I'm moving into a new apartment and I'm going to give my office the Indy treatment and was wondering if anyone had any cool Ideas on how to display my fedoras. How do you display yours? Where is the best place to buy hat stands etc?
I have two Akubras and two Adventurebilts, thanks.
If you want your office to be like what Indy's office would be, don't go out of your way to "display" your fedoras. I'd just do something simple, like have a coat rack in the room and have the fedora casually hanging on it along with your coats. That's what I do for mine, anyway. It looks quite natural and classy hanging there with my wested and other hats and coats. -M
I have a shelf in our foyer with my hats in hat boxes stacked up. Perhaps more 'Grandma's House' than Indy, but keeps them close at hand when I'm coming and going.
As for stands, I'm a fan of the simple, plastic sands offered by Todd's Costumes. Not at all vintage looking, but I have one in each of the hatboxes and one on my desk at work for my lid while I'm there. Very cost effective and they get the job done.