hitting the ground running with buying up your gear. Post more pictures!!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Everything's looking REALLY good, fifthchamber! :D :tup:
Looking forward to more pictures (and to watching your collection continuing to GROW, too!)
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by yuji »

Congrats on your new pants and shirt Ben :clap:

Love the Magnoli pants color!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by fifthchamber »

You guys have no idea how much your words mean...Really....The fact that I KNOW each and every one of you happens to KNOW a #### of a lot about what you're talking makes it mean even more..
Thank you....Totally...Hearing that from peers of your calibre means a lot..
 (General, yeah, I like to hit the ground running, and since we have all the choice, advice, and help we'll ever need right here, there's no need to go half-@rsed at it!)
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by yuji »

Looking forward to seeing your whip when it arrives, Ben :whip: .
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Noah »

Hey Ben! Like I said before, great looking pants and gear. Nice photos. Looking forward to seeing your gear from Wade and your whip! :D
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by fifthchamber »

Yeah! Me too! I guess it'll all be here in March, lucky as I have some "down-time" then, since term doesn't start until late March here in Japan...Which probably means I'll be sitting here waiting and jumping everytime someone walks past the door...LOL..
Will post pics when it's all gotten here!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Noah »

fifthchamber wrote:Will post pics when it's all gotten here!
Please do! :TOH:
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

So my Magnoli trousers arrived today via DHL........and no one was home to answer the door, so they have to return tomorrow and try to deliver again ](*,)
It's OK because I don't have a show until the evening, so I will be home most of the day...and you can bet your whip I will be waiting in the living room to hear that bell ring!
I'm crossing my fingers they fit me just the way I hope!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Yay for package day! The wait is over and I finally got my Magnoli 100% wool "Camel" trousers. They look, feel and fit perfect! They are much lighter than my LL Bean 'Taupe' colored pants and similar in color, but have all those authentic details and quality construction we have come to expect from Mr. Magnoli.
The Military hem rests nicely on my Coyle's boots and the overall feel makes be believe these are going to be a comfy wear even in the summer time.
I will try and find some time to get some nice photos taken very soon. Especially from the rear because these things make my butt look quite Michaelangelo's "David" :lol:
Stay tuned for pics!
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by Mitch LaRue »

generalFROSTY wrote:these things make my butt look quite Michaelangelo's "David"


Oh man...
This has to be one of the greatest, funniest, most memorable things I've ever read here at Club Obi Wan...

gF, you're awesome! (your sense of humor, I mean... I'll, uh, just have to take your word about your butt)

And to think that a mere 13 hours earlier he was actually worried:
generalFROSTY wrote:I'm crossing my fingers they fit me just the way I hope!
What a difference a half day can make, huh?
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by generalFROSTY »

Thanks Mitch - you know, I'm as straight as a board yet I still know a good butt when I see one! :P
I have to arrange a time with my photographer (I am a photographer myself, but it's a little hard to take good photos of yourself!) so I can get some really nice pics taken in not just the pants, but all of my gear. If you have been fallowing my most recent upgrades to my gear, I have recently accuired a Wested jacket and a Joe Strain whip so updated full-gear photos are on the top of my priority list.
I recently got a promotion at my work so I've been super busy and even had to put some personal projects on hold while I get used to my new schedule.
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Re: Amazing and new Indy adventure pants from Magnoli

Post by indygr »

Long time, no write,

Watching many photos of Magnoli's trousers, I just wanted to add my congrats on Magnoli's new trousers and I have to say that in terms of colour are the closest to the original MBA Raiders trousers as the colour was based on an original MBA Raiders swatch. In terms of design they are very very close to the MBA!

Congrats once again.
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