Official Factory Produced KotCS AdventureBilt Fedora (Henry)

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by nicktheguy »

I think there should be some kind of logo - but it would be great to have it in the liner or on the band somewhere.
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Post by Indiana Kev »

I say go with what you used for the movie, whatever that may be. :tup:
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Post by Kt Templar »

If the liner was white, I'd like to see a simple Script "AB" with the normal scroll work "Adventurebilt Hat Co." underneath in unobtrusive silver or light gold. Keeping it classy.

If the liner was a dark colour then there are lot's of alternatives for a similar but unobtrusive colour.

No logo would seem unfinished somehow and these are not SA replicas, but more affordable CS ABs a significant step up from the Disney hats and probably should still have some branding.

Last edited by Kt Templar on Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Band Director Jones »

Here is my two cents on the liner. I say you keep the liners that are currently used for the custom hats exclusive to that line. I think the SA liners (whatever they may be) should be an option for only the custom made hats. I think the factory made hats should have a simple liner that states the Adventurebilt name and a simple logo that would easily be distinguished from the custom hats.
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Post by GCR »

Kt Templar wrote:No logo would seem unfinished somehow and these are not SA replicas, but more affordable CS ABs a significant step up from the Disney hats and probably should still have some branding
Band Director Jones wrote:Here is my two cents on the liner. I say you keep the liners that are currently used for the custom hats exclusive to that line. I think the SA liners (whatever they may be) should be an option for only the custom made hats. I think the factory made hats should have a simple liner that states the Adventurebilt name and a simple logo that would easily be distinguished from the custom hats.
I agree with both of you. What's the point of having an exact, screen-accurate replica of the liner used in the film, if the felt, ribbon and method of construction are all different than the movie hats? If these get off the ground, they will undoubtedly be one of the best factory produced hats out there, and will probably attract a client base beyond the "stitch counting, screen accurate fanatic" you can find around here. Most of the folks who are new to the hobby won't care if the liner is "exact", as long as it looks good.

Let the folks who want a hat JUST like the hats made for the film, made by one of the guys who made the originals, fork over the big bucks for the custom job, and have the "SA" liner be an option.

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Post by Marc »

Steve and I have aggreed on a certain direction regarding the liners for the factory made AB Fedoras.

We're sure that you'll love it once you see it, so stay tuned 8)


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Post by Indiana Neri »

I think it would have been a funny tie-in with the other movie if you guys had kept your current AB logo for the movie hats. Kindy like Indy making his hat more personal to him - adding to the theory that Indiana Jones modified his own gear, instead of buying off-the-rack merchandise.

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Post by indy89 »

Fedora wrote:I thought I would toss something out there in regards to liners for the factory AB. I am thinking of using the same type of liner as supplied to the film. Now, this liner is unmarked, no hatters crest at all. So, without divulging the color, do you guys think I should put the plain liners in the new factory hat, or should I have a logo of sorts? I do know, I will not be putting the current liner in the factory hats due to a much wider distribution, and due to the fact that I could legally get into trouble for using the Staff of Ra Headpiece. This never was an issue with my handmade hats, because the market is so small, but when the news breaks in the various media outlets, I expect to sell these hats to many new fans, and other folks that want a hat like Indy wore. And since it will have a much higher visibility compared to the past, I need to cross my t's and dot my i's, if you know what I mean. Any input, will be appreciated. Thanks!, Fedora
Maybe a skull? Something that'll reperesent KotCS. Just my 2 cents.
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Post by Mulceber »

I know you hate Optimo hats, Steve, but I think it would look really classy if the liners just had "Adventurebilt Hats" written in gold cursive writing, kind of like Optimo does it (I think). :junior: -IJ
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Post by Marc »

Neither Steve or me hate Optimo hats. That's simply not true!

If it wouldn't have been to Optimo, we'd perhaps never started making hats ourselves :wink: Though we had some bad expierences with them in the past, the way they put on the trimming have been an inspiration for both of us. So much in fact, that part of how they'd do the bow work are a standard for us as well and was used on the CS Fedoras.

Even though we may not agree on how they run their business, we've learned a lot from them.

Regarding the liner, just lean back and relax 8) It's not finished yet, but it will be nice and classy. Don't worry about it looking like a piece of merchandizing :wink:


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Post by Mulceber »

my mistake...I didn't mean to put it like that. I've just heard Steve say a lot that he thinks Optimo's are vastly over-priced, but I was suggesting that he should go for a liner similar to theirs since I think it looks classy. :oops: :junior: -IJ
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Post by Neolithic »

Steve & Marc,

Rock on, boys... :notworthy:

I'm looking forward to seeing your hats for sale here in Australia.
Are you talking international distribution?

Don't forget us in the southern hemisphere. :-)
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Post by Marc »

Thanks for the kind feedback Neo!

The distribution is not completely in dry clothes yet, but we're certainly planning to offer worldwide distribution.


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Post by Johnny Fedora »

The "limited edition" DP got me thinking...any new news on this project?

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Post by Jaredraptor »

Johnny Fedora wrote:The "limited edition" DP got me thinking...any new news on this project?

Same here. Any news? Or did that little notice from the Lucas legal office pretty much blow this up before takeoff?
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Oh, I hope it didn't. That would make me sick if it did..... :?
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Post by IndyFan89 »

I'm sure they still have something up there sleve.
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Post by Argonaut »

This is pretty awesome. I'm eager to see how it this turns out.
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Post by Dalexs »

Johnny Fedora wrote:The "limited edition" DP got me thinking...any new news on this project?

Didn't you hear... The Limited Edition IS the official factory built AB! :shock:
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Post by IndyFan89 »

Say it ain't so! :cry:
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Post by Marc »

Jup, Dalexs is absolutely right! Why sell handmade hats that take forever to make for 350 to 480$ if you can have 525$ for a factory made one 8)

Just kidding of course.

We're still working on it, don't worry. But since we DON'T want the factory made AB to look like "that other thing", it takes a while to have everything done right. You know how picky we are :wink:


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Post by airforceindy »

Seeing as you're online right now, Marc, I was wondering if you could answer this question. Is Steve's Raiders block STILL available through Lamode? If so, about how much would one cost to be made up in 7.5" (23.5" circumference) Long Oval? Knowing that Steve won't be doing reblocks on anything but his own hats anymore, I'd still like to be able to keep my Federation(s) looking spiffy and SA.
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Post by Fedora »

The block is still available from Lamode. I don't know what he charges regular guys now, but I paid right at 200 bucks for the CS replications. But, that block is "off the system" so we were charged more. I think my other Indy block that he keeps for you guys is around 135.00.

That block he will glady make and sell. The CS block can only be bought by me, as it is protected, and not avaible to other customers, or other hatters.

On the factory fedora, things are moving along quite well. They had ribbon run, and it did not meet specs, so they are using another ribbon maker to have this ribbon run.

With their vast array of blocks, they DID NOT have the Raiders/CS block shape. So, I am sending one of my CS blocks to them, and they will have it replicated on one of those replicating machines. So, the blockshape will be dead on to the film.

So far, everything is going very well, and we fully expect to have these available for delivery as soon as the film premiers. But, we have yet to see a prototype, and of course it must pass inspection. I even sent ribbon and bow samples so their ribbon work folks can make them exactly like we made them.
Neither Steve or me hate Optimo hats. That's simply not true!
Quite right Marc. Both of us had negetive feelings towards this company for a long time, but finally realized that the trouble we had was not with Graham, the hatter and owner, but an ex-employee of his that lied to us. We held Graham responsible, when in truth, he never knew what this guy had done, or said to us. We were told by the employee, we were buying pure beaver hats for our 450 bucks that we paid for the hat. (I bought 3)
Later, Graham told someone the hats we bought were a rabbit blend! Grahman later added a pure beaver hat for I think 650.00, and the employee in question moved on to other work.

So, no problem with Optimo anymore. And Marc is right. Their ribbon work and overall quality of their hats REALLY influenced us in a big way. To me, they set the standard of craftmanship that all hatters should strive for. I think the internet, and the interest in quality of many of their new internet customers, prompted them to upgrade their lower end felt hats. And that is good for everyone who shops with them. Fedora
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Post by IndyFan89 »

I can't wait for these hats Steve.
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Nor can I. It's been difficult for the wife to understand why I need an AB, when I just got my AB/IM/HJ hat for my birthday. :roll: Women...but a less expensive, factory AB, would help that situation greatly.

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Oooh, well this is REALY good news. Thanks for the little update on the factory hat project, Steve :D
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Post by Jaredraptor »

This is GREAT news!! I can actually get an AB before I'm in my late twenties
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Aw, now the wait isn't that bad!
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Post by Jaredraptor »

Pitfall Harry wrote::lol: :lol: :lol:

Aw, now the wait isn't that bad!

Heh, I was actually referring to the payment bit.......right now, I'm saving my money for a car and college.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

OOh, okay.....I was kinda wondering. :lol:
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Post by ydam »

I am getting in on this thread a bit late and just skipped around reading bits and pieces. However, am i right that steve said we could purchase a replica of one of his original indy blocks? If so where and how would i go about picking one up? I would LOVE to have a block that was my size.
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Post by swcrazyfan »

Is there any updates regarding these factory made fedoras?

I would be really interested if I could get one before the KOTCS premiere so I can wear it along with my costume to the midnight showing.
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Post by Spatterdash »

Hey, ya never know 'til ya ask!

So, here goes...

Any chance these factory AB's might become available in light gray and tan in the near future? Pretty please? It would be extremely popular with us vintage lovin', no-taper, straight side addicted, high-crowned dapper types...

Please? I'll NOT show up at your door and do my naughty dance if you'll consider it.
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Post by Indiana Kev »

I asked Fedora about a factory grey hat and he told me that there would have to be a lot of interest due to the volume of hats they would need to order, not sure how many hats they would need to get, but I'm sure it is alot so the more interest the better.
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Post by Fedora »

The factory hats are moving along in developement. The big hold up has been them finding the right ribbon. I sent in another swatch of the HJ ribbon so they could try other sources for it. The first source could not produce it for whatever reason. I think once they find the ribbon, things will move fairly fast. Once we see the prototype, and if it does not need tweaking, we shall place the order for a truckload of the hats and have them on hand, to be shipped out May 22. But I am getting ahead of myself here. I think once we get these in hand, we will accept pre orders for the ones that want the hat shipped at the earliest date that we can do it, which is the day the film is released. I will make the announcement when that time comes. Pricing will be as cheap as we can afford to sell them, but it will be reasonable. We have to wait to see what we will be charged before placing a concrete price on them. But they will be priced to sell and much cheaper to buy than the handmade ones. And no lead times to endure. Lead times, you gotta hate em'. I know that I certainly do. Fedora
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Post by Dr._J »

Thanks for the update Fedora. I'm all over one of these!

Regards, Dr. J
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Post by Kt Templar »

Fedora wrote:The factory hats are moving along in developement. The big hold up has been them finding the right ribbon. I sent in another swatch of the HJ ribbon so they could try other sources for it. The first source could not produce it for whatever reason. I think once they find the ribbon, things will move fairly fast. Once we see the prototype, and if it does not need tweaking, we shall place the order for a truckload of the hats and have them on hand, to be shipped out May 22. But I am getting ahead of myself here. I think once we get these in hand, we will accept pre orders for the ones that want the hat shipped at the earliest date that we can do it, which is the day the film is released. I will make the announcement when that time comes. Pricing will be as cheap as we can afford to sell them, but it will be reasonable. We have to wait to see what we will be charged before placing a concrete price on them. But they will be priced to sell and much cheaper to buy than the handmade ones. And no lead times to endure. Lead times, you gotta hate em'. I know that I certainly do. Fedora
Will Marc have a containerload or two sent over so he can sell with European shipping prices? Or is that not practical?
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Post by Arkansas Russell »

Fedora wrote:The factory hats are moving along in developement. ... Fedora
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

As long as it looks this good...or better I'll be first in line. :D

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Post by IndianaLV »

Kt Templar wrote:Will Marc have a containerload or two sent over so he can sell with European shipping prices? Or is that not practical?
Yeah, same question from me... Would be pretty cool if we Euro-Gearheads could get them duty-free and with cheaper shipping prices. :D
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Post by Arkansas Russell »

Johnny Fedora wrote:As long as it looks this good...or better I'll be first in line. :D

It aint Raiders... but man..that hat looks good!
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Nope, it's a KotCS hat! Looks like an AB to me. :wink:
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Post by Fedora »

Will Marc have a containerload or two sent over so he can sell with European shipping prices? Or is that not practical?
Good question. The answer right now is no. But we need some background to explain this.

Doing business in the USA is MUCH easier than doing business in Europe. You remember that 10 dollar a yard HJ ribbon? Over here, IF Schiff offered this same color and width ribbon, I could buy it for 48 cents a yard! Face it, things cost more in Europe than they do here. Look at the price of the rabbit HJ from SAB! It is ridiculous! That much money for a RABBIT fur hat. Come on, give me a break. It should be in the price range of the Miller, since both are factory made rabbit hats. But they are not. The difference is one is made in the Uk, and the other(Miller) is made in Canada.

But with that said, IF Marc wants to offer this hat in Europe, he is welcomed to do so. But, from what I know of his business, he would make near zero in profit, by the time he paid taxes, customs and shipping. Germany does not make it easy to sell foreign goods. And remain competitive while actually making a little profit for the time spent.

The factory version would be cheaper to sell from the USA, since international shipping is from 20 to 25 bucks, FROM the USA. And I don't think Marc wants to work for nothing, which may be what he would be doing by selling the hat at what we price it at,here in the US.

We had actually looked at having the factory made hat, made in Europe, as Marc has a factory there that COULD do this for us. But the costs are prohibitive, and the final retail price would be so much more than if done in the US. And the investment would be expoentially higher, that in simple terms is something neither he or I could afford. It is a matter of economics, generally speaking, and also personally speaking. :lol: Neither of us really have the sort of money needed to launch a factory hat from Europe. I wish that we did because I know of the quality his factory can produce.

A long answer to a short question. :lol: Fedora
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Post by Marc »

Nothing I could add here. I'll probably get a few dozen hats here, just to have some, when people want to visit the (hopefully soon) fully renovated 30's style hatshop. But that's most probably it then.

Shipping from Germany to another European country is round about 17Euro/25$ right now. That's the same as getting it directly from the U.S.. Of course we'll have to see if the factory made ABs will be available through hatshops and other re-sellers worldwide yet. In that case, you could probably order it directly at your local hatshop and then it would be THEIR problem to deal with customs and taxes.
I don't think Marc wants to work for nothing, which may be what he would be doing by selling the hat at what we price it at,here in the US.
Yeah really. THAT is a situation I have already... :?


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Post by Fedoraman »

Marc wrote:
I don't think Marc wants to work for nothing...
Yeah really. THAT is a situation I have already... :?


Yeah right, we all know that you and Steve are fat-cats living in mansions, lighting cigars with $100 bills - don't try to fool us :wink:
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Post by Marc »

Yeah right, we all know that you and Steve are fat-cats living in mansions, lighting cigars with $100 bills - don't try to fool us
HEY, is it MY fault that a $100 bill is cheaper than matches over here??? :shock: :lol:


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Post by Fedoraman »


Hey....dat's not funny :shock:

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Post by nicktheguy »

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Post by Michaelson »

Where's that 'rim shot' when you need one? :lol:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Cassidy »

Michaelson wrote:Where's that 'rim shot' when you need one? :lol:

Regards! Michaelson
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