From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
I recently received a message from Bernardo that my Raiders whip was finished and ready to board the plane He sent me several images of the whip, "the Ulimate Raiders" I am sure you will appreciate the quality and craftmenship of Bernardo's work, he is truly an artist and I am thrilled to be an owner of such a fine whip.
Now, I have to get "cracking" soon as the snow melts
Enjoy these pictures from Bernardo and I will post images when my whip arrives.
Thanks so much for the "YeeHaw!!!" Michael I actually received the :whip:yesterday and it is as fine as the pictures show it to be.
I will be working on your request "full gear shots" this weekend. I saw your post on the the whip holder from December and ordered one right away from Wade, still waiting for it to arrive. This is a great whip, already cracked it once in the house and the dogs ran for cover.
Great to hear from you my friend, I've got some photographs to make!
My best to you and family.
Clutters wrote:Stunning looking whip! Looking forward to seeing it in some action shots. BTW when did you place your order?
Thanks Clutters, Bernardo did a fantastic job on my whip. I placed the original order in July 2010. I know that Bernardo was having some health issues and I am glad he is feeling better. It was well worth the wait.
A beautiful whip!!! I was told that Bernardo makes the best Raiders whip, so I placed an order of my own. It appears that I've chosen wisely. Magnificent is an understatement!!!