A Question About Wested.....

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A Question About Wested.....

Post by TheMantis »

For those that have received their jackets, could you tell me if they send a DHL tracking number when they send them out? I am having difficulties getting a clear communication from them if my Tomorrow Never Dies jacket will be in my hands this week or if it was sent this week...
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Post by Indiana Grendel »

I didn't get one. I ordered mine the first part of December, and about three weeks later, they said it would be probably the middle of January before it shipped. I then walked into my office New Year's Eve, I think it was, and it was sitting in my chair. Nice surprise, to be sure.

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Post by Hemingway Jones »

I sent Peter an email asking for an update on my jacket. This was after a month and a half or so. At that time, he gave me a tracking number and I watched it as it was trapped in US Customs for two and a half weeks. And that is no exaggeration. Then, right before Christmas, it showed up. :lol:
I hope you have good luck with this.
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Post by Mr. Das »

I think that's the way they work. A tracking # isn't given to you unless you ask for it.
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Post by TheMantis »

I have asked for a tracking number as well as an absolutely straight answer as to when it was shipped...or if it was shipped...

This was sent to me after two dates of promised completion came and went....

From: "wested leather" <wested@wested.com> [ Save address ]
To: <zaritsky1@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: Order number 3206
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 13:51:35 -0000
Dear David

Your jacket will be despatched next week and will be delivered as fast
as DHL can manage.

Thank you for your patience.

Regards Gerry
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Post by pinder91 »

I received a tracking number after I inquired about the delay. However, The number wasn't recognized by Airborne until a few days after receiving my jacket.
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Post by Lindiana »

Yeah I have to agree, when I ordered mine I had been sent a tracking number that I tried over a weeks time and nothing was even registered. I had sent an e-mail trying to see what was up with the order and then late in the next week after the tracking number finally showed up in customs in Ohio. All I know is it got here eventually, just be patient. Oh and don't be surprised when the bill comes for custom charges.lol
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Post by TheMantis »

I am trying to be patient...but as I said with three promises and dates that have come and gone it gets a bit frustrating...I don't cotton to over-promising and under-delivering.....
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Post by Panama Tom Jr. »

Oh and don't be surprised when the bill comes for custom charges.lol
How exactly does that bill show up? Is it a separate bill or does it come with the jacket?
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Post by Lindiana »

It'll be a seperate bill from Global about two weeks to a month after the jacket arrives. I had been told my jacket would arrive on a certain date also and it was late. I guess you just have to take into account that not only is Wested making these jackets we order from them, but also doing the costuming for major motion pictures which is their main bread and butter. Occasionally they may fall a little behind, or may be waiting to get a few other jackets finished to send off all at once. Plus Peter and the gang recently switched shippers I hear, I don't know if that accounts for anything or not. Then again with the snow in the midwest here it may still be sitting at customs, sometimes it can take up to two weeks to get through there I hear.
Best advice I got from someone on the boards was Just relax and try to not think about it, and you'll be extremely surprised when it shows up at the door.
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Post by IndianaJames »

Sometimes they do...its hit or miss because it is the busy season!!

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Post by TheMantis »

Occasionally they may fall a little behind, or may be waiting to get a few other jackets finished to send off all at once

Wait, folks, I think you are missing the reason I am frustrated.....if it was merely a waiting problem, or delay, or it has been shipped and it is taking awhile I would not mind....but when someone promises something will be finished , then promises again and says this time it will befinished without fail, then does it once more....that is frustrating. If its going to be two months then say that. In your professional lives you would not accept this type of business behavior....so why do we have to accept it with people who make hats, jackets etc...again I am not talking delivery times....
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Post by TheMantis »

Just received this:

From: "wested leather" <wested@wested.com> [ Save address ]
To: <zaritsky1@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: Order number 3206
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:19:27 -0000
Dear David

Your jacket is being despatched on Monday. I will have a tracking
number then and will contact you again with it on the day.

Regards Gerry
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Post by IndyBlues »

Noisy wheel gets the grease :wink:
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Wested Delivery

Post by Dr.ClarkJones »

I too have been waiting for my jacket. This would not usually bother me but I know how Mantis feels being told something and then let down. Seems like this is a general problem this time of year, however, I believe it is worth the wait. I guess we have to understand, like Lindiana said, we take back seat to movies, etc. Maybe these delays are due to Indy 4 jackets. And just think, after the jacket gets and the newness wears off, we will have to find something else to get excited about. Anticipation: It can be a good thing. It’s the journey...

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Post by Lindiana »

I know what you mean but in my experience I've had that promise that an item would arrive on time quite a few times. Especially for my Indy gear collection and rarely has any of it arrived on time. I guess I've just got in the habit of waiting, but it is understandable. If someone tells you they've shipped something then you should be able to expect it's delivery.
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Lindy and LC,
I think it's a function of this community. We have excellent craftsman at our disposal to make very incredible, and in most cases, custom-made, objects for us. These things take time, but it's difficult waiting, because we all love these things so much.

So, on one side, there are artisans trying to meet our demand, and on the other side, there's all of us, waiting in zealous anticipation for our next acquisition.

I, for one, and both of you, I am sure, are just thankful that we can get this stuff and very forgiving if a deadline may have been missed.
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Post by TheMantis »

Sigh.....dealines are not the issue...if someone would say to me we missed the third dealine, I would understand...I am talking about the constant emails that specifically say a piece has come to its fruition without the statement matching the facts...this is a $450 James Bond jacket...
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

As an aside, I can't wait to see that jacket. I saw a picture of it on the website. When you do get it, and I am sure it will be soon, please post some pics.
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Post by Lindiana »

Hemingway Jones wrote: We have excellent craftsman at our disposal to make very incredible, and in most cases, custom-made, objects for us. These things take time, but it's difficult waiting, because we all love these things so much.
Exactly my point, just illustrated much better than my fumbling fingers can do on a keyboard. :wink:

Like Mantis said being told an item is shipping that day, and two weeks later you find out it didn't ship at all can be frustrating the first time. After two or three times the frustration can become magnified, and you begin top feel downright lied to. The only consolation I can offer is when that Gear item finally arrives all of that is forgotten when you relize what a quality item you have in your hands. If it took a little extra time to get it right instead of rushing a subpar item out, I'll always give a little extra time.
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Post by TheMantis »

Thanks all for the kind words of support...I will be sure to take pics when it comes in... :)
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Post by TheMantis »

Sigh....Monday came and went with no DHL tracking numbers or communication....
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Post by TheMantis »

Just received my Tomorrow Never Dies jacket from Wested.....review and pics coming....
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Great News!!! I need to hear about it! I hope you're pleased.
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Post by Mr. Das »

Very good news. I also look forward to seeing it. It's a nice change to view a jacket other than Indy.
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