Just wanted to add to this conversation
I got My beautiful
S&J Last Crusade Jacket about a month ago.
I wanted to post photos almost immediately but a family situation took me out of town for a few weeks and I’m just starting to get caught up with things Now
First let me say that I couldn’t be more impressed with this jacket!
It’s GREAT and I love it!
Some things to say about the whole experience and outcome:
The Customer Service was TOP Notch. Diego did an outstanding job of making sure we had my measurements properly worked out. As a result, the fit of the jacket is wonderful! The kind of thing I would have only expected if I’d visited them In Person! GREAT job!
The Color of the jacket is a beautiful warm brown (that will be evident in these 'direct sunlight' shots I’m posting here), but the color becomes a rich chocolate brown in the shade (or under overcast skies) … I just love it. EXACTLY what I wanted in My Last Crusade jacket.
The Leather is not too tough, thick or unyielding (I’ve worn some LC jackets that feel like I have two big panels of body armor separated by a zipper on the front of my chest)… instead, it’s a really nice thickness that has a lot of ‘play’ (you can see that in some of the shots where I’m twisting around and giving the whole thing an opportunity to swing)
Also have to say that the Texture of the leather is also something really special… Beautiful grain to it.
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that these shots aren’t anything too fancy and were done pretty quickly so that I could get these posted. I’m not in Full Costume or anything (and yeah, those are just a pair of jeans that I’m wearing LOL)
and I want you to know that I realize that I’m a bit
too scruffy to be pulling off a
Last Crusade Indy Face!
I do plan to do a few additional (and more Screen Accurate) shots sometime in the next few weeks, but all I really wanted to accomplish here today is to show off the great fit and beautiful color & texture of the jacket…
I really hope you like the results. I know
I do!
First up is a couple of shots showing close-ups of the great leather they’re using:
A few ‘static’ and ‘in motion’ shots
I like these next 2 shots next to each other to show the effect the light & shadow has on 2 similar poses
This was my attempt at that motorcycle ‘look over the shoulder’ pose
A follow-through punching motion
A close-up of that beautiful leather grain (followed by another shot to show the effect of different light and shadow on the ‘color appearance’ of the leather
And finally... One Satisfied Customer.
THANKS, Steele & Jones!
I know that Diego and Roberto have worked really hard on this project to make it happen (so if you like what you see and you want a really amazing LC Jacket, go ahead and send a little Business their way!)