Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

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Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »

Hey guys,

I wanna show of my Temple jacket I got from Magnoli. it's soon 3 years old. Let me start with what I always start with and that is the construction. This jacket is constructed so well, not one stictch is damaged by wear and tear. The stiching goes so deep into the leather!! I believe ll Magnoli jacket owners knows what I'm talking about.

The skin. The skin is ''Very dark brown washed lambskin'' and it is one of the coolest leathers I have in an Indy jacket. It screams Temple! I think djd has this skin aswell. It has aged very well by its own. I did help it alittle on its way but not much. I will leave the wear and tear to the elements. That will give the best look in the end.

The details are awesome! you can tell by the pictures Magnoli has done a superb job on getting the jacket as close to screen as possible. It has the low yoke, it has the correct beefy zipper and pull, correct pockets and correct pocket placement, straps, collar, lack of hem stitch, sleeves, lining, and body cut. There ARE some details that are missing but I can only point out two. The pleat/vent detail and the collarstand is cut of like the LC/CS jacket. other then that it is a clone IMO. and honestly? I don't care if those details are missing. This jacket here gives me a super Temple of doom vibe and that I DIG!!! so what if it misses two details??

okay, here are the pictures.The color you see on the jacket is the same to the naked eye.

If you are thinking about getting a Magnoli? get it! I don't think you will regret it. ;)


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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Digger4Glory »

I really like the way that hangs in the back Holt! I also love the collar! Very cool! Do you have any pics outside in the bright sun? :TOH:
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »


thats the thing I love the most! it hangs exactly like the movie jacket! Every scene I look at I see the exact same drape and it hangs in the exact same way as mine. love it!

see the likeness ... iginal.jpg

sorry, dont have a daylight/sunlight picture.
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Weston »

I don't remember seeing this one Holt. That is a perfect, PERFECT ToD jacket! Man, you've got to get some pics outside. See if you can borrow an inflatable life raft and get a shot of you rocketing down the mountain in it! If that's too much, I'll settle for seeing some sunlight on it.

Great, great jacket!

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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »

Thanks :TOH:

It's been awhile since I got it, I did post it here when it arrived. I think I got it in early 2008 so it nearly 3 years old.

It's wintertime over here now and the snow comming down like crazy. I'll see if I can get some outside pictures tomorrow if it's not snowing like it's doing now 'as we speak'
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by kwad »


Love the jacket!!
We don't see nearly enough TOD's around here (the red-headed stepchild of the Indy jacket line).

However, I have a question for you about the fit (Yeah, another jacket fit question :lol: )

My Raiders likes to slide off my shoulders, but, does not inhibit arm movement.
My LC fits wonderfully in the body and shoulders, but greatly limits arm movement (even with gussetts).

How does the fit of the TOD compare to these two?
It kind of has features from both of the other jackets.
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »


well, this is a diffuclt question to answer because they are from different makers.

the raiders jackets should slip off the shoulders cuz of the 'incorrect' shoulder cut. that is SA. the LC is a corrected cut and rests like a normal jacket SHOULD do on the shoulders.

the Temple jacket from Magnoli rests on the shoulders like a jacket should rest. I do not know how the original temple jacket rests as I do not have a copy of the wested temple jacket. but I guess the Magnoli jacket rests as the orignal temple jacket since it hangs on me like it hangs on Ford.

but then again, all jackets that Ford wears hangs the same on me. it might have to do with that I maby have a Fordish frame?
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Noah »

That jacket fits you really well! Looks just like the movie jacket. :tup:
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »

Thanks, It's custom made.

Just prooves that Magnoli really pay's attention to the specs I sent him.
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Kevin Anderson »

It does look nice, but always looks a little too dark for me. I've yet to see a picture of the TOD jacket that didn't look far more 'brown' than Magnoli's dark brown lamb.
The pics of KT wearing the NH jacket clearly show its much lighter than yours Holt, though they are taken outside I suppose.
Pics of yours outside in natural light may look lighter too.
My Magnoli TOD jacket never got completed, but it's nice to see what might have been..
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »

Thanks, but to me I want what I see on screen. Dark lambskin. Like raiders to.. dark almost black. Thats what I want :D so to me? it's nearly perfect.

the jacket looks like this in natural daylight too. maby a tad lighter but almost impossible to notice any big difference.
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Kevin Anderson »

Fair enough, can't argue with that. The thickness of the leather seems perfect; drapes in just the right way.
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »

I know its lighter brown and we can see it really good the outside pic Kt shows, but dang! talk about loosing it's coolness with that color :lol:

nah, dark for me in Raiders and temple and brown for a LC :TOH:

yeah, the leater itself is perfect. ''washed lambskin''
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by damieneo »

Looks great, Holt! As always, you wear all the jackets very well and you bring out the best in them :TOH:
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Digger4Glory »

Indiana Holt wrote:lol.

well, this is a diffuclt question to answer because they are from different makers.

the raiders jackets should slip off the shoulders cuz of the 'incorrect' shoulder cut. that is SA. the LC is a corrected cut and rests like a normal jacket SHOULD do on the shoulders.

the Temple jacket from Magnoli rests on the shoulders like a jacket should rest. I do not know how the original temple jacket rests as I do not have a copy of the wested temple jacket. but I guess the Magnoli jacket rests as the orignal temple jacket since it hangs on me like it hangs on Ford.

but then again, all jackets that Ford wears hangs the same on me. it might have to do with that I maby have a Fordish frame?
Ford frame and a chevy engine! :lol:
Cool jacket, and you wear it well brother!
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »

that would be a cool car now wouldn't it :TOH:

Thanks guys. :TOH:
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »

_ wrote:Great looking jacket. Tony's really turning out great jackets. I'm loving my Wolverine jackets. His cowhide? I've heard others refer to it as rubbery? Could not be further from the truth on my jackets. I've had these for two months now and they are SO relaxed and soft.
yeah, some people say that about his goathide aswell? I have had mine for 3 years now and I could not love the stuff more. The cowhide you have looks awesome! Would be a cool LC skin to :TOH:
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »

oh, btw, I'll see if I can get some outsde pictures today. no promisse.
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Digger4Glory »

Indiana Holt wrote:that would be a cool car now wouldn't it :TOH:

Thanks guys. :TOH:
Better believe it but not as cool as how that jacket drapes in the back! :tup:
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »


I was not able to take some outside pics today cuz it was too dark outside,

But I did snap a few but inside at my friends gaz station. when standing under this light it brought out its original color. So I decided to snap a few...

the color of the jacket when you see it on me is how it looks to the naked eye. spot on. this is the color!




and here is why I said I feel and see that my Magnoli temple jacket hangs and drapes exactly like the movie jacket. just look at the drape and look at THAT shoulder/bicep sleeve fold detail.


And take a look at this. On the shoulders of the original jacket you can see the leather has this unique character detail which I really felt in love with it. It gives the jacket SUCH charater!!! I sent these pictures to good friend Mangoli and said I was in love wth this detail and my,my,my....just look what kind service my friend gave me!! wow!


In the picture below also shows some distressing on the collar which the original jacket has aswell, that really beat up collar. However...It's cool but to give you the truth...I did regret it after I did this to the collar...... ah well, done is done...



I'm one happy camper!!
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »

a small update,

I took this jacket and pecarded it with boot oil. I let it soak in and after this I took some brown shoepolish and went all over the jacket with it and let me tell you how much this change the leather for the better. The leather now feels like I think it looks on screen. It is awesome! The leather became dullish with a slight shine. The leather also bloated in some way and it doesnt feel fragile like lamb sometimes can feel if it is really thin. It has an oily feel now and not that smooth thinish ''fashion'' leather feel. it's now way better then what it was original and WAY more temple of doom.

Boy! dont regret doing this.
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Indiana C »

Awesome jacket Holt! The attention to screen accuracy you have never ceases to amaze. :clap:
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by conceited_ape »

Lookin' solid! :tup:
Does anyone here know whether or not more recent Magnoli ToD's have the corrected action pleat/pronged buckle configuration? That would absolutely sell it for me. This looks otherwise perfect!
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Kevin Anderson »

It wasn't fixed when I ordered mine back at the start of the year. The buckles were still the shiny silver ones too.
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by conceited_ape »

*sigh* :?
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Holt »

relax! shiny silver buckles? :lol: that ain't no biggie. you can Swap those buckles yourself.
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Re: Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by Indy Magnoli »

We're sourcing better buckles right now. I'll post some pictures when I have them.

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Magnoli TofD soon 3 years old

Post by djd »

Good to hear! Would have saved me a visit from Mr bolt cutters! :)
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