WWAC 2004

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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WWAC 2004

Post by Sergei »

So how was this year's WWAC?
Last edited by Sergei on Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Canasta »

Hey Sergei,

I retuned last week from the WWAC convention and had the opportunity to try out a couple of Janine Fraser whips. WOW!!! How wonderful.
You were right. The convention was a blast! I took chance and competed in a number of the competitions and much to my suprise, came home with three trophies that I had not planned on. One for the new "Lighting whip contest" with a total of 11 crack in 3 seconds; First place in the single whip style and techique; and Best New Whip Cracker of the Year. MAN was I Pumped!!
I had the opportunity to meet a bunch of great people like Vince Bruce, Alex Green, Mark the Whip, Fred Schneider, Mark Allen and a whole wagon train full of really way cool people. Some of these ropers and gun spinners are from another planet. They are just that good.

I'll send you some photos in a couple days I hope. I was really sorry you couln't make it on Wednesday for the dinner. It was really a blast. I was thinking of you.

All the best until then!!
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Post by Sergei »

Wow you cleaned up. Congrats to you Canasta. I'm glad you got the best new whipcracker of the year, this year. It seems for the past two years it was someone from the Czech Republik.

I talked to Mark and he told me that the knife throwers cleaned up in most of the whip contests. Glad to hear that a whip cracker like yourself one in the whip categories.

Isn't Fred Schneider great? Last year he was a little rusty on his whip cracking, but in the year 2000 he did a tremendous double handed routine. I have the file I need someone to post the video file for me.

Can't wait for the pictures. BTW, did you met Ben? The guy with the 95 whips. :-)

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Post by Major Mike »

I was also at the WWAC convention, although I admit I spent very little time in the whip area. This year I had a breakthrough in my trick roping, and spent most of my time doing that.

I did get a chance to talk with Paul Nolan for a while, and I watched Alex Green (whip coach) demonstrate the "Cat O' Nine Tails" crack that he taught Haley Berry for Catwoman. Later, they auctioned off the whip that she used in filming the nightclub scene for $5600!

If anyone is thinking of going next year, I highly recommend it.
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Post by Tennessee R »

Somewhow, I thought that there was a western convention in Ohio, but I can't find anything like that in Ohio.

Can someone tell me the locations of the major western conventions?
I'm in Tennessee.

I know about the one in Las Vegas, but where else?
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Post by jerryrwm »

There is a WWAC convention held somewhere in Ohio in conjunction with the Annie Oakley Days. Log onto WWAC for locations. I believe that Gery Deer ramrods this function.


Jerry R - Looking forward to seeing everyone in Cleburne
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Post by Tennessee R »

Thanks. That's what I'm looking for.
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Post by Robert Duke »

Hey Tennessee...

Don't forget the Texas WWAC convention that's coming up the first weekend of May. It's in Cleburne, which is a suburb just south of Dallas/Ft Worth. That's May 1 & 2

Go to:

I hope to be there. Calendar is marked... Ropes & whips are in the bag. Should I bring my horse?
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Post by Whiper Jones »

Is this address right or is it just my computer that wont open it...?
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Post by Tennessee R »

Found it. http://www.markarostables.com/WWAC.htm
That's with a capital WWAC.

Well, I would come if I could drive myself up there, but I'm 15. A year younger than I need to be to drive alone.

It's a long way to Texas, but It'd be fun.

Actually, I got into western arts like this:

I went to Branson with my family, and saw the Dixie Stampede. In the pre-show, Vince Bruce was roping and whipping.

I got a 15' rope for my birthday a few years back, and learned the wedding ring, etc.

I like Indiana Jones, and his bullwhip, so, I made a deal. I learn the Texas Skip, with my rope, and I get a whip.

I finally learned the Texas Skip, about a year ago, maybe a little less, and got a whip. Then a little while later, I got another whip.

And now, I'm interested in going to some of the conventions.
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