Here are the boots brand new (indoors, natural light):

After breaking them in a little bit by hand (outdoors, natural light):

A generous application of acetone made the biggest impact, taking away the plasticky shine and feel, and letting the genuine leather underneath show through. It was at this point that I knew I could live with them.
In different stages of distress (outdoors, natural light, near magic hour):

Ah ha!
I hand-sanded the right boot (at left) and dabbed it in various spots with brown Kiwi shoe polish. I also went around the sole/welt with the wire wheel on my bench grinder, being careful not to go overboard (all the while thinking of Judge Smails's golf shoes in Caddyshack). The toe stitching...well, you can see how poorly it held up against just sandpaper. The sole is hard rubber; it's tan under the brown surface. To me this looks like it's getting close to the ToD bridge boots.
On the left boot, well, I went overboard with the wheel.

After this pic I Pecarded the right boot and wiped them both down. As you'd expect, they got dark again, and the roughest spots turned gray, but some gentle sanding brought out the lightness again. (I'm going for an overall "Raiders opening" look, but "airplane fight" is OK, too.) Since they've been broken down and Pecarded, they've become a lot more pliable.
For the price I paid ($75.41), I'm very happy with them. I'm not finished with the distressing (I want a more natural, organic look), and I'd like more accurate laces, but I wanted to get this info out there while the boots are still available. I'll update when I reach a point of satisfaction.