Hey all! been a couple days since the last update!
But. I got the grips in FINALLY! So taht's good, they'll be hitting the lovely silicone quite soon. The casts are coming okay too. I've been having some issues with air bubbles, because of this task stuff, but now I'm heating the moulds before pouring and it's making a difference. *keeps fingers crossed*. It doesn't look like I'll get them out before Christmas though. I hope that's not a big issue? I won't be here for the week prior to Christmas either.
But I do have a proto just drying up and waiting for a clear coat, and I'll spray the grips the right color so that you can get an idea of the final product.
In no hurry here either, I can wait....4 months for a jacket, 3 months for a hat (still waiting). So take your time, do it right and do it well, we'll just stand behind you and go aaahhhh, wow, oooooooh, awesome, is that SA???
how am i gonna knock over a 7-11 on christmas eve without the heater???
no worries here.....take all the time you need. it's good of you to find out all the error's (bent retractor pin, air bubbles in resin, etc.) with rhboyd's gun....that way mine will be perfect
Indiana G wrote:how am i gonna knock over a 7-11 on christmas eve without the heater???
No problem. Just use the old index-finger-extended-in-coat-pocket trick! Or better still, whittle a pistol out of a soap block. Just make sure it doesn't rain on the big day...
KingNothing - thanks for doing this! I'm extremely interested in seeing one of these replicas in the flesh one day...
Just a quick note to everyone. I won't be available from the 18th- the 26th. I hope everyone has a great Christmas, and I'll be getting the guns ready to go shortly thereafter!!
I wish I could chime in with my hometeam....the canucks....but I can't. I am pretty upset with them...they always seem to stop short of real effort.....
Well I guess one thing is certain, we all hate the Habs and the Flames.
How's everyone? I'm back baby!
I've been making guns all today and will do so tomorrow. I should have everything ready to ship this week, I'm waiting on the Lanyard rings that snakewhip forwarded up to me. I also realized the grips that I have are a touch small and the top isn't quite correct. But not to worry, before I left I bought a pair of vintage origional mint condition grips. So those should be in any day now, and those aren't hard to mould or pour.
Hope that's a good update, I'll take some pics of the grips now to show you what I mean.
BTW I was away last week and heard Sidney Crosby was in a fight, saw it on youtube. What a joke!
So here's a couple pics of the grips I have now. They're a touch small and the part where the diamond checkering starts at the top is too low. It should start about 4 mils higher than that. But not to fear, new ones are on the way.
And here's a quick pic of a finish I was working on. It's a crappy pic but you get the idea. More blued, less distressed. I think it's still a bit too black but the paint formula is almost ready. Needs a touch more silver into the colour too.
Well I plan on clear coating everything and drying it in an oven. So no sticky. I think artsee uses a patina which might react to the resin. Not sure about that though. But they will not be sticky, that's for sure. And about the scratches, no it will be more of a rubbed effect. Sorta like where the gun would rub in the holster and whatnot. I acutally scratched it by accident so I decided to put more on there.
I'm working hard. Basically because I'm heat curing the resin it's taking a while. 7 hours per gun, and I can only do one at a time. Then the paint takes an hour to dry with heat or overnight without per coat. And there is 2 coats. But it's coming along smoothly. Shipping will be happening fairly soon! Thanks for waiting everyone!
EDIT - Forgot to mention, I probably will fill the barrel halway through with resin mixed with lead shot, to give it some more weight. It will still be drilled to the point where you couldn't tell it wasn't all the way through.
Geeeeze. More pics?? lol. For sure. I'll get some pics of progress stuff tonight. It's all over the place. So messy. But #### it's fun.
I guess I'm really picky and if a part has a tiny air bubble I'm not happy. (Mostly because I hate filling them). But I have since learned a real cool technique. Baby powder or talcum. Dust the moulds and it pulls the resin into all the small places, and BAM almost no air bubbles.
KingNothing wrote:Geeeeze. More pics?? lol. For sure. I'll get some pics of progress stuff tonight. It's all over the place. So messy. But #### it's fun.
I guess I'm really picky and if a part has a tiny air bubble I'm not happy. (Mostly because I hate filling them). But I have since learned a real cool technique. Baby powder or talcum. Dust the moulds and it pulls the resin into all the small places, and BAM almost no air bubbles.
you should take some action pictures of the gun.....like dropping it out of a car or having it run over by an airplane wheel, or throwing it into the ocean off of the portugese coast....that kinda stuff will weather the gun considerabley or may even break it.....you may want to use rhboyd's gun for that kind of stuff
KingNothing wrote:Geeeeze. More pics?? lol. For sure. I'll get some pics of progress stuff tonight. It's all over the place. So messy. But #### it's fun.
I guess I'm really picky and if a part has a tiny air bubble I'm not happy. (Mostly because I hate filling them). But I have since learned a real cool technique. Baby powder or talcum. Dust the moulds and it pulls the resin into all the small places, and BAM almost no air bubbles.
you should take some action pictures of the gun.....like dropping it out of a car or having it run over by an airplane wheel, or throwing it into the ocean off of the portugese coast....that kinda stuff will weather the gun considerabley or may even break it.....you may want to use rhboyd's gun for that kind of stuff
Yeah I already did use it for that stuff. I use yours for a door stop and for picking my nose though. So it'll be distressed soon, I just got off a cold.
At least the Oilers play consistent hockey unlike the Canucks. Those guys keep tearing at the hearstrings all season and then....totally drop their game in the playoffs! At least we don't have Crawford anymore.
Here's some progress pics. Just sorta scattered everywhere. Took them with my phone because I keep on forgetting my #### camera. Anywho. Here
This pic ^ I think is a lot closer to the finish for the gun I was aiming for. Hope you all like it!
Also I was hoping to get the first few out late this week or early next. I'm shipping with the current grips, jsut as a place holder and when I get the new ones in (still waiting, surprise surprise), I'll send those out to the guys who don't have them.
KN looking great, you're doing an awesome job!!!! I can't wait, well I can but I don't wanna. Seriously I'm in no hurry so if you wanna wait til you get the proper grips so that it won't cost you anything extra I'm fine with that.
Toronto is the the centre of the universe???? I thought it was mississauga??? Oh, no wait, it's Toronto but only when the Maple Laughs win a stanley cup. Until then I thinks its New England
looking awesome KN! i'm with lurch....i can wait for the proper grips to come in as well......i've been using my hand....(kinda like this: but with the index finger pointed out) for my 7-11 hold ups and it seems to be working fine so i don't need the prop right away
I feel the same KN - When you get the proper grips, you can send the whole thing the way you want it to look going out.....oh....I'm looking forward to this one.....
Alright... Cool guys. Will be holding off for a bit.
So here's a bit of an update. I am awaiting paint to dry on 6 guns right now. I'm also making the dummy rounds and experimenting paint colors for the grips. So it's coming together. Not much work before I get 6 out the door and then shortly after the rest. I like to work with a smaller amount and get them done at once, rather than try to do all the orders (which is more than 6). This way people get to see that there is progress. lol.
I'll post some pics sometime here, once everything is satisfactory. Again I know it's been a while, but the wait will be worth it!