Been so busy reading about all of the Neil Cooper jacket drama, that I almost forgot that I had a question for the Fedora section. Here goes...
I've had my Adventurebilt for about a year or 2 now, and I'm noticing a light spot on the brim where I grab it. Basically, it's a little spot of felt that is starting to appear lighter in colour than the rest of the hat. Is there a way to rejuvenate the felt or darken up the spot a bit?
I read somewhere on here recently that you can have a hatter repounce the hat to get it back to its original color. This may seem a little extreme as it will require the hat to be shipped to a hatter, but it will possibly fix the discoloration and get rid of those stray hairs that show themselves after you have worn it for awhile. Get the fedora in for a refurb and it will look as good as new im betting.
Yeah, its from grabbing it in that spot. Hands have oils on them, not to mention the dust that you pick up just by existing. It is only skin deep though, just the very outer layer of felt.
If it were mine, I would use a brush as stiff as a toothbrush, brush it counter clockwise to get the dirt and oil off, and then wipe that area down with rubbing alcohol, rubbing it hard into the brim to remove what ever is left after the brushing.
I got a hat like that one, but the lighter areas is where the front pinch is. I grab mine there although I know its a bad idea. In the area where mine is, it just looks like a battle scar and I won't clean it up until the time comes for a refurb. Good luck! Fedora
I agree with Gorak, it's a spot you earned through daily wear. Perfect thing for an "everyday hat." Now, as a dress hat, you'll probably want it cleaned up a bit.