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Post by TonyRush »


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Post by Indiana G »

Thanks for clearing that up Marc........there's no way to cut the stagecoach off at the pass :wink:

I truly wish you the best of luck in this endeavour.....i'm sure you'll hit another homerun with this one and i would have loved to partake, but i've got 2 pairs of 405's that is the standard that's only 1 year old and the other that's barely seen any real adventure's...YET.... :D

i guess you'll be on my list to contact when i wear these ones out.


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Post by Neolithic »

G'day Marc,
If there are now 13 orders, about how long is the wait? :wink:
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Post by Indiana Croft »

Bravo Marc, I haven't had time to respond to this thread, but wanted to say that I think what your company offers is nothing less than perfection.

Were these aren't in my current budget, who knows, as my little green friend once said "hard to tell, future is always in motion".

Good luck and I hope your still offering these when I'm ready.

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Post by lingarn »

Well said, Croft.

I also hope that such high quality gear is still being sold when I have the disposable income to acquire it. :D

Keep at it, Marc. The enthusiasm that drives you to offer these shoes is what makes this hobby fun.

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Post by Marc »

Dear all,

I'm THRILLED to announce that the color on the boots worn by Ford in Raiders has been identifyed. After going through countless color samples - vintage and modern - the very same color was found :D The color is HARDLY used any longer and didn't even make it to the sample colors that John brought with him. I'll keep you updated as soon as anything interesting occurs.


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Post by Indiana Croft »

Thats awsome news for those who made the purchase Marc, congrates, I wish I could take the plunge. Do you have layawy, just kiddin.

I have a question that might help those of us couldn't purchase at this time. Since you were able to find the SA colored leather, any way to find out if they have any Melatoinin (no I'm spelling this one wrong, :lol: ) in the correct color, since your selling the shoes, any way to inquire about polish for said shoes? Or maybe what they'd sell so we might polish our 405's to a simailar shade.

Just a question thats all, keep up the good work over there at AB.

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Post by Tron7960 »



I suspect some are still not thrilled.

BTW new version of logo is AWESOME!
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Awww, this is so awesome yet to sad at the same time.

I mean it's great that Marc was able to get "THE" boot made as I have been humming and Hawing about getting some for some time now, but for me living up here in Canada, it feels like instead of going down to the local electronics store and buying the Indy DVD box set, I decided get someone in Europe to order it for me, have them ship it there, then them ship it back to me.

So in the end my DVD's would cost me almost twice as much if not more. I guess the problem I have with this deal (and it's not a shot at Marc) is that Alden seems to be thinking very in a very narrow minded way.

I mean, imagine if they would have said, "Wow, really...there are that many gear heads that want "THE" many orders could you get if we offered a special COW price?"

Marc sold 13 pairs at like $700 (or something), and it appears that's where it'll stay, but what if Alden was able to offer the boots to COW members for say....$450 (or even the standard price) they would more than likely sell like 200 pairs from this site alone.

I can't claim to know how the conversation went down with Alden, and I'm not going to assume I know what Marc said, but it seems that it would have been in the best interest for someone to say, "Well, that's awesome that you can make them, but if they're $700 I'll only get a few orders, but if we can work out a better price, I am sure you could tell upwards of 200 pair."

People can say that Alden can do what they want cause they're doing us a favor and whatnot, but I don't see it that way. They are a business, and I don't care who you are, if you have the chance to make more money, you will. No one over at Alden's is saying, "Nah, we make enough, we don't care!" What they are probably saying is, "These guys are nuts, they'll pay anything, lets make it seem like we're doing them this huge favor and they'll be thrilled to open their wallets!"

(One last thing, I think Marc needs to be a little more up front with what is getting changed. It seems a few people here are wondering if they're going to be paying $700 for a boot with nothing more than 2 shades difference in the thread on the inside)

Here is what I think should be done. I think that a COW petition should be put together with agreed upon specs. Then someone should take it to Alden and say, "There are 235 people who would like these boots, what can you do for us?"

When they come back and say, "Ya for sure, $700!" someone needs to say, "Oh, ok that's fine then we'll take the pattern and specs to someone else who can replicate them for a reasonable cost!"

I mean, does it not seem likely they would be like, "Hmmm, if we let this go, we could potentially lose $94,000 or so....maybe we should see what we can do!"

I dunno...just my thoughts.
I just stopped by the Alden store. They said that in about 4 months they will start carrying a black Indy boot. Same as the current standard #405: waxhide leather, cotton lining, white stitching, neoprene sole - but black instead of brick-red.
Food for thought. I pulled this off of another thread. It seems Alden has no problem creating an entirely different color boot (leather, thread, etc) for the same cost, so why does a boot suddenly reach $700? If it's a matter of production numbers (more boots = more savings for them) then why not sell "THE" boot at normal price and see the orders fly in.
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Post by sneakertinker »

I'm all for a petition...

Where do I sign?!!
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Post by Mulceber »

Ditto. I'll sign any day. I think this is a great offer by Marc and I appreciate the work he's done but I think Alden is kindof ripping us off. :junior: -M
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Post by Tron7960 »

Isn't bringing forward a petition to have Aldens produced to "agreed upon specs" at a price set by or at least approved by the petitioners a different project than Marc's? I certainly can't speak for him or any of the other 13, but from what Marc has communicated here, it doesn't sound like this would accomplish anything but to cause Aldens to withdraw. Should probably make sure this is seen as a completely separate endeavor unless given the go ahead by Marc. JMHO.

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Post by Marc »

WOW! I would CERTAINLY appreciate if you'd stop stuff like that until I got my pair of boots and I'm confident that those who ordered think the same.

What you're thinking of here, is basicly risking it for everyone.
"Well, that's awesome that you can make them, but if they're $700 I'll only get a few orders, but if we can work out a better price, I am sure you could tell upwards of 200 pair."
I HAD this conversation with Alden and it did not change ANYTHING! Alden has a pile of orders being round about a yard and a half high. And they're EXACTLY where they feel comfortable. They can get the amount of high quality leather they need, they have the right amount of craftmen, the factory has the right size... everything is JUST as is should. They don't WANT to expand, grow or make more turnover. Period. And they're keeping it at that level by telling their retailers what to charge. I'd be the LAST to say "I rather sell 20 pair for 450Euro than selling 200 pair for 320$". However - and I've said that before - if the Dollar would gain it's old strenght back, the same pair of boots would be 375$ from me!!! - I don't think that you can blame neither Alden nor me for the weak Dollar, can you? I hope that the Dollar will become that strong again. I could quit my daytime job tomorrow if it would. With a Dollar like that, my hats would sell like warm chocolate on a winter morning and the Alden boots would be 55$ more than the standard off the rack 405's. A shirt from me would be less then 60$ shipped to the U.S. Who do you actually think suffers most on the weak Dollar? People who can go out and purchase alternatives for far less, or those of us where 80% of their customers live in the U.S.?


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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Marc, again, I'm not attacking you or anything, I'm simply trying to understand.

You see, it's great that you have this deal worked out with Alden, but it kinda seems like the deal has forgotten the most important person, the Indy collector.

Perhaps you are right and Alden for whatever reason feels that the solution to keeping things at a current level of production is to charge $700 for a pair of shoes. Perhaps this company's solution is instead of saying that the shoes will cost the same, but the wait time for custom shoes might be like a year, they'll say the price is so high, that if you're crazy enough to pay it, then good on ya.

There is nothing wrong with paying a little more for a custom item I am perfectly willing to accept that, and I wouldn't want to mess up your deal, but (and forgive me for sounding like a jerk), you kinda screwed up the deal for the rest of us IMO.

Alden has a store in California. At U.S. Pricing I can order a pair of Alden shoes in Canadian currency at a really good price. If I were to call them up tomorrow and say, "Hey, a guy from IndyGear made a deal with you guys to make the perfect Indy boot, can I just order one through you directly instead of paying Euro price?"

What do you think they would tell me? They would probably tell me where to go. Basically what you have done (and please correct me if I am wrong) is set a standard. You have effectively told Alden that there are people that are willing to pay anything for a pair of their shoes. 80% (guess) of this forum is not going to pay $700 for a pair of shoes no matter what, so by saying that 13 will, Alden will probably never offer the same deal to someone else for a reasonable cost.

My personal opinion is if Alden doesn't really want the business, then we should find a place who does. There are probably some shoe makers that would love to make $95,000! If Alden wants to jack up the price so they don't have to do extra work, then they deserve to go under in my opinion and make room for someone who does.

All I am saying is that your deal seems to have been done with the best intention and I for one completely appreciate that, but it seems the power in numbers of this forum was overlooked because Alden would have to be a complete fool to not want to make 200+ pairs of shoes.

For what it's worth, my advice is to call back Alden and say, "Thanks, but no thanks!" explain to them that while you appreciate them taking the time to even consider this deal it simply eliminates too many members of this community that if given a real chance would purchase a pair. Let them know that if they would be willing to be reasonable on the price then they would sell way more than 13 pair, and if they don't seem to care, then you should say thanks but then we'll take our business elsewhere.

But that's just me....
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Post by starks_6 »

I think people need to appreciate that Alden has offered Marc and us this at all. If you dont want to pay extra to have them source the different leather and have a more authentic Raiders boot then so be it, you can still purchase the ordinary boot at the lesser cost. So many people are attacking Marc over him trying to help us. If you dont want to pay the money then simply dont, custom made boots can easily cost up to $1000 so its not altogether unrealistic. I feel sorry for you Marc..... Thanks for your time once again.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

I totally appreciate Marc doing this and I'm no attacking him at all (or trying very hard not to).

All I am saying is that I DON'T want to pay $700 for a pair of shoes (as do others), but I also don't want Alden thinking that is a reasonable thing to do to people. This "favor" seems to benefit Alden a little more than I would personally like.

Plus as I have said it screws up any future deal because it tells Alden that they don't have to be reasonable because someone will pay the price no matter how unreasonable it is.

And yes you are correct, $1000 for custom shoes isn't unreasonable, but we are talking shoes that are made to fit MY feet. Custom shoes for $700 that seemingly only have a different leather is in my opinion not a good custom deal.


To add, I think others have said before perhaps half the reason people such as my self don't see the value in a $700 pair of shoes is because Marc hasn't properly even told us what we are actually getting for the extra cost. If it's nothing more than a slight color chance, I think many will be quite cranky....Marc needs to create value with description and photos, thus it may seem a little more reasonable.
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Post by starks_6 »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:I totally appreciate Marc doing this and I'm no attacking him at all (or trying very hard not to).

All I am saying is that I DON'T want to pay $700 for a pair of shoes (as do others), but I also don't want Alden thinking that is a reasonable thing to do to people. This "favor" seems to benefit Alden a little more than I would personally like.

Plus as I have said it screws up any future deal because it tells Alden that they don't have to be reasonable because someone will pay the price no matter how unreasonable it is.

And yes you are correct, $1000 for custom shoes isn't unreasonable, but we are talking shoes that are made to fit MY feet. Custom shoes for $700 that seemingly only have a different leather is in my opinion not a good custom deal.


To add, I think others have said before perhaps half the reason people such as my self don't see the value in a $700 pair of shoes is because Marc hasn't properly even told us what we are actually getting for the extra cost. If it's nothing more than a slight color chance, I think many will be quite cranky....Marc needs to create value with description and photos, thus it may seem a little more reasonable.
I understand your point. Please understand I made no attack at you, I Just read through the previous 3 pages and so many people are saying the same thing. He's a great Bloke who is trying to offer CoW members something else, and to a point he's getting put down....
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Post by Neolithic »

My personal opinion is if Alden doesn't really want the business, then we should find a place who does. There are probably some shoe makers that would love to make $95,000!
... but that wouldn't this miss the point? I thought getting a pair of Aldens as they appear in Raiders is what it's about. Anyone could make a replica pair, but you can't call them Aldens.
And yes you are correct, $1000 for custom shoes isn't unreasonable, but we are talking shoes that are made to fit MY feet. Custom shoes for $700 that seemingly only have a different leather is in my opinion not a good custom deal.
Reading between the lines, I don't think it's simply different leather. Alden are researching their archives to bring a boot back from the past. I'm guessing here, but I suspect there is even a different pattern that will be used? It's a full archival job...

Not all businesses are obsessed with chasing the dollar. Building more shoes for more profit is sensible to most of us, but I can respect Alden desiring to keep a certain scale to their work.
I think a lot of people are feeling Alden are rubbing their hands with glee at the starstruck fans falling over themselves to spend their cash on a pair of boots. It's possibly just as simple as Alden saying they don't need the work, so if it's going to be this way- this is how much it will cost. The price is probably designed to keep control over numbers and it's working, much to the chagrin of most here.

Just because Indy fans could pound the doors of Alden in legion doesn't mean they'd change their boot or cater to us. It's clearly not about money with these guys. Marc has been able to convince Alden to replicate their boot from the 1980s, I'm amazed he's managed this- but he's got the deal- it's a tough one, but it's a deal nonetheless. If you don't like it you've just got to move on because I doubt anyone at Alden is going to listen.

Marc, could you next try convincing Herbert Johnson to go back to making their poet exactly like they did in the late 1970s...? :wink:
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

... but that wouldn't this miss the point? I thought getting a pair of Aldens as they appear in Raiders is what it's about. Anyone could make a replica pair, but you can't call them Aldens.
True, but I could probably buy one pair of regular Aldens and take most of you out for steak and lobster for the price of "The" aldens.
Reading between the lines, I don't think it's simply different leather. Alden are researching their archives to bring a boot back from the past. I'm guessing here, but I suspect there is even a different pattern that will be used? It's a full archival job...
Well perhaps reading between the lines is what is making this such a hard sell for most people. People are asking what is different about the boot..why is it worth $400 more than the regular boot? What if the leather they originally used was not very good and that is why they changed it?What if the soles were of some old technology that will fall apart in a year?

My point is that if someone is going to spend double for the boots then it is a perfectly legit question to ask why. What is the extra value in the boot aside from working on our emotions of the perfect boot. Will the buyers get a $700 boot...or will they get a normal, or less quality boot just because someone deemed that was ok?

I dunno, I am sure there are a million reasons why this deal is the way it is and I don't want to stir the pot any more than I have already done. I have said already that Marc did a really cool thing, but the deal just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth (not on Marc's part).

I don't think that we all deserve different than the rest of the world because we like a certain movie, and that goes both ways. I don't think we should get special treatment, but I also don't think we should be taken advantage of either.

In this case, it seems like it's more the latter on Aldens part. Instead of saying, "Ya, cool, we would love 200+ people to own Aldens that they love !" it's more like they're saying, "You suckers, ya we'll make your little film boots, but it's gonna cost you more than your first born son....why....because instead of adding a reasonable time frame on it, we'll just jack up the cost so not as many people can get them!"

And you know what, that's's their business, they can do what they like. I'll leave this thread for a bit cause I don't want to steal Marc's thunder anymore than I already have. I do think however in the future the rest of us should approach Alden with a different deal, not a "Please Alden!" type, but a, "Ya, we have this many people with money, so if that is important to you that we do business with you, then cool..lets work out a reasonable understanding"


Out of curiosity...someone who is considering buying a regular pair of Aldens might want to call them after the Indy boot specs come back and ask them randomly (not mention Indy) if they could make a boot like that....I'm curious to see what a seemingly random consumer price would be.
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Post by Marc »


Nevermind. I've said what I've gotta say and I'm don't feel like defending myself nor Alden for bringing back a 30 year old boot.


Last edited by Marc on Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BoilermakerJones »


Thank you for all you have done in this endeavor! Keep up the good work.

I know I can't afford these boots at this time and I accept that. I'm not even ready to get standard 405's. I need to get too many other things first to start my gear with authentic boots. But it is nice to know that they are available.

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Post by TheFedoraGuy »

Why did Marc 'forget the indy collector"... apparently he found 13 collectors who are willing to get a pair of boots. It's not his fault that the US$ is currently weak. And 450€ is not too much for a pair of hand made welt-sewn shoes, au contraire.
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Post by Marc »

apparently he found 13 collectors who are willing to get a pair of boots
16 :wink:


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Post by Tron7960 »

So we've settled this!

I get to overpay for my boots of a different color.

I'm happy.

Marc gets to further his reputation as a guy who forgets about the Indy collector.

He's happy!

And Crazylegs will buy regular Aldens and take us out for steak and lobster with his savings!

We're all happy!
(I don't know about their lobster, but you can't beat Alberta Beef!)
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Actually, I would be 100% happy if someone would explain to me what the difference is from the normal boot. Did I miss a post or something cause it seems like Marc said, "Made like the original!" and a bunch of people went, "Where do I send the cheque?"

Why is this question getting glossed over? Is it some kind of secret, or do people with limited amounts of cash simply have to take a leap of faith that a $700 boot is going to be 50% better than the regular boot?

It seems like pretty much most of my posts could have been eliminated if someone would just explain to me why these boots are worth $700. And you can't use the weak U.S. dollar excuse because unless I am completely wrong, the company is in the U.S.

Someone earlier in this thread asked why they were sending the boots to Germany, then back to the U.S? Who benefits from this, or is it just putting money in the post offices' pockets for no reason?

All I am really asking (like anyone who collects gear should) is if this deal is giving the best value, and the most fair price. All I want to know is if everything was done in every way to make this deal available to the majority of this forum. And all I want to know is if these boots are worth the price being asked.

This is not me just being a jerk for the sake of something to do, this is me being a good consumer. This is me speaking on my own (and others here that may feel the same) behalf to say thank you for doing this, but just because Indy Gear is a passion, it doesn't mean it should automatically negate reason.
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Post by WeeMadHamish »

It's simple.

For $700 bucks, you get the Adventurebilt Deluxe of Aldens.

If that's too rich for your blood, then you get the standard, just like you would with the AB.
crazylegsmurphy wrote:Someone earlier in this thread asked why they were sending the boots to Germany, then back to the U.S? Who benefits from this, or is it just putting money in the post offices' pockets for no reason?
It's been explained. Because Alden doesn't ship directly to the buyer from the factory. They ship only to their retailers. There's no real benefit, that's just their business practice. They don't sell and ship directly to the consumer.
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Post by sneakertinker »

Here is another pic from the photobucket account that looks to be a vintage pair...

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Post by Alan »

The problem is, you can take your $95,000 order have no place to go with it. The only makers in the US who could possibly do this to the quality level of the original Indy boot (or current Indy boot) is 1) Alden, and 2) Allen Edmonds. You would find AE tougher to deal with than Alden. The rest are offshore now or closed.

Here are a pair of Edward Green boots offered by Leather Soul Hawaii (also an Alden dealer who offers variations on the Indy boot). They are made in England by one of the top shoe makers in the world. They cost $1100:


Are they 'worth' 3X the cost of a regular production Indy boot? They are to somebody. Is the construction 3X better? Will they last 3X longer? No. But prices rise exponentially with quality, not steadily. Don't like it? Tough. That's the way it works. You can do with your money what you want. Can I afford these boots? No, but I don't resent their existence. In fact, I'm glad they're there.

Marc is working within the system that exists. If he wants to play ball he has to play by Alden's rules. If not, Alden existed before Marc and Indy fans showed up. They figure they'll exist without him or us. The Alden boot is a big seller for them, but they have a big business in a lot of other shoes with a lot of other customers who couldn't care less about Indiana Jones. Getting mad at Marc or Alden accomplishes nothing.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Some of you really need to lay off of Marc. He has gone out and gotten or produced what so many Indy gearheads have demanded. SA hats, holsters, shirts and now the boot. Further, he has already stated the boots would cost less than $400 if the US Dollar were stronger. It's not his fault and I applaud him for his efforts. And I certainly would not hold it against him if he made a profit in the process.

However, I do see two fair questions for Marc:

1. Aside from the color, what is the difference between THE boot and the current offering from Alden?
2. If Steve is your partner in the U.S., why can't some of the boots be shipped to the Adventurebilt office here in the U.S. for distribution to U.S. customers?

I recall you saying that anything not hat related goes through your desk, but come on, you have to admit the whole "round trip" business is hard for some to accept. To be honest, that did it for me. I simply could not see myself paying what boiled down to being $300+ in shipping costs.
Last edited by Chewie Louie on Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sneakertinker »

Well I bit the bullet and ordered a pair. Thanks Marc for this offer.

Now I just have to explain to the wife that I purchased 2 pairs of Alden's within the last week...One of which cost a little extra... :twisted:

Oh well it's all at the cost of being an Indiana Jones fan...
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Hmmm, well it seems like I am some how the minority here. It seems that I'm the only one who thinks this whole "deal" needs to be questioned.

Apparently I'm the only one who doesn't want to spend double for a shoe with no description/photos/etc.

Perhaps one of you would like to buy me a pair of these boots too since money seems to be no object for you. I'll even take a normal pair of Aldens if you like, we can ship them around the world a few times if it helps raise the cost to a reasonable level.

Anyway, I'm done with this thread. It seems that most of you that post are either not reading what I write, think I'm somehow out to get Marc, or just telling me the same things for some reason.

Fine, Alden is justified in selling these boots for twice the cost. Fine, it's the low U.S. Dollar that is the problem (even though I live in Canada and the dollar is higher than the U.S. dollar). Fine, this deal has no room for movement and I should just accept that we have been done such a grand favor by Alden that I should probably send a Hallmark thank you card as well.

And fine, there is no need to ask simple questions like, what is the difference from the new Alden boots.

Enjoy your boots guys, seems that you'll be the only ones able to ever get them.
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Post by lingarn »

With regard to questioning the specifics of the new boots, that seems fair.

It is reasonable to want to know why and how these boots are special. I'd be more interested in learning why Aldens has shifted from the specs of the boots as they were 30 years ago, but the differences would be key if I were considering buying the boots.

In terms of questioning the deal and price, I think that it has been explained why they are what they are -- Aldens is calling the shots.

We all know the AB hats are going to be more expensive after May 22, and this is only in part due to rising costs of materials. Fedora has said that in order to keep the amount of orders he has steady, he will raise prices. He doesn't want to make more hats, he doesn't need to make more hats. Aldens is in the same situation. They have apparently decided that they simply don't need the business, so they set a price that keeps orders low. I hope someday to be in a position where I can turn down work as well. :lol:

I can understand why you would be disappointed. I can't afford these boots either. But there are a lot of great movie prop items that I can't afford, so knowing that these boots are being produced at all is fine for me because that means that maybe someday I could get some.

I hope that you are able to come to terms with this, as it seems like an unnecessary stress to linger on.
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Post by starks_6 »

In questioning the specifics of the boot,
It's because the people buying these don't need to see the difference. Apart from a Lid due to the waiting list Ive bought everything else Marc offers and I KNOW his quality work and I KNOW his attention detail. he's as finicky as any other hardcore Raiders fan and wouldn't offer them unless they were THE boot. Thats why those of us don't need to see the boot to buy the boot!
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Post by WeeMadHamish »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:Hmmm, well it seems like I am some how the minority here. It seems that I'm the only one who thinks this whole "deal" needs to be questioned.
I don't feel the need to question the deal because I have no personal investiture in the deal. I'm not interested in paying $700 for a pair of purported 100% screen accurate boots, nor $400 nor even $100 for a pair of close enoughs. But some people are -- at least 16 of them. Good for them.

The resentment over the exorbitant price smacks more of jealousy than anything, in my eyes. I would love to be able to buy an AB, or even an ABD, but it's just not in my budget right now. Does it bother me that other people have them, while I don't? Not really.
crazylegsmurphy wrote:And fine, there is no need to ask simple questions like, what is the difference from the new Alden boots.
Would you buy them if you knew?

People who have the means are more than capable of deciding for themselves whether they trust Marc's judgement in Alden's ability to recreate the boot, and whether it is worth the price tag. People who don't have the means aren't going to be able to order the boot anyway. So I just don't see the need to pick it apart before the first boot has even been made.

Maybe, just maybe, once the first batch are made and delivered, those that bought them will review them and decide whether it was worth it or not.
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Post by Tron7960 »

So no steak and lobster? :(
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

We all know the AB hats are going to be more expensive after May 22, and this is only in part due to rising costs of materials
Cost of materials...Legit excuse! If it was explained that the leather was some crazy foreign leather, and the soles were made of some kind of 1980's space age thing that was custom made....then ya, it would start to make sense.

It just seems now the price is high just because Alden threw a dart at a price board and that's what they decided. If Alden really didn't need the work, then tell me why they even entered into the deal in the first place?

Sure, Fedora is raising his prices to cut down on orders, but he is a retired guy who does it as a hobby, it's not really the same. I simply don't buy that Alden doesn't care if they have the work or not. Why would they enter into a deal, state that at least 12 pairs have to be made, then put the cost at $700 (or whatever the actual cost is).

If they didn't want/need the work, they would have simply said no. I would venture to guess that Alden wants the work, they want to sell shoes to Indy fans that cost them probably $150 to make, but can sell them for a lot stating that they really don't need the work....does this not seem fishy at all to anyone?

If not, then explain why they would be doing some random person (random to them) in Germany a favor for 16 pairs of boots? Why would they meet, take the time, check the records, order the materials, and put their workers off making the regular line of boots....a favor?

There is some kind of red flag here for me. No description, no explanation, no reason, and a bunch of reasons for why Alden's is setting this price.

To me, it seems logical that if Aldens was really trying to do a favor for Indy fans, but they wanted to keep numbers reasonable for the workers, then the deal would have been more like, "The Indy Aldens will only cost $50 more to cover the cost of the custom leather, but we are only taking orders of 20 per 6 months."

Does that not seem like a more reasonable deal to cut down costs? (IMO this should be the same for AB hats, the cost should reflect the materials, but it should simply be a set number of "hat spots" per time. No more orders can come in until that run is complete).

And ya, I am cranky....this is a wicked deal, but now the deal will never change...I have no option but to spend $700 on these Aldens or "settle" for the other ones. This is one of those deals that I wouldn't have made because not only would I not want to pay the extra, but perhaps the timing was wrong and by waiting, or approaching it slightly different, it might have worked out for the majority of us, instead of the few of us that can afford such a deal.
So no steak and lobster? Sad
No no, I'll buy you a Surf and Turf fellow Canadian, come out and visit and we'll go out and argue all night about Aldens! :P
Would you buy them if you knew?
Would I buy a pair of screen accurate boots if I knew exactly what I was buying and could be assured that not only are they screen accurate, but the quality will reflect the fact that I would be spending the same on a pair of boots as a flight to Cancun, or a new laptop? Well it sure wouldn't hurt.

Not everyone can just throw money at random gear no matter what someones reputation is. Take Wested....they have the reputation of making great jackets, and even though they're a pretty fair cost, people still nitpick every detail, shop around, look at the options, research, think, etc...for some people that is what needs to be done to feel justified in making these kinds of purchases.

You take these boots, which have little in the way of description, and jack up the price by double, then get defensive when someone says, "woah, hold the phone!"

Am I jealous, you bet your dusty hat I am. I'm jealous that some deal was made that I can't be a part of ever.....I'm jealous that someone was able to make a deal with the company that will probably not allow me to ever get these kinds of boots. I'm jealous that there are people out there who can just drop cash on stuff without even knowing what they are *****!
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Post by Tron7960 »

It's a date! :)
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Post by Satipo »

My main problem with this is that I have trouble trusting Alden to definitely produce a replica accurate enough to the original Raiders boots to justify the higher price. It's really a case of taking their word for it and trusting that their records are correct unless someone can ever compare them to an original screen-used Raiders pair. But I applaud Marc for his detective work.
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Post by Indiana G »

Tron7960 wrote:It's a date! :)
CLM don't do it....he's from winnipeg.....the best thing that ever came out of there were the Jets........ :lol:

just kidding tron.......CLM'll buy you the dinner and i'll buy the drinks :D


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Post by IndyBlues »

This is hilarious. :lol: Alden does things their way. They don't make changes to their current line of shoes, because they don't need to. They have been making 405s forever, and we've been buying them up, even when they were orange! Orange for crying out loud.

Now, Marc gets a deal going to make a re-issue of a boot that has gone through some changes over the years, in order to bring us a pair of screen accurate Raiders of the Lost Ark boots. Alden doesn't NEED the business obviously, but if they are going to go out of their way to change the make-up of the shoe, they are going to tell Marc what they want for them. If Marc doesn't like the price, he could have told them to jump in the lake. Marc lets us know the price. 16 people so far ordered them. Did Marc break their arms, or threaten them to buy them??
No, of course not. It's absurd to attack (and it IS an attack, no idea why) Marc over a price that he was quoted by Alden, to sell them for. If he doesn't sell them for this amount , they don't get made. PERIOD

Like I said earlier in the thread, Tony Nowak(and now Belstaff) is going to be selling some very high priced Indy jackets to the public. How can THEY be worth 2-3 times as much as the other offerings out there??
I have no clue, but I guarantee, more than 16 people are going to buy them, and you can't tell me a jacket is worth more than a good pair of shoes.

CrazyLegs, sorry you're jealous(your words, not mine), but that's no reason to blame Marc, OR Alden.
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Post by bigrex »

It's like Sean Connery returning to the Bond role in 1971 for £1.2 million plus a share in the profits totaling $6 million. Well, not quite, but Aldens is reprising a shoe and they pretty much are in a position to lay down the conditions price-wise, and everyone can decide whether to purchase the shoe or not. Those who want to buy it and can, will do so.
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Post by Tron7960 »

I thought it was Neil Young (or at least the Guess Who ) :)
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Post by Tron7960 »

I think the video link posted by Dr. J. can tie in nicely with this discussion!
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Post by sneakertinker »

Here is screen grab of the boots from the Alden video...They really do look like the pictures that MK took of the vintage pair.

Is this what the AB Edition will look like Marc?

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Post by IndianaChris711 »

Sneakertinker, I don't think the color will look like that, but the shoe/boot construction will be similar not exact. Mine that I have now look like what was shown in the video, a brownish color. So I think what you are getting from Marc is much more special than the boot in the video or the 405's Alden currently offers. What you are getting from Marc is exactly stitch for stitch the exact boot Harrison Ford wore in the movie back in Raiders. I don't think it is going to look like the color of the boot now, I highly doubt it but I could be wrong. :wink:

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Post by rrhanselka »

I'm really glad for AB. You guys must do a terrific job. I've got to say, if you can sell a $300.00 pair of boots for $700.00, I need to hire you guys. I'm a sales manager for an oilfield supply company. Sales is my game. I can sell a product that costs more based an quality and/or service, and I do it all day long. But I would be hard-pressed to cut that deal. Why don't I buy the Alden boot and dye it another color? I really mean this to be costructive. Can you really sell enough boots to make this worth your while? I'm very interested in how this venture turns out.

I would ask the same question of Indy Magnoli. Why buy your boot? It isn't the original, but it looks just like it, but it costs just as much. Give me a reason to buy your boot?

I'm very curious.

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Post by Marc »

The color shown in the picture above is their waxed brown calfskin, with less red to it than we saw in the past. The color here is quite close to what Alden got on their last lot of leathers. Not the exact same color as in Raiders, but closer. The interiour of the current boot varies slightly from what they used in the Raiders era as well. Of course this is something that most of us could hardly care less for. However to some people (incl. myself) it does make a different. To some - if the liner of a hat ain't white - it cannot be an Indy Fedora. Others don't care. Personal preference.
Why don't I buy the Alden boot and dye it another color?
Who said you can't? - I did that. However the dye was not the EXACT same one as used 30 years ago and neither were the results. Also, the leather won't absorb the dye the same way as when originally tanned with this color.
Can you really sell enough boots to make this worth your while?
I made the min. order amount happen, didn't I? - So that means, that I'll be able to purchase a pair for myself right? Then this is worth it to me. If I could have gotton them elsewhere, I wouldn't have looked into it. But to date nobody actually offered them the way I wanted and it seems to me like some people feel the same 8)
I would ask the same question of Indy Magnoli. Why buy your boot? It isn't the original, but it looks just like it, but it costs just as much. Give me a reason to buy your boot?
Because Magnoli can offer them in various colors and made to measure. More options for different desires (hope you don't mind me for answering this one Indy).



P.S.: The order will be placed at Alden starting next week. For those who aren't sure wether to order or not to, I'd kindly ask you to make up your mind in the meanwhile. Thank you.
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Post by sneakertinker »

Hey Marc,

What is the turnaround going to be on the shoes. How soon should we expect to wait until they start shipping? Thanks again.
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Post by Marc »

Round about 6 months is what I was told. Not bad compared to our hats 8-[


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Post by sneakertinker »

Not bad actually. Sometimes the wait can be 3 months for the general 405's...Thanks Marc.
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