my fall hitch rock hard, and it is.
It's a 12 strand overlay, ending in 4 strands ( wanted 6 strand point but again, two strands ran kind of short, and it was a bad place
to splice so I thought it was close enough )
handle is 8" long, but i stopped the diamond just a little too short to make it look more Morgan.
Handle knots are both 5x4 , heel knot being 3 pass, transition being 2 pass.
All strands were pared on the underside, then split to a uniform thickness.
Two 4 plait bellies and two bolsters were also used.
The hide is some tooling calf skins I picked up @ tandy on sale.
Here it is :

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Oh also the heel knot is slight larger than I had planned, but my hands are big so it's no huge deal.
All in all I think it turned out good for my first leather whip

So is it more TOD or TLC? I know crusade has a tapered handle but it's thicker than TOD ( according to bernardo's site ) but I
can't quite figure which one mine is, you decide

Also I know the cracker is white, but I have a ton of paracord filler sitting around so I thought why not? it lasts a long time.
edit: just looking at those pics, I think I got the David Morgan heel knot shape pretty well, the top isn't "cut" as much but again,
for my first whip, I think I did well , you guys?

also, it looks in the picture that just after the transition ( about 4 inches ) it quickly tapers down thinner, it doesn't actually do
that, just a picture twisting reality as seems to happen often.
Another edit:
well this is my 6th pic of the thread so it's my last,
Just wanted to show the transition area's stiffness, I like it a little more but I know it's more than the morgan's have ( from my
understand ) however I have no idea about one's like strain or del carpio

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