Copper Novapelle and Pecard's

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Copper Novapelle and Pecard's

Post by LuckyLighter »

I'm thinking about getting a custom Last Crusade in Copper Novapelle from Wested. From what I've seen of the actual coloring, the Copper NP looks like it has good russet tones that fit the LC style, but is overall too light. I would like to darken it with brown tinted Pecard's, but I'm concerned that it will overpower the warm, reddish undertones.

I've seen some great LC jackets in Copper NP that appeared to be darkened to a nice chocolate brown color, while retaining the warm russet highlights.

For those who have a Last Crusade in Copper NP, how did you darken it while keeping the red tones?
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Re: Copper Novapelle and Pecard's

Post by Texan Scott »

Copper NP best reproduces the CS type look. Warm caramel brown, it is a very nice hide and it is thick. I've owned a couple. Best left alone.
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Re: Copper Novapelle and Pecard's

Post by Glenville86 »

I have the Dark Brown Novapelle and did a Pecard's treatment. The Copper may be a better choice as the one I have was really grey and even after the Pecards, it has a lot of grey in it. Still on the fence about this leather type. Everyone has different tastes which is cool. ;)
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Re: Copper Novapelle and Pecard's

Post by Texan Scott »

One other alternative to consider is that lately, Diego makes some of the best LC repro jackets that have ever been offered from any vendor. I can see the want to in attempting to darken the NP leather in order to make it look more like the LC, but the question is will it keep its dark brown tone after the pecard dries? The natural finish of the Copper NP (without anything applied) is a rich, caramel color with copper undertones, lightly broken or suaded. Keep in mind also that most likely, the LC jacket was distressed lamb, with black shoe polish added, and this is how you get the darker under tones. In terms of repros, significant progress had been made with the TN Raiders jacket and the B&N ToD jacket that Peter reproduced. Of course, TN make the CS. The one hold out was the LC. S&J has significantly advanced the LC cause, in that regard.
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Re: Copper Novapelle and Pecard's

Post by LuckyLighter »

Thanks for all the great advice! I think I'm going to get my feet wet in the Last Crusade repro arena with a Wested Pre-distressed cow. I like what Diego has been doing, and eventually, I'd like to get one from him, too.

Any recommendations for which Pecard's I should use on Pre-distressed cow? I've heard the glove conditioner works well for it. I'll probably want to darken it, but I don't want to use the Brown tinted weatherproofing one because I'm afraid it might cover too much of the distressed quality. I do plan on giving it a quick shower first.
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