Yay for Tony and this good ending! What an awesome guy - especially in person, but also apparently through business! Now... if I send Tony a jacket that wasn't made by him, could he replace all those panels with his own, too?
McFly wrote: Yay for Tony and this good ending! What an awesome guy - especially in person, but also apparently through business! Now... if I send Tony a jacket that wasn't made by him, could he replace all those panels with his own, too?
Actually, this makes me wonder too. I have a US Wings LE that I'd love Tony to redo the collar (make it more pointy) and add storm flap snaps. The rest of the jacket he could leave be. The fit and finish is fine.
So basically, I'd end up with a close enough KotCS jacket made from the same production leather as the movie worked on by the man who made the production jackets, Tony N.
If I could get Harrison Ford to try it on, it would be the perfect storm.
My Nowak is now sporting a similar stain on the back, right shoulder. It resembles a black capital 'D.' I'm not sure if this is a chemical or oil stain. I don't know if it was my fault, or a natural scar in the leather now coming up to the surface. All I know is, a couple weeks ago it showed up, and it's been buggin me ever since. Did I lean up on something? I don't know, it's possible. I wear the jacket everywhere. I just did however, order some brown Pecards. Figured darkening the whole jacket up with the brown Pecards could even out the overall shade of the jacket and hide this blemish. What do you guys think, should I stay on task and brown Pecard the jacket? Should I contact Tony? Thoughts?
If it was me, I would just hit it with the brown Pecards to lessen its noticability(sp?) But that's only if you don't mind the entire jacket being darker than it is right now...I personally like the really dark brown color on a jacket, so it wouldn't bother me. But then again, it's your jacket...
Did you try rubbing over it with another part of the jacket?
Anyway, I guess one way to look at it is these Indy jackets are supposed to look well used and worn. It adds to the 'character'
Some people work hard to get that look
hmmm...interesting! Although I would much rather have your stain than mine! I still haven't brought the jacket to Tony yet although I will within a week or two as soon as he returns to his shop. I will let you guys know what he says but he told me already that "someone did something and whoever did it knows it". I dont know what he implies by this but he certainly knows that I didn't stain my own jacket which cost $700 bucks, especially in these tough times. Anyway, I still can't figure out what that stain was caused from. I just have a feeling its something to do with the leather. Perhaps a chemical was spilt onto the leather and just didn't show up until now or perhaps its Tonys method of distressing. Either way.....
Then again, if you squint just right could be Elvis or the Virgin Mary's Halo......probably a photographer from the National Enquirer on the way followed by a crowd of Pilgrims......I think there's $$ to be made......
Krypton, I really don't think that looks very good but it is what happens when we love and use things! As far as contacting Tony or not, that's your call entirely. Not sure the converstaion Returning Son had, but if it were me I would have returned the jacket asap rather than waiting in case the stain could be removed.
I think cowhide is more prone to staining than some others because the finish is so porous and even more so with the distressing. Had you previously applied something like Pecards for waterproofing?
If it were on the leather when it was made, the only thing I can think of is it was some kind of ink or mark that bleed through after getting wet or due to perspiration. Don't know how likely that is.
You can also check with a local leather expert to see if it can be cleaned.
Just to be clear...my spot didn't show up when I initially bought the jacket. I didnt wear it (it wasn't especially cold in CA at the time) but I immediately noticed it so I think it appeared "overnight" but, I can't be 100% sure. Anyway, it might just go away with wear. like I said, I will post what happens when I meet up with Big T again!
KrYpToNiAn1 wrote:My Nowak is now sporting a similar stain on the back, right shoulder. It resembles a black capital 'D.' I'm not sure if this is a chemical or oil stain. I don't know if it was my fault, or a natural scar in the leather now coming up to the surface. All I know is, a couple weeks ago it showed up, and it's been buggin me ever since. Did I lean up on something? I don't know, it's possible. I wear the jacket everywhere. I just did however, order some brown Pecards. Figured darkening the whole jacket up with the brown Pecards could even out the overall shade of the jacket and hide this blemish. What do you guys think, should I stay on task and brown Pecard the jacket? Should I contact Tony? Thoughts?
It looks like something dripped on it, and it spread on/in the leather. Could have been from walking under something dripping from rain etc or something splashed on it. Something solvent based possibly.
I had a lambskin jacket years ago (my first one but not Indy)
It went like this in odd patches...
At the time I chalked it up to wear and/or geting wet.
I noticed darker patches where I had put my hands in the pockets and stretched the leather, also around the cuffs...but I also noticed discolouration inrandom areas.
Then once I noticed a bright and warm reflection from the window shinhing on it and the heat had caused a weird hue to appear and heat from a radiator turned it black.
I really to this day am not sure what caused this to happen to a jacket I wore to distruction...wear and tear, mistreatment or flaws just appearing with time that weren't visible at first.
Lighter off colours seeme to be water (were you standing under a drip?)
Dark patches were wear/friction or heat (mobile phones in pocket or worse stiull cigarette lighters?)
I could be wrong but then I did treat that jacket pretty bad!