Going the whole 90 degrees (with a Burlington) Returns!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Marcus Brody
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Going the whole 90 degrees (with a Burlington) Returns!

Post by Marcus Brody »

Well I just got another hat from Burlington, and I've decided to try the 3thousbucks route with it.

Notes: This hat is a light brown, camel-like color with a decent black ribbon that is 1.25 inches wide. The size is "large", and the crown measures about 6.5 inches unbashed. The brim is 2 and 7/8 all around.

I've decided to use this to prove just how effective the turning theory really is. Unfortunately, a "large" size is far too big for my head, so I had to turn it the whole 90 degrees right (ala Gorak), with the ribbon in front (right now). This means that a tight fit would be much better in achieving the Raiders look. So here are some preliminary pictures to give an idea of what's going on with this experiment.

Pictures are given in grayscale to increase contrast.


Original bashes (the brim isn't really like that usually, I accidentally touched it)

Front shots (Note: They look fat right now, but when worn the sides conform to my head causing a reverse taper).

The gratuitous side shot. Please note that the brim has not been modified in any way (yet), leaving parts of the snap brim intact.

All right, so the next steps will be to reshape the opening a bit, and turn or replace the ribbon.

Please refer to http://brokenheartsfixedhere.homestead. ... sTurn.html
Last edited by Marcus Brody on Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Marc »

I've said it before and I say it again: the hat turning theory is a very nice and easy way to create a fantastic Raiders brim. I'll probably use it on my next hat (5° or so).


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Post by Marcus Brody »

More then just the brim my friend.
If you wanna do the turn, I suggest a hat slightly smaller then you're regular size. This will allow you to to only have a slight turn instead of a full turn like mine.
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Post by fedoralover »

I'll be darned. That really does change the look. Interesting technique. There's a BCF about an hours drive from me. I'm going to have to take a drive to see if they have any of those and give that turn trick a try.

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Post by IndyBlues »

That bow up front looks great. I suggest leaving it there. A whole new Indy experience. The fedora bonnet. :wink:

Just kidding of course. I couldn't resist.
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Post by 3thoubucks »

Not bad :) If your head was wider than it was long, you could wear it without it changing shape much, but when you put that on, you'll get way too much taper in back. Reblocking seems pretty simple and cheap ( but I don't look forward to the sewing part :( ). All us Burlington owners need our own blocks- the solution may be at hand - read Fabian's 4th post http://www.indygear.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6580
Last edited by 3thoubucks on Sun Jan 25, 2004 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

No we're not, their sizing is whack. What they call an XS is like a medium in reality.

Regards, Daryl.
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Post by 3thoubucks »

Then all we need is a conversion chart? :wink:
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

well, XS is about the smallest they go, and I don't think it's consistant among their shapers.... :(

Regards, Daryl
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Post by 3thoubucks »

This isn't an impersonal store front. They've got their faces on it (are these guys related to Fedora?) Image They have those highly informative slideshows and they seem eager to help us. Maybe they'd be open to sorting out their sizing issues.
Marcus Brody
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Post by Marcus Brody »

3thoubucks wrote:
Not bad If your head was wider than it was long, you could wear it without it changing shape much, but when you put that on, you'll get way too much taper in back.
Actually the taper isn't that bad when I put it on. I could easily change the opening's shape without a reblock. I just need to wet down the whole thing and then reshape it.
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Post by Marcus Brody »

Update: I've already taken off the ribbon, and I'm going to replace it with the ribbon from my Fed. I also took out the sweatband from my Fed too, so I might or might not use that as well. I'm also in the process of putting together my own liner as well (maybe with my own logo or something). Probably if I ever found another one of these Burlingtons, I would probably try a redye with it, but I'm pretty comfortable with this color right now. The brim needs to be cut down at least a quarter or half inch though, and I need to reshape the opening from less of a circle shape to a short oval.

Here's some current pics:
The front is actually less tapered when I wear it. Then again, there is very taper here in the first place. I need to define the pinch a bit more.

Still working on the side a bit. Notice the trademark "beak" though?
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Does this hat come with a dimensional cut? If not, have any of you attempted it? I'm wondering if the brim is big enough to allow cutting on it.
Marcus Brody
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Post by Marcus Brody »

No, it doens't have a dimmensional cut. I previously stated the brim length in my original post. The brim is in fact too large to be accurate though, so it needs a bit of a trim...on the brim (hey that rhymes). It's a great project hat really. If I darkened it, it would be almost perfect.
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Post by Dalexs »

Indiana Texas-girl wrote:Does this hat come with a dimensional cut? If not, have any of you attempted it? I'm wondering if the brim is big enough to allow cutting on it.
One thing that a bunch of us have discovered is that there is a huge inconsistency in the various dimensions of these hats.

I've bought 2 so far. 1 just like Marcus' and another
that can be seen here:

Same maker, same $12.99 price.
First one, just barely enough brim to squeeze out a dimensional cut. Shortish crown with some taper. Super soft felt.
The second one is polar opposite. 6 1/2 stove pipe crown. 3 1/2" brim all around.
Joe Jr. stiff! Could not make a dent in it no how withput a fight.

But its good to see everyone getting their hands on these and having fun experimenting on something they probably never would have done.

Nice work Marcus. Can't wait to see final product.

EDIT: And those blinking eyes in your avatar are just plain freaky man!
I just noticed those tonight!

Steve :shock:
Last edited by Dalexs on Mon Jan 26, 2004 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marcus Brody
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Post by Marcus Brody »

Actually the measurements came out to be the same as your gray one, just a lot more tapered though. I bought two of the brown ones, and the measurements were pretty close, but my first one just had less stiffner. The first one I did is sort Indy shaped, but I really took liberties with it. I also soaked the first one and quick dried it to shrink it a lot. It looks more like the ToD bridge hat with a Raiders pinch, and a LC topbash. Though the new one is more screen accurate, I'd actually prefer wearing the other one outside, since it is really less eye catching then a hat that has a reverse taper and a brim that looks like it's from the marketplace scene.

Call me Ishmael...actually the name's Derek, Indy Derek.
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Marcus Brody wrote:No, it doens't have a dimmensional cut. I previously stated the brim length in my original post.
Thanks for the reply. Looks like I didn't read all of the first post since I had about 40 posts to catch up from after I got home from work and skimmed most of them...guess I need to slow down.
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Post by Modern Jones »

Indiana Texas-girl wrote:Looks like I didn't read all of the first post since I had about 40 posts to catch up from after I got home from work and skimmed most of them...guess I need to slow down.
Don't worry ITG, I do the same thing sometimes on the longer posts that you didn't follow. Or are catching up on.

I suffer from P.R.S. (Post Reading Syndrome) :wink: :lol:

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Post by Marcus Brody »

Nothing to worry about, we all do it.
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Post by Michaelson »

Do what? :roll: :wink: Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Marcus Brody »

Honestly, I'm not sure if you actually didn't see the previous comments or if you're just that witty. I'm gonna guess you're just that witty and say that was pretty darn clever. Digital thumbs up!
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I'm back from the grave and so is my Frankenstein hat.

Post by Marcus Brody »

It's been nearly 4 years since I've last posted here, although I've still peeked in now and then. With Indy 4 coming up finally, I decided to go back to work on this project hat which I had started but never finished back in 2004, but it was also Mac's work with his BCF that really inspired me. With a bit of liquid stitch, water, another hat, some steam, an iron, and just good old fashioned hands, I finally made this hat into something very respectable. Unfortunately I don't have the old pics from this thread anymore, and I still haven't taken and ones of it yet. I'll get some pics of this thing up soon though.

Here's the process this hat underwent.

1. Bought the hat for super cheap at Burlington Coat Factory.
2. Did the raiders bash on what was originally the left side of the hat.
3. Removed the ribbon.
4. Waited 4 years for no apparent reason.
5. Soaked the hat in water and stuck in over another hat that I covered with plastic wrap. (I could of also just jammed something long enough to stretch the hat length wise)
6. Let the hat dry overnight. This step allowed the hat to change the shape of the opening which was distorted since the front of the hat was really the side.
7. Liquid stitched the ribbon back on to the correct side because I can't stitch worth a #### (this worked surprisingly well).
8. Ironed the brim flat
9. Did a whole lot of tweaking with a kettle.

The part I'm most proud of is the ghetto reblock, which I've done before also. Have another hat of decent shape, and no block? Saran wrap the hat and use it instead.

Overall I'm very satisfied with this hat even though there are differences that make it not completely screen accurate (namely that I did not replace the ribbon which is a little short and black colored). However, the brim has the distinct look of the turned Raiders hats and the crown is nearly stovepipe. I also didn't the cloth sweatband or add a liner, so it's still a very cheap hat in its soul.

Anyways, pictures to come soon!
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Post by Mac »

Marcus Brody wrote:4. Waited 4 years for no apparent reason

Lucas and Spielberg waited 19 years to bring IJ4 to theaters so I suppose it’s never too late.

Remember the Procrastinator's Creed:
1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already.
2. I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more work or find excuses.

I’m looking forward to the pictures...you know...when you get around to it. :)

- Mac
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Post by indy89 »

the Procrastinator's Creed:
1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already.
2. I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more work or find excuses.
:lol: I love that.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I would've posted that creed... eventually. :wink:
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Post by Marcus Brody »

Here's the pics.


Noticeably, the brim lengths are all wrong (I had done a dimensional cut before I hat turned it). The hat's also less tapered when I actually wear it.[/img]
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