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Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:20 pm
by JimL
Ahhh, just run 'em down.

They won't even notice in Lowell... :shock:

Seriously, I don't have a lid yet, but this concerns me a bit. I don't often wear a hat at all. let alone a beautiful fedora... So, I guess time will tell.

(PS go for the knee!)

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:18 am
by Indiana Williams
rbinko2001 wrote:Who really cares what other people think anyways? If you like the hat, wear it. Don't let any other fools dictate your life.
True that. I always get comments and snide remarks when I wear my fedora. at first it bothered me, but Im use to it now. I love my AB and I wont let anyone diminish that.
Best Regards,

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:58 pm
by jacksdad
I've been wearing my fedora on and off for two months now and have never heard a commnet. I have this look though,my dad had when I was growing up and now I have it. It's this mean I'll kill you look with out even trying. My dad and me are the nicest guys you'll ever meet and fun loving,but it's just something with the eyes. I remember my friends asking me when I was little"is your dad mean ,does he hurt peope.'I would respond no,he's the best dad ever, never hits me, plays with me takes me everywhere." I think having a beard is something too, my neighbor said I look intimidating and so did my best friend and he's a cop.I was at school last fall opened the door for a young girl and she looked so scared of me I told her to relax and when she went through the door she kinda of ran out. It was funny.I'm not trying to be hard it's just a look I'm really nice,fun loving and kinda of goofey really. So to answer the question no one has said anything but I'll tell you guys if they do.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:33 pm
by Soup
When I got my Fed a few months ago, I was sorta concerned how the reactions would be, but I decided to be who I wanted to be and not worry about what others may think. There is a difference between style and fashion, fashion comes and goes, but style is what defines a person. I wore my hat to a cookout on one of the hottest days here so far, mainly to keep the sun off my head. I received nothing but compliments, several saying that they really liked the classy look. It wasn't until an hour or so that someone made a connection with Indy. From then on everyone was more interested in how it was made and that it was a real hat more than anything.

Wear your hat with confidence, people will notice that more than the hat.



Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:42 pm
by hocfutue
If you are self-conscious about wearing something, try this. Walk around without the item, and pay attention to how many laughs, whistles, comments, etc., that happen as general background noise that has nothing to do with you.

The direct comments, when they occur, are a case by case basis. Sometimes, I go with Gary Cooper's "Smile when you say that, friend." Another great reply I've seen posted to the "Who do you think you are?" comment is to stick out your hand and say "My name is X. Who do you think YOU are?"

My fellow kilt-wearers have dozens of ready answers to "The Question." Maybe we need a sticky of COW comebacks.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:17 pm
by rick5150
Just wear it. Or don't.

Why does everyone try to convince everyone else that we are better than the person calling us names? In doing that, what do you do? You call those people names. :roll:

People do not make fun of us because they want to feel better about themselves. They make fun of us because we look funny. If you are not a member of our group, you would be slapping your knee laughing at a group of grown-ups dressed like a fictional character.

I can easily accept that people will make fun of the way I dress, the size of my nose or the color of my motorcycle, etc... I would if I were them. Nobody makes fun of me, more than me (as far as I know, anyways). Whatever makes them happy. It has not - and never will affect what I do or who I am.

Besides, I cannot tell you how many times I have had a chuckle over the rooster-maned, blue haired teens or the people with so many piercings that they look like they had their faces forcibly shoved into a tackle box. To me, that looks silly but I can understand why someone who dresses that way may not appreciate the way I dress. Plus, I realize that I have the fashion sense of mayonnaise and have looked back at some of my hiking photos in horror. I cannot believe I went out in public dressed like that. Whatever.

When you boil it down, it is all personal preference - and to get into an confrontation over a piece of felt is ridiculous in the grand scheme of things. Life has plenty of real issues that you can focus that energy towards.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:06 pm
by Indy35
binkmeisterRick wrote:
Indy35 wrote: Im in VA, Franconia to be a little more precise. So my line is the blue. My stop is Metro Center, i work just a block or so from there. Im an early morning guy though. I come through there probably at 6:30am or so. If you're in that neighborhood, im usually out and about at 1 eating lunch at the food pavillion down between 13 and 14th just off Fst. Im easy to spot, LOL. Im usually wearing my lid, hardly a day im not.
I live about Glenmont station, but I work at Metro Center, too! I'm in the AAAS building (the big science building) a block or two away. I often take lunch around 1 o'clock, too, though I usually pack. I'd be up for a lunch meeting sometime, though! And I always hat a lid on my noggin, too. :wink:
Sure, why not. How about the Hard Rock cafe down off 10th across the street from the Hoover Bldg., On this Friday afternoon. I've gotta leave work a little early that day anyway, so any time is fine after 11. just let me know the time, and ill meet you outside. My guess is we'll find each other pretty easily. :lol:

And how come we don't have an emoticon with a fedora on it? and making a grin?

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:07 pm
by Michaelson

Regards! Michaelson

Blue haired teens

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:29 pm
by Kilgour Trout
Hey Rick: funny you should mention blue haired teens,
as I'm on my way home and stop to put some gas in the OMC
Olds Eighty Eight (My boys call it an Old Man's Car).

And after putting $80 in :shock: I go into pay.
There's a young fella in there with ever so slightly blue hair and
a couple of earings in his lip, He looks up and quite courteously says..
"Hey, Nice Outfit"! Knowing he's looking at the hat :D
To which I said "Thank you with the same respect".

I guess for some who dress with a bit more character, they get the whole hat thing. It's all about character I think and either a hat expresses it for you or it doesn't.

Just thought it was funny.

Kilgour Trout

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:32 pm
by JimL
Very cool!

Any chance of getting them aded to the regular pallette of slectable smiles?

I CAN do it the 'long hand' way, but I'm just too lazy to do that...

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:54 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Indy35 wrote:Sure, why not. How about the Hard Rock cafe down off 10th across the street from the Hoover Bldg., On this Friday afternoon. I've gotta leave work a little early that day anyway, so any time is fine after 11. just let me know the time, and ill meet you outside. My guess is we'll find each other pretty easily. :lol:
Unfortunately, I'll be out of the office at a meeting this Friday, but let's PM and figure out a day and time that works! :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:30 pm
by Bowie
rick5150 wrote:Just wear it. Or don't.

Besides, I cannot tell you how many times I have had a chuckle over the rooster-maned, blue haired teens or the people with so many piercings that they look like they had their faces forcibly shoved into a tackle box.
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
Thanks Rick5150!!! that has to be one of the funniest lines I have ever read.

AND I agree with your original statement,"wear it. Or don't" Don't ask for validation. Be yourself.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:39 pm
by Texan Scott
First of all, you've got bad breath and your Momma dresses you funny!

Seriously, whip out your piece and waive it around a've got to show them whose boss up there!!! Make 'em dance if they don't give you the right answer. It takes a real man to get drug by a truck! I can see my ribs already. Put in for another new Wested just the other this is an expensive hobby!

Humanity is never a dull moment. Many times, we are harder on our own kind. Someone once said that when you stick your head above a crowd, there will always be someone there to throw a rock at it. There are alot more worse things going on than wearing a fedora, which was perfectly acceptable and stylish for many decades.

An Extra-Heapin'-Helpin' of D'versity

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:10 pm
We value "Diversity" may often be translated as: "We want 'Conformity'".

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:48 am
by JimL
#### those Commies!

Sorry, got a bit excited there... :oops:

Making fun of Fedoras or clothing in general.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:37 pm
by maboot38
Ah, come on...we all make fun of people, why should Indy fans be spared? I live in Boston, and while I don't ever "dress up like Indy" in public, I occasionally wear my hat while driving around in my jeep when the roof is off, I usually wear my shirt when fishing (great when you get wet and to keep the bugs away), and I sometimes wear my "pinks" to work.

Sure I get strange looks when I wear the hat, or even the shirt, as not many people have epaulettes anymore, but so what? I remember a guy in college who used to wear a cloak around campus. I'm sure it was a high quality cloak, but that didn't stop me from humming the Imperial March as he reminded me of Darth Vader.

I also caught heck from a GOTH CHICK of all people, for wearing a Peruvian soccer jersey. I told her I was sorry but the vampire store was closed so I couldn't dress like her.

People are put off by things that are "different". If we wear fedoras enough, people would no longer associate us with Indiana Jones or K-Fed. Do what you like, and as another replier posted, you can always adopt an attitude and DARE them to make fun of you. Then pistol whip them with your replica S&W M1917!

Oh, and I've gotten the cowboy comment as well, especiallly here in Boston where most people wouldn't know a Fedora from a Cowboy hat to save their lives!

Learn to be comfortable in your own (lamb) skin, and just like Indy, don't take it from anyone (except the ladies).

Enjoy Your Indy Hat!

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:43 pm
by basilbakerst

I'm surprised by the encounters you and others have had with New Englanders. My wife and I lived in Connecticut for three years after graduating from the University of Florida (Go Gators!), and we found our neighbors much more friendly than down here in Florida. Regardless, I agree with most others on this thread. If wearing hats (be they fedoras, ballcaps, cowboy hats, or otherwise) makes you comfortable than you should do so. I've made plenty of attire choices over the years that have garnered snickers or snide remarks, but I just smile back and brush it off. Life is too short and time too precious to be concerned with naysayers. Enjoy your Indy hat(s); otherwise, they're just expensive decorations for your hat rack.


Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:40 pm
by jkingrph
Like Fedora said, move south. I'm in E. Texas, grew up in La, and spent time in the USAF in Fla and Ga. Down here you see everything from gimmie caps to dress hats, popularity in that order. Personally I may wear my Fedora one day and a cowboy the next depending on how I feel. We wear westerns with any kind of dress, cowboy to 3 piece suits with wingtip shoes and no one says a thing.

I started my drift away from Westerns with an Akruba Banjo _ and like it so well I looked for a dressier hat so here I am, one Adventurebilt a couple of Art Fawacttts, and a couple of straws from Panama Bob.

The only negative comment I had, it it was one, was from my brother in law calling my Panama a mafia hat. I promptly told him it was me and not just a grubby Marine corps cover( no offense to any of you Jarheads out there)

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:36 am
by alphared6
Hello all. I'm new to the COW so please forgive me not being up to speed yet.
I have read parts of this thread with some interest. I have a different perspective here do to my age (I'm 53 and most likely one of the oldest members here) and my history; 20 years in the Army EM and officer. I was sporting a fedora and all manner of other odd head gear long before Indiana Jones. Ergo I am quite comfortable in my fedora which I ware daily. With the release of each movie I encounter the occasional "Hey ... an Indiana Jones hat!" or "So ... ya thik yer Indiana Jones, eh?" To the former comment I will either nod and smile or retort with something like "No, it's a Minnesota Fats hat." Which leaves most dumbfounded as they have no idea who Minnesota Fats was. To the later I generally start by invading the questioners space and quietly respond with "No."
However, far and away the comments I usually get are "COOL HAT!" and "WOW, Where did 'ja get that hat?"
I reside in Oklahoma, cowboy hats and ball caps are the norm so the sight of a guy in a hat is nothing new here.
Wanna feel better about your head gear? Take a trip to a local mall and observe the zoo there, rainbow hair color, baggy pants falling off the hips, tattoos to make the illustrated man jellous, enough metal piercings to through your compass off! Nawwwww, you ain't noth'n odd in your fedora!
Bottom line ... I say wear your fedora with pride.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:19 pm
by Soup
I agree alphared6.

Welcome to COW,



Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:57 pm
by alphared6
Thanks Soup, nice to be here!


Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:22 pm
by Aggie
I live in Texas and I doubt that I would get trouble for wearing any kind of hat here. ####, I went down to Sixth Street in Austin around the 4th of July and saw this kid wearing a top hat with a t-shirt. Hats are pretty common in Texas.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:30 pm
by msrowe88
it's sad that hat wearing is looked down upon, if it's not a cowboy hat or baseball cap you're labled strange. :(

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:19 pm
by Renderking Fisk
msrowe88 wrote:it's sad that hat wearing is looked down upon, if it's not a cowboy hat or baseball cap you're labled strange. :(
Let me just share with you some insight that I've either been given or found these past few things.

Most of the stress and guff we take is purely made up in our own minds. Sure, SOME of it is real, but the vast majority is only what you think other people think of you. Fact is, the vast majority of the people you see every day are so wrapped up in their own guff that they don't have time to give your fedora a moment's thought.

Everyone is so wrapped in what they're doing, where are they going, who they're talking to or who they're texting to even notice if you're wearing a fedora or not.

You're going to die, msrowe88. Someday your life is going to be over and you might not even have the time to say "gee, I wish I wore my fedora more."

Over the course of your life there are going to be so many changes, some you see coming and look forward to and others will happen with out you knowing it. The life you live now will change in an instant. And it will happen several different times over the course of your life.

It's not worth fretting over what other people think of you, as long as you love the ones close to you and you do your best to be the best msrowe88 there is. Cause you're the only msrowe88 one we have.

Just wear your fedora. Just wear it.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:34 am
by Castor Dioscuri
...and if all else fails, I suppose you could always take a lesson from Oddjob...

