Moderator: BullWhipBorton
Jeremy, You didn't you just...riku1914 wrote:I do know that, which is why I didn't make any claims that it might be a different whip or he heard wrong about which whip was his. Plus it's obvious the one on the left has the new fall on it...
Wait a sec, it looks like the whip on the left has the wrist loop lined up differently than in the first picture. Didn't Nick make the same observation?
Feel free to debate all you like, It may look different but the owner has confirmed the 1983 whip is the SAME whip just lined up differently.riku1914 wrote:I thought the same thing immediately upon seeing the pictures
That wasn't it, we were actually looking at the same seam just from the opposite side, and because it was in between seams and not lined up, because it was on the other side as the picture indyfan showed, it just didn't look right. It's common practice ( at least it has always been for me ) to line up the wrist loop with SOME seam, regardless of which it is ( I line it up with the one that faces you when you hold the whip because I tend to like cracking the whip with the seam facing away from you ) and I thought that David did this too. I believe he did and this particular whip was just an outlier in a list of many whips.The Intercept wrote:Woah those R Sweet!
Sorta sounded like you were saying he switched them too but I see what your talking about. its an optical illusion everythings lined up the same on both pics your just looking at a different seem line.
Hi Aldo,IndyFan71 wrote:Paul,
That is extremely kind of you to offer to reattach/restore the fall for me and I'd be happy to take you up on that offer. Please PM me your contact info, address and what you charge for your help.