I'll get lambasted for saying this... but I think there's something wrong when Rick and I abuse our lids in the same amount of time and in the same type of weather (we're both in the Life Free Or Die state) while my cheaper hat looks almost brand new. I'm not saying this to disparage Rick. I'm saying that for what he paid and the kind of friend he is here on COW, he deserves better.
I think the hat taper bothers you more than it bothers me.

I appreciate your kind sentiments, but I took a chance on this hat and had some taper. It is being addressed as we speak. No big deal. I am not angry at the hat, or anyone who doesn't like the hat. I have learned it's limitations and what I can subject it to.
You are fortunate that you have found what you have been looking for. Is there a better one for you? Maybe, maybe not. You'll never know because you are happy with what you have, and you should be. Hatsdirect.com is awesome and your hat looks good on you. You will buy other hats from this vendor because they satisfy all of your expectations. I can certainly admire and respect that.
My problem is, I am only temporarily satified. Even when the Optimo was the pinnacle of my collection, I found myself on eBay looking for different hats.
To all:
Part of the reason I chose the Optimo is the high quality associated with it. The other part is that it was an offer I couldn't refuse, as Zohar keeps pointing out

. That hat is very light and comfortable. I wouldn't have changed anything I did in it for any other hat. It has absolutely nothing to do with the money attached and which hat is "better." I am not chosing between vendors (I may be crazy, but I am not stupid

) since they all have something unique to offer.
My feeling is that there is no
one hat that is suited for me, so I have acquired several hat types by several makers. A different hat for a different mood. I am doing the same with jackets. Like Michaelson said, it is not the gear, but the spirit of the adventure or something like that. Life is too short to worry about little things. We are all wearing a lot of hats in our lives in one way or another.
To Bushman:
To bring this back on topic, I think that the bash can affect the taper, but if it is truly the bash, it will be immediately apparent. Otherwise, the felt has been physically changed by stretching or shrinking. I believe you need the right shape block to obtain the Raider's tight pinch, otherwise you will have taper and the dreaded pinch-slant. All the other factors mentioned such as felt quality, thickness, production care and of course the conditions the hat will encounter as you put it through its paces will determine taper as well.
I will get off my soapbox after this disclaimer: Although I own hats, I know very little about the hats and what goes into making them. I can only comment on my personal experiences and beliefs while owning them. Just because I wear a hat doesn't make me an expert. The experts are here too and will surely answer your question eventually