I am happy to tell you that all adVintage Indy fedoras will now be made from the finest, smoothest and densest beaver felt you might have seen yet. Furthermore the colour of the felt now is real sable, and not dark brown anymore.
I also would like to annouce that I have a new crown block design for LC fedoras. This one is also available with curled brim, as seen in the Venice scenes e.g.. Here it is, made from the new sable beaver felt:

Here's a link to the product page: http://www.advintagefedora.de/shop/prod ... edora.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Please notice that all prices shown inlcude 19% German VAT. If you live outside the EU you do not have to pay this, so the Crusader would be about 243,-Euros, which is an incredible price for this quality, I think.
Thanks for reading!