As many of you know, I am a history nut and and every night I read an entire wikipedia article (i know, not a great source but it cures my boredom) about a famous/infamous person on either the Allies, or Axis. Last night was Winston Churchill, tonight was Hermann Göring. A real jerk, but still someone of interest to a WW2 nut. I noticed at the bottom of the article, they showed some of his personal items which are on display at the Westpoint Museum. Check out his pistol and holster. I thought it was an ironic coincidence that I'd share with you Indy fans. Look familiar?
"Nazis, I hate these guys". I have to agree, but ole fat Hermann had good taste in guns. I hope the picture comes out ok. If not the article is linked under it.
They always told me its never too late to learn so at the ripe old age of 25, I start college in a few weeks. I wonder where I'll stash my walker and extra large sunglasses during class?" onclick=";return false;
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