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Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:19 pm
by Dakota Ellison
I think it looks great. Nice "Indy" feel.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:33 pm
by Hemingway Jones
That looks great. It looks much better than any of the other hatter's websites that I've seen. I can't wait to see more.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:08 pm
by Fedora
I thought he did a great job too. I wish I could do stuff like that. I am hopeless, as it takes all of my skills just to get online and find my way here. :lol: I am keeping the site simple for now, and will only have an additional hats page, and then the contact page. I want to show some pics of my own hat with different views so non COW members will know what to expect. I am leaving it up to the designer, other than the script and hat pics. I was gonna use my son in law, but then had the thought that the perfect person would be an Indy fan. I had a couple of offers, took the first one and I am tickled over it. \:D/ He needs to take a bow. Fedora

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:35 pm
by Mulceber
I see you decided against "Fortune and Glory". No matter, those are still GREAT looking hats! :junior: -IJ

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:38 pm
by rick5150
Uhmmm - it says "Fortune and Glory" right under Adventurebilt...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:40 pm
by Hemingway Jones

I have a couple of questions. Some have been asked before (I think).

-Do you think you'll have the color comparisons up soon?

-What do you think your turn-around time will be? (That seems to be a concern on this board)

-Which of your hats do you think is the most similar to the hat in Raiders in color, the feel of the felt, and floppiness?*

Thanks. I can't wait to see these and your website, once it's done.

*I always thought my Akubra was a little stiffer that I imagined Indy's hat to be. I imagined a hat with very thin felt that was very soft and floppy, but maybe I'm way off here!

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:40 pm
by Mulceber
whoops, I guess that's why I need to read things more carefully. Still, those are some great hats. :junior: -IJ

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:35 pm
by Fedora
Do you think you'll have the color comparisons up soon?

-What do you think your turn-around time will be? (That seems to be a concern on this board)

-Which of your hats do you think is the most similar to the hat in Raiders in color, the feel of the felt, and floppiness?*

I am working on the colors. I run into a slight snafu, but all is well. I will get those up as soon as I get them in. That may be a few weeks though. The turn around time will vary, but I will set it at 10 days to 2 weeks now and see how it goes. I am making this up as I go along. It will not be like ordering a hat off the shelf. I have to handmake these babies. And if I am selling something, I will be real picky on what I feel is good craftmanship, worthy to sell to someone. I will know more when I check out the various colors available. I do know that there is one particular brown that I really like, but stay tuned. Fedora

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:30 pm
by IndyPip
I like the look and feel of the 'homepage' but I would say that the hats should be shot against a neutral background - white? - so as not to distract from the focus of the shot, i.e. the hat.

Still, it looks like it's all coming together, except so far, no mention of the 'buy now pay later' or easy credit terms :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 12:51 pm
by Fedora
Breaking news!!! I am as giddy as a school boy. :D I just got off the phone with one of my suppliers and he had some news for me that floored me. He has just picked up an Argentine line of felt that he said was superb. I can get dress bodies in pure beaver, 80/20 Nutria blend, and pure rabbit. In some really accurate browns, several shades. He was raving about the quality. And, they are about the same cost to me as the other felt company, so my prices will be the same, except I will offer the blend priced in between the rabbit and beaver. Just keeping you guys updated. Argentina, another South American felt maker. I have thoughts running through my head of perhaps this is where the Raiders felt came from instead of Brazil. Oh, this company is not Cury. My supplier shuddered at the thought of Cury. I love this guy. Excuse me while I go daydream about receiving the original body from HJ. [-o< Fedora

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:14 pm
by rick5150
This is excellent news! Put me down for one of each. I am serious :D You can never have too many hats. If my wife raises an eyebrow, I simply point to her shoe collection. Check and mate :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:28 pm
by Mulceber
Okay, I am DEFINITELY getting a pure beaver fur hat now! I'm starting to wonder if I'm dreaming: The most knowledgable hat person on Indygear announces he's going to be opening a hat shop, where he's selling pure beaver hats at insanely low prices, and now we find he's going to be able to get Argentinian felt! It's almost too good to be true! :junior: -IJ

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 pm
by Fedora
It's almost too good to be true! -IJ

:lol: I know, I am still pinching myself. The thing is, he called me Saturday to tell me, but I missed his call. I was just making a call to him on the sweatband imprinting and he dropped this in my lap. It just sounds too good to be true, but I would have never even known about it if he was not such a helpful fellow. While he has been satisfied with the felt supplier that I have been talking to, as he uses them too, he was really excited about this felt since the other felter only offers 3 colors in the dress felt. Of course, everyone that I have talked to raves about this felt too, and rightfully so. It is good stuff. Stay tuned. Fedora

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:24 pm
by Falstaff
I just had my hair cut so I've been sizing up my noggin in anticipation of ordering one of these hats after the initial rush is over. I'm hoping this fedora will finally be the last one I buy.

Fedora, I'm not at all familiar with what a thin felt offers over a thicker blend. My HJ is one of those REALLY thick blends that's still very floppy but retains it's shape very well. By comparison my PB custom is very thin but stiff as a board. I'm hoping to find a hat that's as floppy as the HJ, but with a felt that's thin and easy to shape and will keep that shape. I imagine your site will have info regarding that sort of thing?

Good luck.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:01 pm
by Fedora
You are just talking about the amount of factory stiffener. I will post info as available, but these are dress bodies, so they will be soft. Fedora

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 4:00 pm
by indy81
That looks to be one fine website design. Your getting me all excited to buy one of your pure beaver hats now, that's good, but bad. :lol: Well, time to start saving up those pennies. You know collecting gear is a good weightloss program....I spend money on everything but food. :wink:


Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:15 pm
by Gulice
He needs to take a bow.
*Bow* Heh, im glad everyone likes it. I wasnt sure how it was going to over with the true indy fans, the most important customers of course =D. The website will be finished in flash, so get your plugins now if you dont have em :)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:58 pm
by Mulceber
You know collecting gear is a good weightloss program....I spend money on everything but food.
I like that, we can call it "Doc Indy's natural weight loss program". Sell it across the world! :junior: -IJ

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:26 am
by Indycire
Well obviously from all the posts i read to be able to buy an Indy fedora from Fedora himself is really something. I was going to get an Akubra and probably still am, so that by then hopefully the huge rush will have passed. I would like to have a Last Crusade and Raiders fedora. Im thinking ill bash an Akubra Lc style and leave the Raiders to you. Either way good luck and that webpage pic looks really good.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:27 am
by Falstaff
Fedora wrote:You are just talking about the amount of factory stiffener. I will post info as available, but these are dress bodies, so they will be soft. Fedora
With only my two fedoras to go by, I would assume that if my PB custom had less stiffener like the HJ, it too would be more floppy and no longer able to deflect rifle fire. I've been amazed at how soft the HJ is, but it seems to hold its shape very well once I've formed it. The PB is hard, but it too can be shped very easily with a spray bottle or some steam.

I guess I'm hoping to find a floppy felt like the HJ with the looks of the PB custom--no taper is a must. Your dress bodies sound like they're just what I'm looking for. I imagine your busy and I'll keep the rest of my questions until your site is officially up and running--I'm sure they'll all be answered there.

Thanks for your time, Fedora, and good luck!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:31 pm
by Kentucky Mason

One question...I asked it before but I think it got lost in the shuffle...

What about custom sweat bands...with our initials etc. Is this possible?

(If I missed the answer sorry)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:28 am
by Rob
Indycire wrote:Well obviously from all the posts i read to be able to buy an Indy fedora from Fedora himself is really something. I was going to get an Akubra and probably still am, so that by then hopefully the huge rush will have passed. I would like to have a Last Crusade and Raiders fedora. Im thinking ill bash an Akubra Lc style and leave the Raiders to you. Either way good luck and that webpage pic looks really good.
Folks have been telling me that my Akubra is LC style - and I agree the Raiders bash might be better left to Fedora, as it seems to involve a lot more work. I did my LC bash (without even knowing it was LC style!) in about 15 minutes :)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 1:26 am
by Fedora
One question...I asked it before but I think it got lost in the shuffle...

What about custom sweat bands...with our initials etc. Is this possible?

Sorry. I don't plan on it as I want to keep the prices of the hats down. But who knows what the future will bring. :wink: One thing is for sure, as time goes on, I will constantly be improving, adding new colors, different materials, more options. Those are my plans anyways. For instance. I could not get the crest in the liner except in one color. So, I went with gold. I am commited to this order, and then discovered another company that provides up to four colors on the crests. So, one day I will change the color scheme on the liners, but I have to get rid of 144 first. :lol: Sort of like this felt from Argentina that my supplier is raving about. I had settled, I thought on another felter, American too. But, this Argentine felt is supposed to be very good too, and more colors in the dress bodies. I will know very soon. Next week I hope. This is so exciting to me. Lots of fun choosing what you want to use to make the hats from. I can't wait to get my first Argentine body in, and have my liner and sweat in it too. That is gonna be a rush for me. regards, Fedora[/code]

Digger deep eh!

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:02 pm
by Kilgour Trout
Steve: the blended product sounds fantastic and "as stated earlier", I'll be at your door with "a fine single malt for you" and a Christmas order for the blend or the beaver when production commences. We've recently bought a house here in Red lake and I'm thinking nothing goes better with a Cedar two-story than a new hat! The invite still stands...if you're ever up fishing.

Warm Regards
Kilgour Trout

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:48 pm
by Mulceber
yeah, I hope you make the decision that's right for you. As for me, I'm going for some Argentinian light beaver fur with a streets of Cairo Raiders bash (that is, assuming Steve will model hats after certain scenes, he is a busy guy after all). :junior: -IJ

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:32 pm
by Fedora
(that is, assuming Steve will model hats after certain scenes, he is a busy guy after all). -IJ

:D You can rest assured. That is indeed my intention. To have a hat ready to wear out of the box like our good friend Lee offers. Of course, if you like to do your own styling(I always did) you can get it open crowned too. I have the color swatches coming for the Argentine line of felt, hopefully this week. I found out that this same company has sold hat bodies to Europe in the past and has just in the last few years made it available to the U.S. What sets this company apart from Cury, is Cury only sells wool felt and rabbit felt. I also know that Optimo buys from Argentina. The same company? I don't know, but it is a distinct possibility as I don't imagine there are many felt makers in that part of the world. It is an old company. regards, Fedora

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:09 am
by Bufflehead Jones
One question. Where do I store all these hat boxes that I am starting to accumulate?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:13 am
by Michaelson
The closet? (trick question...right?) :wink: Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:30 am
by Bufflehead Jones
Do you realize how much room hockey gear and now Indygear takes up. It used to be a walkin closet, but it won't be much longer, if I keep gong at this rate. I need to reorganize my closet to be prepared. I must look into a custom closet to increase storage capacity. When you go in my closet, you don't know if you are going to come out with a hockey stick or a whip, a hat or a helmet. I can't even find my stuff to get dressed to go to work anymore. Who cares. I don't want to go to work, anyway.

Maybe I can put my work stuff in Mrs. Bufflehead's walkin closet. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. I gotta go!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:34 am
by Michaelson
In HER closet, eh? We'll be sure to send flowers to the funeral. :( :wink: Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:36 am
by Bufflehead Jones
Yeah, maybe that wasn't my best idea, today. She's downstairs on the phone, maybe I should move the stuff back, eh.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:38 am
by Bufflehead Jones
Thanks Michaelson, you saved me just in the nick of time.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:40 am
by Michaelson
Just watching your back, bubba! (grins) Regards.Michaelson

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:53 pm
by binkmeisterRick
I knew it. Bufflehead can't make up his mind whether he's coming out of the closet or going back in! :shock:

As for the hat boxes, I've got a room upstairs half dedicated to them! My wife told me I wasn't allowed to buy another hat unless I had storage boxes for all the ones I already have. Well, THAT problem didn't last long! :wink: bink

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:23 pm
by Zendragon
This is great news! Please add me to your e-mail list for when you get all of the supplies in. I am definitely interested!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:51 pm
by Kris
If there is an email list, I'm in! ;)

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:50 pm
by fedoralover
All I can say is "WOW"!!!! fedora. All this looks really fantastic, even though my shelf is stuffed with fedora's I may break down and get one from you after all the dust settles. The beaver-nutria hat really has me interested. Keep up the good work.

regards fedoralover

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:38 pm
by Bufflehead Jones
binkmeisterRick wrote:I knew it. Bufflehead can't make up his mind whether he's coming out of the closet or going back in! :shock:

But when I did come out of the closet, I found out I was a DUCK dressed up as Indiana Jones that plays right WING.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:54 pm
by Fedora
The invite still stands...if you're ever up fishing

Thank you!!! We have such nice folks here. I appreciate the offer. :D Fedora

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:37 am
by Gulice
Hey Fedora, Are you going to have custom hat boxes to go with the hats?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:29 am
by Fedora
Nope, no hat boxes, at least like Optimo uses. Too expensive and I am trying to keep the price down on the hats. I am gonna find a supplier for the Akubra type box for shipping. Fedora

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:20 am
by Mulceber
I am gonna find a supplier for the Akubra type box for shipping. Fedora
Heck, I might even just save you the trouble by mailing you the box my PB custom came in, and you can ship it back to me with the hat in it. :junior: -IJ

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:03 pm
by Fedora
I thought I would bring this topic back to the top to address questions that I have received, and to try to make it clear what I am doing with this venture. Numerous folks have voiced the idea of including a vintage style hat box, like Optimo uses. Of course, I want to give you guys what you want, but at the same time, one of my main objectives was to make these hats affordable for the average fan, starting with the less expensive grades of felt and moving up to the ultimate felt for a hat. Being a hat lover myself, I wanted high quality materials, felt, liner, sweat and ribbon while keeping the prices reasonable. I had considered the nice storage boxes, but I want you guys to wear the hat, and not store them. :lol: And every additional thing added to the package pushes the price up. If there is enough demand for the vintage type box, I can add it later, but just throw in an extra charge for the box. If the demand is not there, it would cost me dearly just to buy the minimum, and then pay the ink charges for the printing.
Next, what concerns some folks is the time they would have to wait on a handmade hat. I think the wait will vary, depending upon how many orders that I have, but Optimo gave me a wait time of a month for the hats that I bought from them, and I think this is reasonable for me too. Of course, if I only have a few to make, the wait time would be a week from the time that I received the order to two weeks. Not bad for a handmade hat.
The last thing that I am asked if when will I be up and running. I am still shooting for latter September. What is holding me up now is mostly the blocks being made in all the sizes and brim flanges. The body issue will be answered this week as to the Argentina felt. I am expecting the color swatches and 3 sample hat bodies to be in real soon. I will finish these bodies out to see how well they take the finish, although this has already been done by the supplier and he is impressed with the looks of the final product. But, like he said, not every hatter finishes a hat in the same manner, so this is essential. My other supplier's bodies finish really well, and I may even use both bodies depending upon what the customer wants in a hat. The original supplier is a really old company, and one of 10 felt makers still up and running in the US. They make a very high quality felt, but the colors for dress bodies are limited to only 3. Of course, I just mostly need a good Indy brown, but some folks may want some variety in the browns and I want to stock these too. The right brown is in the eye of the beholder. :D OK, that is it. regards, Fedora

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:10 pm
by rick5150
It is good to see you chugging ahead with this. Late September is just around the corner anyways. Personally, I can't wait to see the end result. I know it will be perfect. Good luck, and keep us posted.

By the way, what makes you think for a minute that by offering high quality products at a low price you might "only have a few to make?" I think you are going to wish you were retired again before long. (Any time after my hats are finished is okay.)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:11 pm
by rick5150
(What is it about hatters that makes them post thesse long e-mails anyways? :wink: )

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:15 pm
by ob1al
Fedora, I am really looking forward to seeing the finished hat/s!

For what it's worth, a fancy hatbox doesn't really interest me - it's always nice, but not essential if it means driving up the price of the hats and extra hassle at your end -I think you have taken on quite a task as it is!

For me, it's all about the hat and not the box. A cardboard box serves the purpose equally well; if these lids are going to be as good as I imagine they will be, the lid will never be in the box anyway - it'll be on my noggin! :wink:



Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:20 pm
by Michaelson
Fedora, just remember 'function over form'. As good as the Akubra shipper boxes are, I've had more damaged hats arrive at my door after the U.S. Postal service got done with them than any hat company I know. I swear they train their drivers with my boxes to see how times they can run over them before getting caught. A couple of my hats didn't fare to well in the test either! So, get a plain box, but if you can source the type that PB uses, those are practically bulletproof, and work just as well in the function department. Just a suggestion....Regards. Michaelson


Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:55 pm
by indyrocks
Hi folks I'm new here, well not totally, I've been reading a lot of stuff on the forum for the past year, but havent put my two cents in yet. I own a few fedoras and it looks like I'll be owning a new one soon enough! I have a question for Fedora...

I know you said you will be able to style the hat to the scene the customer likes, so this may seem like a silly question but I was wondering which type of felt you would suggest to achive the Cairo streets look. I have three fedoras, a PB custom, and a fed and a fed delux, all of which pretty much look like the fedora from the opening scene in Raiders. I really would like one with that droopy-er Cairo look, and it seems like your the man to do it for me, so let me know what your advice would be on that. thanks

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 2:02 pm
by Canyon
Hi indyrocks! Welcome to Club Obi Wan! :D

BTW, you might want to make that avatar a bit smaller. :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 2:02 pm
by Michaelson
Welcome! You REALLY need to reduce the size of your avitar!! :shock: Whoops, I see Canyon beat me to the punch. :oops: :D Regards. Michaelson