I've been doing some experimenting

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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I've been doing some experimenting

Post by GCR »

In the past few days, when I haven't been distracted by the "six degrees of Indy" game over at Lao Che's table, or busy trying to figure out exactly what transpired in a recent thread in this forum (don't worry, I won't go there), I've actually been doing something GEAR related! This is a gear forum after all, so I figured I'd share my little experiments with everyone. My former "main" Fedora, the one I grabbed most on my way out the door and the one I wore on my own "adventures" used to be an Indiana Miller. I wore that hat for over 4 years (I bought it when the Miller was the latest buzz at Indyfan) and it served me well, but developed a severe taper. Not to mention the ribbon was in a pretty poor state, as it was the stock ribbon but I had "modified" it by folding a 1/4 inch of the ribbon underneath itself so it would appear to be 1 1/2 inches instead. Anyway, here's a pick of the battered Miller, taken a couple months ago.

http://public.fotki.com/gcr51581/gcrs_h ... ler_4.html

After thinking about sending this hat out for a re-block (which I still may do) I figured I'd try my own hand at reblocking first. Only problem is, I don't have a block. So I improvised and managed to find a small, plastic trash barrel that fit the bill. After some wetting, drying and rebashing, plus a ribbon removal, I'd say the hat is in better shape (not perfect, but anything is better than the way it was before.)

http://public.fotki.com/gcr51581/gcrs_h ... s_006.html

I've replaced the old stock ribbon with 1 1/2 black ribbon, but it is not permanently attached yet. I've also gone for the ToD look, as my Akubra Fed. Deluxe is bashed Raiders style. I would say I was orginally going for the LC look, and would have nailed it, if I had been able to get rid of all the taper. :? Oh well...not a bad little transformation for an amateur. My methods may be primitive, but they are still effective. :wink:

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Post by IndianaJames »

Hey, I own two millers, and that is one heck of a drastic change. And without a real block no less!!
Impressive, thanks for the pics!

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Post by Trevelyan »

Wow, that looks like two completely different hats :shock: and I'm with you on the recent "incident". I tried to figure out what happened after the fact and just got more confused. You really should put up a pic of the trash barrel just to show your ingenuity. It really turned out good, and didn't cost you a dime. Great job.
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Post by Swindiana »

Very nice indeed! It is always nice when you can do stuff yourself with a good result I think. :tup: Did you add any stiffener when it was done?

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Post by cliffhanger »

Well done GCR! I also have a Miller and if it ever tapers, I may try this "experiment" myself. Did you completely soak the hat? Or just wet it thoroughly?

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Post by GCR »

Indiana James wrote: Hey, I own two millers, and that is one heck of a drastic change. And without a real block no less!!
Impressive, thanks for the pics!
Thanks for the kind words!
Trevelyan wrote: You really should put up a pic of the trash barrel just to show your ingenuity.
I would, but I'm not sure if I want to waste the space in my fotki album on a trash barrel... :? :wink: Again, thanks for the compliments.
Swindiana wrote: Did you add any stiffener when it was done?

Nope...never touch the stuff... :wink:
Cliffhanger wrote: Did you completely soak the hat? Or just wet it thoroughly?

The hat (pre-taper) had been rained on here and there...but when it was raining or snowing out (which tends to happen in my neck of the woods) I usually grabbed my other Miller. I used to have two, the first one I ordered came with a smaller 2 1/2 inch brim that didn't look right for a Raiders style hat, but I had already tried the homemade dim. cut (something that didn't come out nearly as good as this reblock) so I couldn't return it and I just bought another one (the one above). My older Miller tapered up as well, but this was expected due to it's constant "rain-duty". Sadly, I tossed this hat along with my old Stetson Temple a year or so ago. The Miller above (to get back on track) had never been soaked through...it held it's shape well for 4 years and only began to taper bad in the last few months of last year. For the re-block (or is it re-barrel?) I wet the hat with cold water from a spray bottle, inside and out, stretched it on top of the barrel and let it dry for a couple of days at room temp. As I said above, no stiffener was used, and the hat is still soft and flexible. Thanks again to everyone for the kind words on my little trial and error, looks like this one was without the "error" so far. :wink: Hopefully it'll stay that way when I try and put that ribbon on for good... :?


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Post by Dalexs »

What you really do is put those 2 photos together in a side-by-image
so we can see the comparison. I have to admit that is quite a remarkable change.
Nice going.

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Post by GCR »

Dalexs wrote:What you really do is put those 2 photos together in a side-by-image
so we can see the comparison. I have to admit that is quite a remarkable change.
Nice going.

Thanks! How's this?

http://public.fotki.com/gcr51581/gcrs_h ... comp_.html

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