The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

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The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by pmgilmer »

Ok...this might have been a cruel title considering that there is no such thing, but I was thinking about this the other cool would THAT be? I guess you thought it interesting enough to be reading this. \:D/

I guess I'm envisioning a video that demonstrates/coaches what can be done with an indy style whip (both Morgans and Jackas). Also, achieving the most out of a longer whip (10ft). I frankly am not overly impressed with the material already out there (no offense to anyone!).

I know there are a few people on here that know Anthony personally...maybe you could put the bug in his ear?? [-o<
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Re: The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by DarenHenryW »

I totally agree with Michael! :TOH:

I have the DVD set, and I am friends with Anthony, and I'm sure he would agree. He teaches all the cracks Harrison does and all the wraps. There's nothing that Indy does (besides swinging from lights and tree branches) that Anthony doesn't explain. :lol:

Harrison's cracks through the four films really only break down into these categories:

forward flick (for wraps and disarms, which he does in Raiders, TOD and KOTCS)
underhand flick plus cattleman's crack (the "cairo flash" from Raiders)
sidearm flick and overhead crack (from deleted scene of him fighting the swordsman from Raiders)

Any other uses of the whip are swinging, choking, or some other use of the above . . .
And some of the uses sort of don't count because they are just from editing, like when Indy lashes Henry Sr.'s leg while riding the tank, etc.

Daren Henry
Last edited by DarenHenryW on Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by tgalahad »

Hello Michael and Daren :TOH:
Good timing. I was thinking about this the other day (after knocking my hat off for the second time :whip:)
I think I need to get some schooling in using this whip.
Did a search and checked out Anthony's website and will place my order for 1 and 2.
Thanks! :tup:
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Re: The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by pmgilmer »

Tundrarider wrote:You got me! :P

It's neat idea, especially for Indy fans, but believe me, you get more than you'll ever need to know about mastering the bullwhip from his DVD set, "Mastering the Bullwhip, Vols 1 & 2."

When you said,
pmgilmer wrote:I frankly am not overly impressed with the material already out there (no offense to anyone!).
were you including this DVD set? :-k

Anthony taught Harrison how to use the whip with the De Longis Method which he invented and perfected. As far as I can tell, there were no "special moves" specifically made up for Harrison to use in Indy 4.

I highly recommend this DVD set. :H:

Michael :TOH:
I guess that would make total sense if there was nothing new...hmmm. Good call. :TOH:
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Re: The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by thefish »

To be perfectly blunt, there is nothing in ANY of the Indiana Jones movies that a few afternoons with any of the talented folks here wouldn't allow you to do with a bullwhip, (laws of physics not withstanding, so no swinging from trees or being dragged behind trucks.)

This has nothing to do with Harrison Ford, or Glenn Randall, or Anthony DeLongis, or anyone but the director.

Robert Dante and I were lamenting this during a phone conversation we had last year, and he said something that I just loved about it, (and I'm paraphrasing a bit, but...this is the essense of it.)

"In every movie that I have seen the whip featured in, what the director tells the whip performer to do is so limited compared to what the actor or stunt person can do. It's like telling Bach to play you something pretty on an a pipe organ, but then telling him that he can only use one octave on one keyboard, no pedals, and only sharps and flats."

So sad..The stuff that I saw of what Harrison WANTED to do in this film, and the priming that Anthony no doubt gave him...And we get a single disarm you barely see, and not much else. :-({|= :-({|=
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Re: The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by JMObi »

If they do another movie they could come up with a plot device where Jonesy gets his revolver stolen or damaged, and has to rely soley on the whip to get everything done that 'needs doing'. It would be fun to see. I can remember even my young niece when the last film came out complaining that you basically only got to see the whip used once. She isn't interested in whips in the least and so I was surprised that she even cared that Indy didn't use the whip much in the latest instalment.

I wonder if they do make another with HF if they will use the big Indy IV whips again or use Del Carpios or Morgans, J. Strains etc.

Hope you are reading this thread Mr Spielberg, Mr Ford, Mr Delongis or Mr Lucas.
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Re: The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by John Vaughan »

:-s You mean, I can't wrap it around a cute blondes waist and tug her over for that end of movie smooch? #-o I guess I'll just keep practicing the other stuff :(

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Re: The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by DarenHenryW »

John Vaughan wrote::-s You mean, I can't wrap it around a cute blondes waist and tug her over for that end of movie smooch? #-o I guess I'll just keep practicing the other stuff :(



Why, of course you can!

That's ABSOLUTELY allowed!

"Jack" Henry :whip:
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Re: The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by thefish »

DarenHenryW wrote:
John Vaughan wrote::-s You mean, I can't wrap it around a cute blondes waist and tug her over for that end of movie smooch? #-o I guess I'll just keep practicing the other stuff :(



Why, of course you can!

That's ABSOLUTELY allowed!

"Jack" Henry :whip:
EXACTLY! I mean, what the heck other reason is there to learn to use a bullwhip other than to be roguishly dashing?
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Re: The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by Noah »

thefish wrote:
DarenHenryW wrote:
John Vaughan wrote::-s You mean, I can't wrap it around a cute blondes waist and tug her over for that end of movie smooch? #-o I guess I'll just keep practicing the other stuff :(



Why, of course you can!

That's ABSOLUTELY allowed!

"Jack" Henry :whip:
EXACTLY! I mean, what the heck other reason is there to learn to use a bullwhip other than to be roguishly dashing?
PRECISELY! Isn't that what bullwhips are for?
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Re: The Indy Training Video, by Anthony Delongis

Post by John Vaughan »

Noah wrote:
thefish wrote:
DarenHenryW wrote:
John Vaughan wrote::-s You mean, I can't wrap it around a cute blondes waist and tug her over for that end of movie smooch? #-o I guess I'll just keep practicing the other stuff :(



Why, of course you can!

That's ABSOLUTELY allowed!

"Jack" Henry :whip:
EXACTLY! I mean, what the heck other reason is there to learn to use a bullwhip other than to be roguishly dashing?
PRECISELY! Isn't that what bullwhips are for?
Oh good \:D/ ya all had me worried there for a moment :TOH:
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