Having trouble rebashing

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Having trouble rebashing

Post by DuneMuadDib »

I'd ordered an Adventurebilt Henry from a reseller some months ago asking for it to come unbashed, but received it bashed with the turn. A little frustrating, but I was glad to have the hat so I just made do and rebashed it. However, months later I'm unhappy with the positioning of my bash, still being slightly off-center towards my left ear. I've set my rebash in fairly well though and any attempts to do something new with it just conform to the current dents.

Is there some method to clearing the "memory" of the felt so I can give it a fresh bash?
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Re: Having trouble rebashing

Post by fifthchamber »

Yup...You can re-block it...Or ask John or Steve D. (Or another hatter you trust with the job and who has the correct press) to do the job for you... If the bash isn't too firmly set trying re-shaping over steam perhaps? That might create enough of a set to reshape it.. Although it's not "cleaning the slate" so much as setting a new slate over the old one.. So perhaps not what you are after?
John might be here soon and able to offer very good advice on doing it yourself..
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Re: Having trouble rebashing

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

It won't be as good as a reblock, but I find it's easier to get alter a bash if I use cool or room temperature water instead of steam. I put distilled water in a spray bottle and spritz the areas I want to change, then work it with my hand to put the new creases in and work the old ones out. The longer the old bash has been in, though, the harder it is to change.
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Re: Having trouble rebashing

Post by indydude18 »

I have a similar problem. I have a Henry as well and I try to fix the bash a bit and the old bash just "pops" through.
Can any of the hatters chime in on this? :TOH:
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Re: Having trouble rebashing

Post by BendingOak »

If the crease is set in, it will be very hard to change it without reblocking it. Hard to tell anything without having it in my hands. Spraying it lightly with cold water and try re-creasing it might work but let it dry in room temp.
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Re: Having trouble rebashing

Post by indydude18 »

I'll try spraying it tonight but if it doesn't change much, I'll get it reblocked by Mr. Penman.

Also, can a reblock get a sort of light "reverse taper" look to the crown?
I sorta want a crown shape like Fedora's HJ in this thread:

viewtopic.php?f=1&t=24206&hilit=herbert+johnson+magnoli" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Having trouble rebashing

Post by DuneMuadDib »

Thank you all for the help, misting the crown with distilled water seems to have worked. Hopefully the new bash will be more agreeable.
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