Ebay budget whip...

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Ebay budget whip...

Post by generalFROSTY »

Since I'm not looking to invest in a high-end performance whip, my needs for a whip are limited to display/costume wear with occasional cracking.
I was set to order one of Todd's whips, but they are out of stock until further notice but in the meantime, found some decent looking 'budget' whips from an ebay seller.
I have yet to recieve it in the mail as I just ordered it, but will post a full review here.
I purchased the 10' 12-plait tan whip from ebay seller jrzjoe for $75.99.
I know the rule of thumb with these types of things are "you get what you pay for" however I will refrain from commenting on that until I recieve the item - at best it will serve it's purpose as being a display/costume piece in time for Halloween.
If I find that the overall quality and crackability lacks for anything else, I will look into other whip options in the future.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by hollywood1340 »

Wow! After all the threads, all the advice, all the bad press on this guy you bought one? ](*,) A nylon Indy style whip will look better and perform. The fact that it's a natural hide whip will not hide the fact it's poorly made and far from looking even close to SA.
They say the definition of insantiy is...well I guess you can justify anything in this tough economy. But for a board that is designed to help people get quality Indy gear across the spectrum, this forum seems to consistently give good information and a segment will always ignore the advice. It's very frustrating to those who give the advice.
So you posted to justify your purchase and let us know you'd review it. I'd say the review is in and has been in for quite some time. I do hope down the road you find the finances or the patience to get a whip that will complement the rest of your gear and be an object of pride for yourself and this hobby. Off the top of my head I can think of three options for this whip at near this price point that will trump it in craftsmanship, durability, usability, and screen accurateness.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by generalFROSTY »

I expected some negativity, but I don't feel I should be put down in any way - the purchase is to serve the purpose of a costume accesory to meet my budget AND timeframe requirements.
Unless I'm going to attend a gearhead convention, I don't think anyone is going to give me some trouble regarding the accuracy/quality of my whip.
At a later date I will invest in something more SA and of higher quality, and I am well aware of what makes for a SA Indy whip, but at this point, time and money are not on my side and I needed something in a rush.
I will refrain from any kind of review since It seems I would recieve some kind of outpour of animosity from some of our more aggressive members. [-X
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by hollywood1340 »

Wag the finger all you want and refrain from your review. I'll continue to call them like I see them on this board until I'm told to stop. I'm no indifferent to your needs of price and time but there are better options even under those restrictions that would have served you and those who read this board far better. So if no one else will educate on these or take the time to research, I'll keep bringing it up. With options available and the knowledge on this board it speaks of laziness to go the jrzjoe route no matter what the circumstances. Now note I'm not saying you or anyone else who takes this route is lazy but the action is. Call me the once-ler I speak for the trees. :whip:
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by Bdgsi11 »

Hollywood1340: Your dislike for jrzjoe is coming in loud and clear and I think I understand where your coming from on this. You feel that his less than inferior products are so horrible that he should not be allowed to do business with anyone. But on the other hand, generalfrosty is just looking for a prop whip right now that just gives people the general idea. At least that is how I interpreted this. Just mind your tone when stating your opinion to other members. ;)

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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by generalFROSTY »

Bdgsi11 wrote:Hollywood1340: Your dislike for jrzjoe is coming in loud and clear and I think I understand where your coming from on this. You feel that his less than inferior products are so horrible that he should not be allowed to do business with anyone. But on the other hand, generalfrosty is just looking for a prop whip right now that just gives people the general idea. At least that is how I interpreted this. Just mind your tone when stating your opinion to other members. ;)

That's exactly what's going on here. I need a whip to hang from my belt in time for Halloween - Todd is out of stock until further notice, and I don't have the cash for one of the mid-grade $300 whips.
Thing is, in the past, I have had one or two COW members privately give me a hard time about what gear options to buy and what not to buy - to the point of downright rudeness. One member in particular made me feel very uncomfortable the way he/she pushed a higher-end item on me regardless of my financial situation and interests.
Am I getting a cheap whip? Of course I am - but for $75, I'm getting exactly what I need for the price I need for the date I need it by.
Once things turn around for me financially, I will certainly go after something better - and rest assured, I HAVE done my research and weighed the options. Unfortunately, sometimes we cannot all afford a thousand-dollar item when things like rent and car payments are keeping you busy.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by BaptisteTheFool »

Heh, yeah. I agree.

Hollywood's tone leaves a lot to be desired. Found him pretty disrespectful with me the other week as well.

I've got one of Graeme's whips coming to me probably in late January. Gift from my folks. Looking forward to it immensely.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by G-Roberts »

BaptisteTheFool wrote:Heh, yeah. I agree.

Hollywood's tone leaves a lot to be desired. Found him pretty disrespectful with me the other week as well.

I've got one of Graeme's whips coming to me probably in late January. Gift from my folks. Looking forward to it immensely.
I'm looking forward to plaiting it for you my friend.

hollywood1340 My whips are made for cracking and they are NOT prop whips and they are made properly. I dropped the price on my cow hide whips as I know people are finding it hard to afford good whips these days. My whips are cheaper than others, yes but I'll tell you now that they are as good if not better than other cow hide offerings. I know that sounds as though I'm full of myself but I know its true. If generalFROSTY wants a cheap whip because thats what HE can afford, good for him. HE is getting what HE wants for right now. I don't know this eBay seller but what the heck. If thats what generalFROSTY wants and HE is happy, great :whip:
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by generalFROSTY »

G-Roberts, just so I know for later down the road, what are your whip offerings? Do you have a website?
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by binkmeisterRick »

generalFROSTY wrote: Thing is, in the past, I have had one or two COW members privately give me a hard time about what gear options to buy and what not to buy - to the point of downright rudeness. One member in particular made me feel very uncomfortable the way he/she pushed a higher-end item on me regardless of my financial situation and interests.
And I'll call it as I see it, as such rudeness is wrong and does not belong in this hobby, period. Yes, we are here to provide information on all the gear, but it is the BUYER'S responsibility to do the homework and the BUYER'S choice on what to buy and no one else's. If you feel that's your job, then you're in the wrong place. Hollywood, you are entitled to your opinion as well as a civil expression of it, but to flat out attack someone for making a choice you are not happy with is inappropriate and immature. What's more, generalFROSTY DID his homework and made a sound purchase based on HIS needs, budget, and timeframe. By the sound of it, he made the perfect decision based on his criteria, not anyone else's.

I see plenty of folks with close-enough and budget gear around these boards. Many of them exude the true spirit of Indy far more than over half the folks with the most expensive and "SA" gear. To beat these people up over their gear is just stupid. So Hollywood, if that's how you choose to express yourself, then here's your self-imposed call to stop.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by G-Roberts »

generalFROSTY wrote:G-Roberts, just so I know for later down the road, what are your whip offerings? Do you have a website?
www.midlandwhips.com :TOH: All the information is on my site my friend :whip:
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by BullWhipBorton »

Hollywood, et el, keep in mind not everyone’s priorities here are the same. We have a wide variety of members sharing this forum and while a majority here may be focused on quality whip’s and whip cracking techniques, there is also a contingent of those only wanting costume items or close enough prop whips with no other purposes and who have no interest in whip cracking.

If you want to disagree with a purchase that’s fine; if you want to question the quality of an item that’s alright too, but if you choose to be vocal please do so in a respectful and less condescending manner.

Helpful information is always appreciated, but in the end what those individuals choose to do with said information is really their decision, whether we agree with that choice or not. There is no need be patronizing or harass someone (nor will that be tolerated on Club Obi-Wan) because they choose a product that for whatever reason someone else may consider to be inferior (despite whether or not it may actually be).

Thank you.

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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by generalFROSTY »

I appreciate the support - I just want to keep COW a fun place to be involved in the hobby of being a gearhead.
Sometimes when I go out to eat, I have to order the 9oz sirloin. It would stink to have someone stop by my table and tell me I should have bought the 12oz Ribeye.
I'm just happy to be a member here with so many people who share a passion for Indy gear - it's a lot of fun being a part of this and part of that fun is supporting other members and sharing your gear and stories.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by Bdgsi11 »

Generalfrosty, if you do choose to buy a whip from G-Roberts, later down the road, you definitely will not be disappointed. I own one of his Raiders style cow whips in natural tan and let me just say that it is the best whip out there for the price. Not only does it look the part, but it is also very functional and cracks well too. If I ever need a new whip it will definitely be from him.

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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by DarenHenryW »


Graeme's whips are excellent! One of my very favorite whips is a 6 footer that I bought from him earlier in the year. It is a Raiders style, made in Kip hide, it cracks well, looks good, and was a serious bargain, costing me (at the time) a little over a $100. I'm waiting for him to make me another to go with it, and two other similar whips.

I think that Graeme is the way to go all the way around for a) quality, b) screen accuracy, but above all, c) affordability. There are much better quality and more SA whips out there (Bernardo?) but his is the best for the money, hands down. See my review: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=46806

I know Graeme lost some points with folks around here for the time that he was MIA, but he's back, and he's strong at it, so I hope everyone gives him a chance to show the folks what he can do!


PS Agreed that Hollywood was being over-jealous, and dare I say, a bit rude. Don't think we need that. Thanks, Dan, and everyone else for chiming in.

Last edited by DarenHenryW on Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by BaptisteTheFool »

And thanks to you, Daren. It was your review of that 6fter that convinced me to go with Graeme.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by generalFROSTY »

I see that there is a considerable price difference between the cowhide and roohide whips. I'm sure this has been explained in great detail elsewhere, but while we are on the topic of his whips, how do they compare and contrast?
The Cowhide option seems to be what I will be looking for. If anyone has any pics of his Raiders tan to post here, please do so.
Thanks for the input.
As far as my new whip, this will be the VERY first time I will be able to gear-up in FULL gear. I have never been all geared-up since I was always missing the weapons belt, whip holder, holster and whip.
I just recieved my belt/holster/holder from Todd the other day, gave it some weathering and am quite happy - as always - with the products that Todd offers. I am really looking forward to having everything all put together. It's been a LONG time coming...
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by Noah »

Graeme Roberts makes great quality whips for an affordable price. His cowhide whips are a great deal. I would definitely recommend him. His whips look great, crack well, and he has great customer service. :tup: :)
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by hollywood1340 »

No apologies or quarter given but thanx for the note Dan.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by darthinvictus »

No apologies or quarter?
How pompous! How vulgar!
Sir rest assured I shall never ask either of you, nor shall I henceforth acknowledge a single post you make on this board or any other. I hope you at some reconsider your position.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

GeneralFrosty: Enjoy your whip--it sounds like you made the best choice for your needs. For the most part, it sounds like you have several helpful posts from people here who would like to help you enjoy the hobby how best you can. I can't say I know much of anything about bullwhips (although there's a few times I would have liked one when herding cattle from horseback on my folk's ranch). But I do know that you have to work with what you want, what you can get, and what works for you. If that bothers others, then said 'quarters' can always 'gift' you "better options." Otherwise, no need to worry about such snobbery.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by BendingOak »

I just recently got a CS 10 footer from roberts. Fantatsic work and you can't go wrong with the guy. I will post pics a review when that guy with the camera gets back into town. :-k
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by michaelb »

Hey generalFROSTY,

I finally have a Joe Strain 10' Brandy bullwhip and couldn't be happier. My last bullwhip was a 10' cowhide from "jrzjoe", (I think one of the same that you purchased), and I sold on eBay. I regret that decision so much. I have a great whip, but I miss that old cowhide 10 footer for costuming and play. The thing lasted for a long time and after a brutal few years of breaking that thing in, I could crack it darn well. It's nice to have not only for practicing, but for places where you don't want to risk bringing an expensive bullwhip, etc. The whip is a great whip, in my opinion. I had no issues with it. Treat it well and enjoy, until you can afford another whip in the future.

You did the same thing that I did, and now I really miss that whip.

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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by Noah »

BendingOak wrote:I just recently got a CS 10 footer from roberts. Fantatsic work and you can't go wrong with the guy. I will post pics a review when that guy with the camera gets back into town. :-k
Looking forward to that review! Graeme Roberts makes quality whips. :TOH:
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by RaidersBash »

Frosty, I think you made a fine choice, just care for it and it will last a LONG time.

My first "Indy-esque" whip was bought from JRZJOE on Ebay. I still have it and use it for training horses and getting them use to gunshots.

YES, the whip cracks that loud!!!

I'm a professional horse-trainer and a clip to how well I can teach horses to not freak at loud noises can be viewed at my website


Sorry though, no whip was used in that filming -just a chainsaw and paintball gun and other scary to horse stuff - but I still have JRZJOE's whip hanging in my barn and use it often!
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by BullWhipBorton »

hollywood1340 wrote:No apologies or quarter given but thanx for the note Dan.
That’s your prerogative, but a non-tolerant, pretentious attitude does more harm to the betterment and legitimacy of whip cracking then any $75 jrzjoe prop whip ever will. Not only is your stance disappointing; it’s uncalled for and out of line. You are welcome to your opinions, but as you choose to represent yourself publicly as a “professional whip coach” I’d recommended showing some professionalism when you interact with people.

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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by DarenHenryW »

I think Hollywood drank the cool-aid.

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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by fenris »

After seeing your (GeneralFrosty) threads here and on the RPF, I'm surprised you didn't just make a prop whip. I believe you have the skill for such a project.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by kwad »

I have one of those Jrzjoe whips (purchased through ePay).

And I bought it for the same reason Frosty did, a last minute prop before Halloween.
I too was on a limited budget and bought the best looking whip I could afford.
Unfortunately, I could never get that whip to crack. I changed the fall and fall hitch, nothing worked.
It is just not weighted correctly (I know this now, but when I got it, I was not experienced with better whips). However, for its intended original use, it worked quite well. It didn't look like a cheap whip to the uniformed and was a highlite of my costume that year.

I think you made a great decision Frosty.
And as you are a talented guy, I'm sure you could rework the knots on the whip to make them look more screen acurate (there are plenty of TH knot tutorials out there).

distress it a little bit, ad a little fullers earth and viola! One Raiders whip.
Is it perfectly screen accurate? Well, no, but you had a good time doing the distressing and knot work and it was cheap!

If/when you decide you want a beter whip, or decide you want one for cracking, there are plenty of good makers out there with good prices. Quality whips once seemed out of my league. But, since hanging around here for a while, I know have gotten some quality whips I thought I would never be able to afford.

And, don't be afraid to post a review. Joe may have improved his whips since I bought mine 3 years ago.
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Re: Ebay budget whip...

Post by scot2525 »

Sent you a pm generalFrosty regarding a possible alternative. Let me know what you think.

generalFrosty's current purchase fit his budget and the time constraints that currently meet his needs. He should not be attacked or berated for that choice. I have been in the same situation, my first whip was a very poorly made 6' 8 plait whip that contained a straw core and was black. :oops: My first hat was a DP wool felt from the Star Wars fanclub, I still have this hat. I don't even want to talk about what I used as my Indy jacket that year for Halloween. :oops: All of these items were worn for Halloween 1993. If I could ever find a picture of the costume from '93 I don't think I could show it here and the costume from '98 wasn't much better.
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