I've got 2 Hi Powers -- A Browning with a spur hammer and a FEG clone with a ring hammer. The spur hammer has never bitten me, but the ring hammer will bite me HARD when doing drawing exercises.
About 3 days ago, I replaced the hammer with a spur hammer that I got from ebay. No more biting. Of course, the spur hammer may still bite people with huge hands... it depends on the person, but it is generally recognized as "less bloodthirsty" compared to the ring-type hammers.
For those of you that don't want to change the hammer, there are a couple of options.
1) Don't grip the pistol so high. This is naturally what you want to do when you draw (which is why I got bit), but practice gripping so that the web of your hand stays below the grip tang.
2) Pyro is right: some good WL gloves will eliminate the problem, but some have dexterity issues (like trouble operating the safety or mag release).
3) There is a product that can be found here:
www.comkydex.com that will take care of that problem as well. It is a kydex (polymer) beavertail that fits underneath the grips. It has some good reports on
www.fnhipower.com and is much less expensive than having a gunsmith put a real beavertail on your HP.