Sooooo, the spring in my Linder broke yesterday!!!! It opened just like normal. No resistance or anything and then all of a sudden, PING!!!! Half of the spring bar went shooting across the room!!! It broke in HALF!!! So now I have a $100 very sharp paper weight... Anybody know how to replace the spring bar in a pocket knife?
The same thing happened to mine a few months back. I emailed the place that I bought it from in England & was told to send it back to the factory in Germany. has been brought to my attention that it would seem I'm pawning off junk on the QM participants. that is NOT the case. This still is a collectable Indygear item. I, however, require gear that is useable. I bought this second hand, so a return is out of the question. If someone can fix it, I'm sure that a QM participant would LOVE to have it. Does that sound better?