There have been recent posts and questions about the LC jacket, so I thought I'd post my experience and a few pics of mine.
I've owned a few Wested Raiders jackets, including a custom one for which I was measured by Peter himself at his shop in the U.K. I'm pretty happy with the overall fit, and love the color, but there were a few little things that bugged me (overly deep pleats, too rounded and floppy collar). So I started looking around for a second jacket and eventually came across S&J's offerings. When I saw anindyjones's jacket, which can be seen a few posts above, I knew that's exactly what I wanted. But the price caused me to wait... until Diego offered special pricing on some leather he was looking to offload. Custom fit, great rep for service, and fantastic price. Win, win, win!
I ordered in early October, with a few requests (black cotton lining, off center pockets, distressed). I chose the very thin cowhide initially, but after corresponding with Diego, he convinced me to switch to a slightly thicker hide (better for the '38 jacket, he said).
After many emails, updates from him, copious questions from me, and two weeks in transit, I finally received the jacket one week ago!
First impressions: perfect fit. Wow. Better even than my Wested. It's trim like I wanted, spot on length on body and arms. Love the collar and attention to detail (like the jacket hanger that's stitched through the leather itself, like original WWII A-2 jackets).
The leather - it's pretty thin, definitely more so than my Wested lamb skin. The feel and drape of the leather feels right, though. I always thought of the LC jacket as a heftier jacket, but I don't care right now. That being said, if I had chosen to spend a considerable amount more money, I would go with the chocolate horsehide. Distressing looks really good in real life, by the way.
I haven't slept in it yet. I think I'll have to wait until I'm on a trip or my wife is out of town for that. :0. But I don't see the need to do any hot water treatment, and honestly the fit right now is so good, I don't want to mess with it at all. So I'll let normal use cause it to wear in a natural fashion.
Last and most important: If you're considering an Indy jacket, go with Diego. For me, it's not even about the quality of the product, though that's of course terrific. It's the service and attention to detail that he provides which impresses me so. As I get older, service becomes more important to price for me. Buying something from a person, or company, who clearly loves and cares about what they sell, makes me willing to go and buy more, and recommend it to others. Honestly, I don't know how Diego has a full-time job, makes jackets, and has the time to treat his customers as carefully and kindly as he does. But I'm thrilled that such a producer of Indy jackets exists.
Without further ado, here are the money shots: