Ford soon to be wearing an AB....and new!!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by Mulceber »

Don't worry Pitfall, I don't think Fedora meant he was going out of business ANY time soon. He just meant that if his name was advertised the influx of new orders would be impossible for him to handle and THEN he would go out of business.

BTW, Fedora, Congrats on this new oppurtunity to give a hat to Ford! If he has any sense (and I strongly suspect he does), he'll appreciate the gesture and the workmanship that went into it. :junior: -IJ
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Post by Indiana Charles »

IndianaJones wrote:Don't worry Pitfall, I don't think Fedora meant he was going out of business ANY time soon. He just meant that if his name was advertised the influx of new orders would be impossible for him to handle and THEN he would go out of business.
I hope so [-o<

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Post by Indakin »

geeez i hate getting backed up and having to read pages of info lol

Fedora thank u so much for posting all the info. Even though its your hat going to ford, i think everyone in here feels like a part of them will be their as well, because of this community we have. I feel just as excited as everyone else, including u. Im glad to hear they are doing the raiders look, because i will be pretty screen accurate then for openning night, and every other time i see the film :junior:

I also hope u dont close down too soon, i def want to get one eventually, especially if harry will own one. Just need to stop spending money on anakin gear first lol
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Post by JAN »

I am very tempted to shout a BIIIG congratulation, Steve.

Not only did You (and Marc) produce a Raiders Hat, that have left
no competitors, but as a bonus it really looks like You get the
"man himself" in photo wearing Your hat.

Well, if that wasen´t enough for a craftsman and a fan to "die happy"
I don´t know what else would do the trick... :D

Thanks for the update, and man am I looking foreward to see
a picture (THE picture) some day soon.


Best regards

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Post by Strider »

Okay, wow. My brain just exploded. Not much to clean up. :wink:

That's amazing, Steve. I couldn't be happier, and it couldn't have happened to a better fella.

Hey all, I have an idea. Since Steve is going to give Harrison the hat either way, is there any way we can set up another donation "project" like the one we did for Peter? I think it'd be kinda neat to have Harrison have a hat that was from all of us.
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Post by Fedora »

I think it'd be kinda neat to have Harrison have a hat that was from all of us.
Hey no problem there. It was suggested by the fellow who is doing this for me to include one page of script, to Ford, on a personal level. A personal note. I would be glad to include the whole board here as giving him the hat. Like, on behalf of myself and the members of Club Obi Wan, etc, etc. Along with this site's url. No charge to you guys, so keep the nickels in your pockets. Now, we need someone who has a knack for writing to come up with something inspirational, and genuine that I can use. I am no writer. Regards, Fedora
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Post by Indiana Legones »

As a very new member, but a long time follower of your work, I wish you BEST OF LUCK!!! :)

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Post by rick5150 »

Steve, take ALL the credit. It was your blood, sweat, tears, trial & error, money and hard work that made the Adventurebilt. This is a creation borne of your hard work and it would not be right for a few members to chip in a few dollars here and there just to get "in on it." This should be a gift from you as it represents all that you worked for, not a cheap way to get a plug for COW. Sure, it would be cool to have Ford come here, but not at the cost of undermining your achievments.
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Post by BendingOak »

Steve, take ALL the credit. It was your blood, sweat, tears, trial & error, money and hard work that made the Adventurebilt. This is a creation borne of your hard work and it would not be right for a few members to chip in a few dollars here and there just to get "in on it." This should be a gift from you as it represents all that you worked for, not a cheap way to get a plug for COW. Sure, it would be cool to have Ford come here, but not at the cost of undermining your achievments.
Well said and I agree 100%.
Now, we need someone who has a knack for writing to come up with something inspirational, and genuine that I can use. I am no writer. Regards,
I don't agree with you on this one. I've talked with you on the phone a few times and read many of your post. I think you will do just fine. Just write what the hat means to you ("Raiders"). What it took to make the hat ( AB) and why you made it.
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Post by agent5 »


I guess Indy 4 is a total go. No more need to speculate at this point. And they're modeling it after Raiders??? HA!!! :tup: :D Nadoolman is back too? This is GREAT news! Great news. Suks they already picked the new hat. Wonder who it could be? It was kind of hard to understand what they were refereing to in terms of the new costume. They're going to give it a slight revamp with a nod towards Raiders, is that it?
Well, I understand but I think it would be nice to see your name and this site in the credits somehow.
??? Never happen. We never saw HJ or Leather Concessionaries, or even the main costume supplier in the credits? What you do see is the costume designers name and a few others getting all the credit for putting it all together...for being the organizers.

I'd also be willing to bet most of my Raiders collection that Ford cares little if at all about this site or any other Indy site for that matter, otherwise we'd have seen him here already. Asking him to join is a fantasy. Simply will not happen. It is entertaining though that some of you entertain the thought. :lol:
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Post by Indiana Cromeens »

I think you missed the spot where dalexs said that ford is a registered member, So he might peek from time to time, however if he was ever to post-he be hounded by tons of PM's among other things from all of us fanatics.How cool would that be, who better would know the screen specs of gear than the man who whore them!
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Post by rick5150 »

...the man who whore them!
You may want to check your spelling on this one. :wink: It kind of changes the meaning a bit.
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Post by rebelgtp »

rick5150 wrote:
...the man who whore them!
You may want to check your spelling on this one. :wink: It kind of changes the meaning a bit.
*laugh uncontrolably* oh man i needed that this morning. :lol:
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Post by J_Weaver »

rick5150 wrote:
...the man who whore them!
You may want to check your spelling on this one. :wink: It kind of changes the meaning a bit.
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
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Post by Dalexs »

Indiana Cromeens wrote:I think you missed the spot where dalexs said that ford is a registered member, So he might peek from time to time, however if he was ever to post-he be hounded by tons of PM's among other things from all of us fanatics.How cool would that be, who better would know the screen specs of gear than the man who whore them!
You do realize I was joking, right?
(But who knows!)
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Post by Kt Templar »

Dalexs wrote:
Indiana Cromeens wrote:I think you missed the spot where dalexs said that ford is a registered member, So he might peek from time to time, however if he was ever to post-he be hounded by tons of PM's among other things from all of us fanatics.How cool would that be, who better would know the screen specs of gear than the man who whore them!
You do realize I was joking, right?
(But who knows!)
Yeah.... "I'm Harrison,... er Spartacus,... er never mind!" ;)
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Post by marco polo »

:lol: :lol:
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Post by Jens »

Wow. W-O-W! Steve, Mr. Fedora ( :wink: ) - what a GREAT opportunity. This is like finding the Holy Grail for a hatmaker, isn't it?! After all those years, you (and Marc) invested to find and than create THE true Indiana Jones Fedora it seems that the TRUE Indiana Jones will wear one of those hats.
I have to admit, 'though I don't know you in person (not yet :wink: ), I am kind of proud to even "heard of you". :wink:

Fantastic! :D

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Post by Indywannabe »

Wonderful to hear this!!
:lol: Now i MUST have an AB.

And of course Steve, congratulations! HF will love it,

Best regards
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Post by Captain D »

Congrats Steve! Please keep us updated as things progress and if Ford responds (which, of course, we all know he'll love it :wink: )!

You definitely deserve this attention and honor! :D

High Regards,
Captain D
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

rick5150 wrote:
...the man who whore them!
You may want to check your spelling on this one. :wink: It kind of changes the meaning a bit.
Maybe he thought the hat was ho, I mean...homemade.
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Post by Michaelson »

Yep, leave it to an retired cop to spot vice in the middle of the night. #-o :lol: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Yeah, I am retired and have nothing better to do. Besides, I just got back in from West Virginia. I had to return my sister in laws kids that we rented for a few days.
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Post by Strider »

Never said anything about undermining Steve's work. Just thought it might be nice for HF to know how many folks appreciate him for him, instead of just being some knuckle headed fan who is only after an autograph. Geeze. :roll:
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

rick5150 wrote:Steve, take ALL the credit. It was your blood, sweat, tears, trial & error, money and hard work that made the Adventurebilt. This is a creation borne of your hard work and it would not be right for a few members to chip in a few dollars here and there just to get "in on it." This should be a gift from you as it represents all that you worked for, not a cheap way to get a plug for COW. Sure, it would be cool to have Ford come here, but not at the cost of undermining your achievments.

I don't think Strider ment it like that. Wouldn't it be fair arguement that if it weren't for people like us this hat would never have been made to begin with?

I do agree this is Fedora's moment in the spotlight and he alone should be the one to bask in it. He even said that he would maybe put something in the note that mentioned this site and that's fine with me either way. I would think that would be more for the founding members of the people who created this site more than people like myself who came into this late in the game.

I'm sure someone from the movies knows of this site or will eventually find it while searching the net. Like someone said before movie sets can be very boring and I would think maybe some of them would pass their time on the net if there is a computer around. It's not the far of a stretch.

Regardless of all the that......Fedora, thanks for a great hat which I HOPE to own someday. You deserve all of the attention for your hard work. :clap: :tup:
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Pitfall Harry wrote:Like someone said before movie sets can be very boring and I would think maybe some of them would pass their time on the net if there is a computer around. It's not the far of a stretch.
I know this is off topic, but when something reminds me of something, I go off on a tangent telling a story. I hope you will bear with me.

I know I have mentioned before that I worked on the set when they were filming the Pelican Brief. There was a lot of time spent while they were setting up scenes. Much more time was spent doing that, than actually filming. So, yes, there was some boring times on the set.

Just a couple little stories about times when Julia Roberts must have been bored. Once, me and a couple of guys were standing down below a railing and Julia Roberts was upstairs. All of a sudden, she leaned over the railing and said to us, "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo!" We all started laughing.

Then I was standing around outside, something that I am very good at doing, and Julia Roberts had her driver pull their minivan up next to me. We chatted for about ten or fifteen minutes or so, just typical stuff like good restraunts in the area, things that happened during the day, etc. Finally, they decided to leave and pulled off. She must have been bored, to talk to me. Did I get her autograph? No. I didn't really even think about it.

About twenty feet away, there was a large group of women standing on an embankment under the shade trees. They worked at the State Farm Insurance building next door and were outside on their lunch break. They all had their ink pens and autograph books and cameras in their hands.

One of them waved at me to get my attention. I walked over and could not believe her when she asked me, "Do you know if Julia Roberts is still here?" I looked at Julia Robert's van pulling out of the parking lot and heading down the street. I could not bring myself to tell the woman that she had just spent the last fifteen minutes of her lunch break standing twenty feet from Julia Roberts. I just said, "I am absolutely positive that Julia Roberts is not here. Trust me." :wink:
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Post by Nicht Storen »

Congrats Steve and thanks for all the info you provided. I'm sure HF will be touched when he receives this hat.
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Post by QuantumGirl »

Holy Smoke! :shock: I should really get my butt more into the fedora section instead of only lao che and props.
That is so awesome Steve! I'm very happy for you! Keep us updated! :D
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Post by Fedora »

Well guys and gals. I just got an email from my contact and it seems I may have an outside chance in making the approximate 12 film hats. An outside chance, is better than none-right? I will not go into details as it might give other hatters too much info, but it revolves around them not being able to find a hatter that can replicate the Raiders fedora good enough to suit them. So, the last word was they were gonna make them in house. But, after telling a particular person that he knew a guy that specialized in this hat, I have been asked to give ETA's for delivery. I cannot give the names now, as I did before, out of courtesy, but if this longshot happens, I guess I will make Indy fedoras until I die. This would give me the motivation to do so. :lol: Regards, and keep your fingers crossed!! Fedora
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Excellent news, Fedora. I know you will do the best job humanly possible. Go ahead and blow every Raiders lid they have looked at, right out of the water. I have got all my fingers and toes and everything else around here, crossed.
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Post by Ark Hunter »

:shock: Oh, oh, oh, oh my!
This is all too great! Especially that you could now get the contract!!!!! I certainly needs me an AB! So, if that happens I guess everyone on the current (and future) list will have to get put on hold till the 12 get done? You definitely need an appentice (or five) in the US!

Great to hear they are looking for the Raiders style again. Hope that carries over to the story!
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Post by Flash Gordon »


You realize of course that if you DO end up making the hats for Indy 4 that it will be YOU on the "Making of Indy 4" added feature that comes with the DVD version!

By the way, as all of this began brewing many months ago with rumors of the next movie and the fact that you went into business making Indy fedoras...I just KNEW that there had to be some sort of cosmic convergence. I'm not kidding. My money's on you! I should have predicted it sooner in writing.

It couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
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Post by Strider »

This story never ceases to amaze! Wonderful, Steve! Just wonderful. Then, we'd never have to worry about you retiring from the Indy fed business :twisted:.
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Post by Indiana Croft »

Fedora this is great news, congrats my friend.
Can't wait to see the pics of the finished product. You'll have to list this one on your site so other csn buy the same hat that Mr. Ford has.

Once again Congrats.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Fedora wrote:Well guys and gals. I just got an email from my contact and it seems I may have an outside chance in making the approximate 12 film hats. An outside chance, is better than none-right? I will not go into details as it might give other hatters too much info, but it revolves around them not being able to find a hatter that can replicate the Raiders fedora good enough to suit them. So, the last word was they were gonna make them in house. But, after telling a particular person that he knew a guy that specialized in this hat, I have been asked to give ETA's for delivery. I cannot give the names now, as I did before, out of courtesy, but if this longshot happens, I guess I will make Indy fedoras until I die. This would give me the motivation to do so. :lol: Regards, and keep your fingers crossed!! Fedora

Well. I've got every part of my body crossed for you Fedora and believe me that's not easy! :lol:

I HOPE for your sake that this comes to pass and that they are smart enough to realize your AB is the hat they are looking for. Although I have never seen the hat in person I have seen plenty of photos including Indiana Ken's and man they are just awsome.

Best of Luck! Just remember to give a wink and a nod to C.O.W when you make it on the extras portion of the DVD! :wink:
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Post by JohnnyCheck »

You definitely need an appentice (or five) in the US!
I have thought of this often. Have you ever considered if/when/how you might pass on the torch? For sure you have a wealth of knowlege in this field, and in this day and age it is a rare field to say the least. Have you ever considered taking on an apprentice, not just to help with the load, but to carry on the AB/hat making tradition? It seems pretty lucrative, and it'd be a shame if this thing you have created passed with you.
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Post by Fedora »

I have thought of this often. Have you ever considered if/when/how you might pass on the torch? For sure you have a wealth of knowlege in this field, and in this day and age it is a rare field to say the least. Have you ever considered taking on an apprentice, not just to help with the load, but to carry on the AB/hat making tradition? It seems pretty lucrative, and it'd be a shame if this thing you have created passed with you.

Well, as long as I am building sandcastles, I have not a clue as to what I would do if the unthinkable happened. I do know that the only thing that would keep me making hats is if I somehow got a hat in the next film, or even the following two.(I have heard it is being considered) That would be a huge motivator!! I also think a guy here who I made the offer to is considering it. When I stopped making hats, I was gonna see if someone wanted to take the torch and carry it on, along with Marc in Germany.

I guess this will be my last gossip post regarding the hat for Ford, and also the possiblility of me getting a shot at the film hat. But, I will get plenty of good pics of his hat, to share here. I may not be able to give the date of when I am to ship as that might cause problems, I am not sure. If I find out it is ok, I will tell when I ship it out. Things are kinda tentative presently as I await more info. He is waiting on a response now on some questions he presented to me today, so he can call his one of his friends on the inside so I guess I better get that to him pronto. :lol: Here I should be writing him back and I am here instead posting. :shock: Fedora
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Post by rebelgtp »

wow this is GREAT news Steve! I'm sure we are all keeping our fingers crossed for you! #### guess that means there maybe a bit more waiting time on that next order i was talking about placing with you :lol: Ah well it will be worth it to see your hats on the big screen!
IndyDoc wrote: You definitely need an appentice (or five) in the US!
if you ever did offer up an apprenticship i certainly would jump at the chance as i'm sure many here would.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Shiva smiles down on you Steve!!! :lol: First you had the cake, then you had the icing on the cake, now they're adding sprinkles -- what's next?! This is fantastic news, Steve. You have no idea how happy I am for you. My wife even thinks this is way cool. I'll start crossing all my friend's fingers, too, though they might start to look at me funny. Heck, they already do! :lol:

I can see the next Apprentice now. Move over, The Donald, and make way for The Steve! :wink:

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Post by Indiana Charles »

I wish you the best of luck Steve, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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Post by squidkidd »

WOW, truly amazing Steve. Before I read your post I was actually pondering over the situation today and came to realize that if raiders accuracy is really what they're after, it is in their best interest to have you either make the hats or at least have you on board in some capacity as a hat advisor. I mean, with the collective knowledge from this board, nobody is more familiar with the intricacies of that hat than you or marc, or $3k. Would it really be possible for them to create in studio something as authentic looking as the AB? Probably not, seeing how we have here professional hat makers specializing in that one hat. anyhow, as probably most are, i'm pulling for you with all me heart on this one steve. as someone mentioned before, this would indeed be coming full circle for COW.

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

I have a question for Fedora.

How long does it usually take you to make an AB? I've browsed through all sorts of discussions about the hat but I never saw anyone mention this.

Just more or less curious on what the wait time is for something like this incase I ever have the cash to order one.

Of course by the time I do you'll be either retired or swamped with orders. :)
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Post by kalkamel »

Its things like these that make me proud to be a member of this wonderful forum! Good job, Steve!
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Post by Russ »

Steve, if it does become reality, be sure to keep some secrets to yourself about how you made and distressed these particular hats. It's great fun reading about all the theories, experiments, and attempts to replicate the look.
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Post by Michaelson »

Pitfall Harry wrote:I have a question for Fedora.

How long does it usually take you to make an AB? I've browsed through all sorts of discussions about the hat but I never saw anyone mention this.

Just more or less curious on what the wait time is for something like this incase I ever have the cash to order one.

Of course by the time I do you'll be either retired or swamped with orders. :)
From past reports, one a day.....on a really good 16+ hour day, two.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by JohnnyCheck »

The torch is in Germany, Johnny. It is referred to as the AB Deluxe.
Ye$, I know that, :) he'$ making me a hat a$ we $peak. I was talking about someone on this side of the planet perhaps.
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Post by Floribama Steve »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Shiva smiles down on you Steve!!! :lol: First you had the cake, then you had the icing on the cake, now they're adding sprinkles -- what's next?!
Ice cream! :D

That is such amazing news Mr. Delk, I hope to goodness that outside chance works out!
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Post by Dwighty0815 »

The torch is in Germany, Johnny. It is referred to as the AB Deluxe.
But Steve was the one who invented the AB, so no matter if AB or AB Deluxe: I'm proud of wearing one and sending one to Mr. Ford is a brilliant idea!

So, congratulations, Steve, and thank you, too, for letting us take part in your talent!


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Post by Kaleponi Craig »

Fedora, this is fantastic. Congratulations!...KC
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Post by Kris »

Ok, that's the drop. My next gear item is an AB. 8)

(So around 2007 8-[ )

Great news Steve!