I no sooner made it to the hiking trail in town. A nice wooded area. Once again I cam face to face with a large angry dog. This one was bearing teeth and running at me. I saw the owner (different dog - different owner) run after it. This dog got way too close and almost met a swift end. As it came within snapping distance I yelled "whoa". The dog retreated. Owner never said a word. Had a loved one or a child been with me this dog would have met a fate analogous to the Cairo Swordsman's.
So here is my question. I obviously dont want to hurt animals. And clearly I am not inclined to exact lethal force when faced with a snarling dog.
Anyone think I have lost my mind in comsidering a bullwhip on my walks? I am not particularly comforted by the closeness one must have tonan animal to deploy mace.
Thank you all. This has been bothering me all day. I not a sensitive type and I dont scare easy - but three dogs (not poodles either!) in a matter of an hour - and neither owner even giving a toss.
Your collective and individual words and wisdom is respectfully requested.

Thank you!