Couple Whip making questions.

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Couple Whip making questions.

Post by riku1914 »

A few of you know from a previous thread that I plan on making an Indy IV jacka style bullwhip. 8' long.

My first questions, my brown roo hide, the one I'll use for the overlay, is 6.24 sq. ft., or 58 decimeters, will this be enough for

a 12 plait overlay, ending in an 8 plait point?

Next question, about the point, will 4mm wide on my strands be sufficient for the point? Or should I do less? I think more would

be pushing it since 5-6mm is the standard for a 6 strand point, so what do you guys think?

I know it's a 4 strand wrist loop, about how long should it be, going away from the heel? Is the 6 inch regular what I should do?

This question goes for the third bolster I'm going to add for the thicker jacka style.

Should I end it flat, or at a tapered point? I split my bolsters uniform, then the last 25% or so ( eyeballed ) I taper split them,

usually down to about .4mm thick, since my splitter can't do any more than that.

Tapered point on it or flat?

If I think of more questions I'll add them later, likely as a separate post so that you don't miss it.

Thanks in advance :TOH:
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Re: Couple Whip making questions.

Post by louiefoxx »

As a general rule when you are starting out always cut wider and longer than you need. You can always resize the strands making them smaller, but never bigger. So if you get to the point and they are too wide, then you simply make them thinner.

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Re: Couple Whip making questions.

Post by riku1914 »

I overdid that on my last whip :lol: strands were overly wide, and I didn't realize it until Paul mentioned something and I actually

measured them, they were as wide on the handle as 1cm wide :twisted: shoulda probably been 7.5-8.5.

So what do you think on the questions though? I sound like a broken record, but roo hide, even on sale is expensive, don't want

to waste a whole hide if it won't work, or something on the other questions would be nice :TOH:
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Re: Couple Whip making questions.

Post by louiefoxx »

Unfortunately wasting skin is part of the learning process. When you are starting out you'll learn more from failed attempts and ideas than from your successes. Not only how to do things but more importantly why things are done one particular way.

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Re: Couple Whip making questions.

Post by riku1914 »

But do you think 6.24 sq. ft. would be enough if I did it right?
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Re: Couple Whip making questions.

Post by Marhala »

Jeremy, I know the Jacka whips are heavier, and bulkier. For a "Raiders" bullwhip (thinner than current Morgans, moreso than a Jacka), I used a 86dm2 hide, and it was more than enough for 2 plaited bellies and the overlay, plus ornamental knots. I had a lot of waste on that hide and everything went ok. Had I wasted less, I would have had a bit more hide left to use. Chances are, and this is just a supposition (so don't rush on my word and start slicing that roo :D ), if you were to have very little waste, I think that hide would be enough for the overlay.

As a general rule, on the outer part of the hide, where there is more stretch (the hide of course deforms, and feels more spongy and supple) you should stretch the perimeter in the direction of cutting as much as you can, and then cut about 1.5 times wider than that part should measure. After stretching, you will wind up with the desired width (not taking into account paring and the like). You should then stretch the strands again to get them firm, but uneven. After that, resize them. Then, you can split them, or leave them as they are, and finally pare them.

On the inner part of the hide, you'll feel a tighter, firmer, heavier, grain. There, you can cut to the same width you desire. Just stretch it to straighten them as much as you can, and pare.

4mm could make a good 8mm point. It all depends on how thin or thick you want to go.

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Re: Couple Whip making questions.

Post by riku1914 »

Thanks a lot, I'm not slicing on my roo very soon, I'm going to buy a DW strander from midwestwhips before I make another whip,

which Is mainly why I asked "if I cut them right".

I was told the DW strand will also help your free hand cutting ( by Paul ) so maybe someday I can freehand cut the short areas, like

the belly's to make it go quicker, but until, I'm not slicing any leather except my fall leather without that tool.
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Re: Couple Whip making questions.

Post by Marhala »

Great! Hope to see your progress soon!

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