I had some real fun doing these shots. Really felt the vibe and hopefully it'll show.
The colors are super accurate to what I see with the naked eye!

Pluss Im showcasing my real deal henry suitcase with the gear. It feels so awesome doing this with the suitcase. lol.

My gear is:
Hat: Christies with HJ rabbit felt / Brunwald bash
Jacket: Wested Legacy aged by me.
Shirt: Adventure built Crusade shirt with custom crusade buttons by me.
Pants: Genuine WW2 officer pinks ( The perfect LC pants!!)
Bagstrap: Slimmer strap / heavy aged
Bag: Genuine gasmask bag
Belt: Genuine web belt w/ heavy aged buckle
Gunbelt: Aged LC gunbelt w/ brass buckle
Holster: Genuine Webely holster / aged by me
Gun: 455 webley
Whip: Whiskeyman 9foot w/ David morgan kangu hide
Tie: Poplin tie
Boots: Aldens darker edition
Briefcase: Genuine vintage Henry suitcase - Yes the actual model