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Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:34 pm
by Ark Hunter
You seem to be one of the only ones with the keys to the proof of LD detail AND grooves or no grooves. Too bad you don't have the time to get into it. I assumed you had your LD hooked up.
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:08 pm
by Bufflehead Jones
belloq wrote:Guys, I'm out. I actually don't have the time to find my LD's, locate the right scenes, transfer them to DVD, get caps, post them here... and no, I don't own an HD monitor- that's what the PC is for... all to prove something that others are claiming to see.
Oh! So when you said that you were not convinced and you wanted me to do all of that for you, I guess you think that I have all of that time and that I should do it just so you can be convinced.
I have all of the equipment to view the movie on laser disc, but I don't have any way of taking a screen shot from it, otherwise, I would have already done so. I was just trying to pass on my observations to some folks that don't have access to a laser disc of Raiders, and they had expressed some interest. I was actually surprised by the results when I took the time to look at it closely.
I appreciated all of your comments in this thread even though you were the most vocal naysayer that viewed it. I don't mind you saying that you would have to be presented more concrete evidence to convince you than just my personal observations. I certainly think that is a legitimate stance. If I had the ability to post pictures to support my descriptions of what I observed, I would be glad to do so.
What did irk me to some degree, was that you stated that I would have to convince you with more evidence than just my word, and then I find out by your own admission, that you have the laser disc and are just too lazy to look at it for yourself.
In less time than it took for you to type all that you did in this thread, you could have popped the laser disc in and looked at one of the scenes yourself, and come to your own conclusions.
I don't feel that I am obligated to provide you with any more evidence, all the evidence that you need is right there in your hand, all you have to do is bother to look at it.
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:34 am
by JAN
I know it+s a bit late to chime in. I have really tried to boost captures
from my DVD to be able to prove the grooves on the backstrap, but
I too cant see them.
However they are likely to be there, as Noel Howard did made the originally and provided his backstrap with grooves.
But from the movie on the media I have (VHS and DVD) there aint no telling for sure..
Best regards
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:39 am
by Kt Templar
I havent got the DVDs.
But a couple of likely shots if anyone can capture them.
The is a quick cut during the flying wing fight where Indy gets punched in the gut by bald guy. Close up of the strap and buckle.
Also TOD on the bridge there are lots of close ups as he is just about to cut the bridge ropes.
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:16 am
by Erri
I took many pics from the dvd but i can't add anything more clear than the pics posted in this thread. The strap had definitely GROOVES.
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:47 am
by Ark Hunter
Kt Templar wrote:I havent got the DVDs.
But a couple of likely shots if anyone can capture them.
The is a quick cut during the flying wing fight where Indy gets punched in the gut by bald guy. Close up of the strap and buckle.
That's what this is from. (one of the two close ups when Indy is punched)

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:54 am
by Feraud
Another thing I have noticed is sometimes a freeze frame/screen cap does not look as "vivid" (for lack of a better word) as watching the scene in motion.
I have looked at particular scenes in freeze frame and am sometimes not convinced at what I am told is there. However, when watching the scene as it plays out, I find the movement helps to distinguish between a blur or an obscure frame. Shadows, light, dirt, etc. all combine to add or distract what is seen on film.
I think watching the scene as it plays out is a useful option in trying to distinguish what we see on screen.
I have a feeling this research is going to lead us to find out there are scenes with and without grooves.
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:08 pm
by Feraud
I do not know if this has been brought up yet.
Another point to consider is wear to the edges of the strap. The edge of the strap when subjected to wear will tend to darken.
This could lead the edge to look like it has a groove.
Just some random thoughts.
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:46 pm
by Luisiana Jones
Aarghh i was wrong all the time, i thought there was no grooves... but there are

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:48 pm
by agent5
No problem. Just take the strsp off and make the grooves yourself or take it to a shoe repair shop and they can add them for you. It's too easy.
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:56 pm
by Ark Hunter
Just got back from a viewing of the film version of Raiders at the local theatre. Here's some observations.
The strap seemed very wide in the idol grab scene (and other places) for some reason.
I could actually see grooves now and then on screen. (found a few more places to look for them on DVD and will check later)
I could see 3PO and R2 in the WotS and they weren't hard to see as Bufflehead said they were on LD for some reason.
The reflection of the cobra was VERY obvious in this version.
There was also something on the History Channel about searching for the real ark as I was leaving to go to see the movie.

I captured some of it and will look over it later.
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 5:43 pm
by Ark Hunter
Just an update. As of today I am in possession of a laserdisc player and widescreen copy of Raiders! (as well as pan-n-scan copys of the other two) I'll update again later when I get a chance to try and capture some screen shots (if I can). It may be a few days or till the weekend. We'll see how things go.
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:57 pm
by Floribama Steve
Although I'd like to think there are grooves, I'd appreciate seeing some negative photos of a strap without grooves, just to see if the "edge anomoly" shows up there. I say this because *every* edge in a negative picture seems to have a color difference.
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 3:14 pm
by Indiana Charles
Could the edge of the strap be stitched?

Just a thought.
Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:34 pm
by Ark Hunter
Well, sense this thead was dug up, I'll update. The LD project fell through pretty much. I couldn't get a good capture from it. I don't know if it's my techical knowledge or just limitations of the hardware. I'm selling the LD player and Indy Trillogy on LD in the For Sale section so some one else might give it a try if they think they can get it to work.
Now I'm trying to get a HD copy of Raiders. The screens caps, if not more detailed, would at least be larger than the DVD caps.
I'm pretty sure the edge isn't stiched. (no real reason to stich it except for looks and I'm sure we would have heard roumor from some one if they were)
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 5:07 am
by Erri
After all the pictures I've seen on this thread I don't have any doubt there are grooves... but oooooookkkkkkkkkkkk let's wait the HD pics