Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Post by indiana_dudley »

OK, I may not have made many posts here on COW, and be very new compared to the majority of you guys, but I am now slowly beginning to enjoy browsing this forum slightly less.....

I'm not sure of all the history that started all this 'bad air' between certain individuals and Peter at Wested, but dragging the rest of this community into it is getting a little tiresome. Now I'm not saying that things don't go wrong, and that these issues aren't real with you guys, but they very much appear to be in the minority from a company that gives all-round good service, accoring to the majority. I feel that this point has been made by now, I would be very impressed to find any company with 100% satisfied customer base, but is this a basis for a personal crusade?

Now, I'm sure that you guys have never been faulted in your interaction with others, otherwise I'm sure you would not be posting such accusations in this forum - "Let he without sin..." and all that. If indeed this is the case please, for the sake of others take these gripes off-line so that we can begin to enjoy these forums again.....

Merry Christmas,
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Post by TheMantis »

Amen....especially in the spirit of the holidays why would anyone go out of their way to cause grief.......
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Post by PETER »

I will drink to that.
I will just do my best and ignor the rest.
Cheers and Merry Xmas
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Post by ob1al »


The vast majority of people on this forum think you and Wested are the bees knees, including myself.

I simply want to thank you for continuing to provide an excellent service and product to this community.

Merry Xmas to you!

Best regards

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Post by IndyBlues »

Very true, very true. I love my Wested.
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Post by billy3ci »

all i can say is that i ordered my jacket i think 11/30/03 or 12/1/03 (forgot and i am at work and the info is at home) and i got my wested a few days ago!!! moreover, gerry or peter both returned my emails within 24 hours. i didn't get my certificate and they quickly replied to my email and sent one out already. i can't say anything negative and thus far their service has been fantastic.

the problem is, if 1 or 2 people get a "bad" jacket (mistakes happen) or if wested doesn't return their emails ASAP then suddenly wested is bad-mouthed.

these type of people tend to be very impatient and hard to please in my opinion and even A+ service is not enough for them.

i am not saying this is the case with the people that have a gripe here, but it wouldn't suprise me.

keep up the great work peter and all of wested leather!!!
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Post by IndianaJames »

I agree, I have lost track of how many Wested's I have ordered, 6 or 7? I plan on gettting another later this year. I will say that I have never had a jacket from Wested that has been 100% what I ordered, there is always at least one detail that is missed. I have no problem with this becuase with the amount of jackets they make and send out, thats the nature of the beast. They do an outstanding job!! People sometimes these are CUSTOM jackets, where the heck else can you get a custom leather jacket for around $250?? Let alone a jacket made by the MAN who made them for Indy! We are the luckiest folks around.
Keep up the good work Wested, and thanks.


Lets also not forget this forum is about opinions....

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Post by Pyroxene »

PETER wrote:I will drink to that.

Cheers and Merry Xmas
First round of Bass is on me. Merry Christmas, Peter.
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Post by fedoralover »

On that note let me add that I was in a store yesterday that was selling Ralph Lauren leather jackets for $575. and compared to a Wested it was a piece of junk that I wouldn't have given $100. for. Just a little reality check on prices and what you can get a Wested for. Have a tailor made suit done and see what it'll cost you.

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Post by JerseyJones »

Amens all around. As per my e-mail Peter, you guys rule ! And to the naysayers, find any off the rack jacket that compares. You won't. I checked.

And do the math, you do NOT get multi-million dollar film costume contracts by doing schlock work. Period.

Peter, as I've said, I owe you a round. By the time this board gets done refilling your pints, you may have to sleep it off for a week !

Cheers to Wested !

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Nah....he'll be ok....

Post by Indydawg »

Trust me, I've seen the man in action and I HURT the day after. Shoulda taken the man's advice and not mixed the "grape and the grain", right, Peter!

I don't know what all this mess is about, but I do know that I've been into leather jackets for several years now, and not only does the man know his business, he makes a jacket that, were we to have to buy it from anyone but him, it would cost us at LEAST what FS charges, if not more.

We're ###### lucky to know him, and to have him in our midst. Jacket @#$%'re just a helluva guy, mate! I raise MY glass to ya! And you know from experience what THAT means!!!

Much love from the 'Dawg House! Hope you and yours have the best holiday season ever!!!
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Post by Gater »


I think you beat me, and a few other members to this post. Peter is a well respected member of this forum. As much a staple as Michaelson, Fedora, Ren, Marosy, ITG, MK and a handful of others (I apologize if I left anyone out) and I doubt anyone would stand for a member badmouthing any of these, or other members. If anyone has a problem with a vendor, it should be settled and taken up outside of the community. If the vendor is someone like The Hatter guy who was kicked a while back, ok, but the circumstances are TOTALLY different.

MANY of us here, as I have gathered, are THRILLED with Wested's work. I still have the two Westeds I ordered and plan on at least one more in the near future.

Not to say that anybody here is not entitled to opinion, we all are, and can agree to disagree, but the matter has been rehashed SO often, that I am starting to get offended, and quite frankly, if the gripings of a few are going to make Peter stop coming here, I think that will disparage a lot of COW members, myself for sure.

Ok, I've only been here less than a year, but I think I've held my own, and earned some respect ( 8-[ ) on this forum and am asking politely, in order to avoid further bickering, and to show respect to Peter as a member of this forum, AND as a vendor who did work with Harrison Ford, and DID make THE Indiana Jones jacket, and made me TWO very near replicas of said jacket, both of which I LOVE (!!!!!!!!!!) I am asking PLEASE stop being disrespectful in the public forum posts towards Peter and his products.

Fisk has never held his tongue to express which hat brand his loyalty lies upon, and his distaste for Stetson, but it has been an opinion that neither disrespects any forum members, nor has he gone after the owner of Stetson with prejudice and malice.

Again, I reiterate, I RESPECT OPINIONS! I just think those opinions have been voiced and it's time to move on. Does this mean that I feel that although you are unhappy with a purchase, that you should be less vocal about a Wested than other products because the maker/owner is a forum member?? Well...Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying. I once made the error of insulting an Ebay auction that turned out to be a forum member, and I was quite embarassed and apologetic.

I thik I have meandered enough to try to make a point.
Last edited by Gater on Mon Dec 22, 2003 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ob1al »

Opinions should of course be expressed freely, but credit should also be given where it is due.

Mods, isn't it time to put this whole mess to bed? It's stretched into 3 threads now, and hey -

IT'S CHRISTMAS, for goodness sake :!:

Peace and goodwill to all gearheads,

Last edited by ob1al on Sun Dec 21, 2003 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by billy3ci »

i am new here and don't want to start off on the wrong foot, but i think its totally fine to voice your opinions about a product...even if the maker is a member of the forum. its ok as long as one is not abusive. i mean, c'mon, to keep quiet about a legitimate poor quality issue because peter is here makes you guys sound like you're kissing up. peter is a big boy and has a solid product that a ton of people love. if someone has a LEGIT gripe then there is nothing wrong with posting it here imo. being abusive to anyone is wrong...not just to peter.

heck, i have a BMW and most people bash the heck out of chris bangle and could care less if he was a member of the forum!!!

the point is, everyone has a right to post good and bad issues related to wested leather because someone who comes here for info might want to hear the whole story before making a purchase. if only good things were said about wested leather because peter is here then one might not get all the facts.

peter has a quality product and he shouldn't be worried. now, if the quality starts to slip a little then people should be willing and able to post their issue.

my 2 cents
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Post by Shishak »

OK, I may not have made many posts here on COW, and be very new compared to the majority of you guys, but I am now slowly beginning to enjoy browsing this forum slightly less.....
Being new here, you may not yet realize that this is where people come to discuss their ideas, opinions, and experiences with and gain information on gear related to Indiana Jones. If a person has a bad experience with a particular piece of gear, it is their right to express that here and relate their experience to others. In giving this information they may help others who have had similar experiences or find some solace in a small group that has been through the same thing. Sometimes it's comforting to know that you are not alone. There seems to be absolutely no problem with all the posts that relate good experiences, so why is there such an uproar everytime someone posts a bad experience? It's what happened to them and maybe what's happened to others as well. As long as there is no name calling and vulgarity, I don't see a problem with someone telling others what happened to them. Like billy3ci said, you need to get the whole story and have all the facts. And if you don't agree, don't read the thread. Just like watching TV - if you don't like what's on, change the channel.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I met Shishak yesterday and after spending the afternoon with him and his family I can tell you this much, he's a mild-mannered gentleman.

We compaired Jackets and I can tell you for a fact that the one he has is a pretty darn good jacket with a few minor flaws that should have been fixed one of the two times he sent it back.

Also, I have to add that Peter is a fine gentleman with an excelent reputation... he's WORLD renouned for his customer sadifaction. This is just one of those things that fell through the cracks for any one of a number of reasons.

After seeing Shishak's jacket, it makes me want to get a new one. I still believe in Peter's products and reputation... this is just a glitch and I'm sure everything will be worked out in the end. Shishak did the right thing by bringing this up, and I know Peter will do what he can to keep things like this from happen in the future... I'm that confedent.
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Post by Shishak »

Thanks Fisk for the support. I just posted on the Events section. I think the thing that people missed was when I said that my Wested is the best Indy jacket I've ever owned, it's just not what I expected. If you are now fixating on what I pointed out to you, I apologize :wink: .
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Post by indiana_dudley »

Shishak wrote:Being new here, you may not yet realize that this is where people come to discuss their ideas, opinions, and experiences with and gain information on gear related to Indiana Jones.
Of this I am fully aware, and all I was stating in my orginal post was "I feel that this point has been made by now' after three separate threads.

As for reading another thread... It's getting to the point of not being able to without this topic being discussed, as it's hidden under innocent sounding subject titles.

If someone gives praise it is usually mentioned once, prehaps twice, in a single thread. This subject matter is going well beyond that and to the point of obsurdity. It's also bringing about personal attacks that can only damage the community.

My 2c

Last edited by indiana_dudley on Sun Dec 21, 2003 5:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Fedora »

There is enough room for both jacket suppliers. It just depends on what you are after. These jacket controversies spring up from time to time, and I know the arguments by heart. I make no judgements, as I figure both are great jackets. I commend Mr. Botright for keeping the prices ridiculously low. You gotta admit, he has one of the lowest priced leather jackets that you can find. And, he sells his take on the original jacket. That along with the price does it for me. To know that the same man is making the Indy jackets and you can still get them makes me want to order a dozen. Especially with the new film coming out. I figure he is making those too, and would not doubt if he has not already done this. Just what he is selling us too. How can it get better than that? How??? regards, Fedora
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Post by Shishak »

Fedora, out of curiosity, what ever happened with your jacket that was too short? Did everything turn out okay for you?
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Post by Fedora »

:oops: After looking at the film, I decided the jacket was accurate in length. What threw me off was my first Wested I ordered longer, my next was a gift from Michaelson, who got the jacket from _. He is taller than me so the jacket was like my existing Wested. When I ordered this last one, I just gave him the measurments and the rest is history. It actually is the right length while my others are longer than the Raiders jacket. My mistake, and embarassment. :oops: Fedora
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

billy3ci wrote:i am new here and don't want to start off on the wrong foot, but i think its totally fine to voice your opinions about a product...even if the maker is a member of the forum. its ok as long as one is not abusive. i mean, c'mon, to keep quiet about a legitimate poor quality issue because peter is here makes you guys sound like you're kissing up. peter is a big boy and has a solid product that a ton of people love. if someone has a LEGIT gripe then there is nothing wrong with posting it here imo. being abusive to anyone is wrong...not just to peter.
Voicing opinions is fine in my book but I do believe that the person should probably take the problem back to Wested or whatever company they ordered the product from first. If that issue can't be resolved due to an error by the seller, then there's probably some grounds for letting out a "gripe." However, there may also be times too when a buyer may not know if he/she should contact the seller about a situation and may need to take it to the forum first. But to completely bash a seller without trying to take action to rectify the situation is just wrong in book. But that's my opinion and since this is a forum, I can express it I guess.
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Post by FLATHEAD »

It actually is the right length while my others are longer than the Raiders jacket. My mistake, and embarassment.
See, I told you pulling up your pants would do the trick!! :shock:

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Post by billy3ci »

i totally agree indiana texas-girl. one should contact wested first and let them adress the issue. that said, one can also voice their concerns over quality. i am by no means in a position to say anything about wested other than their service has been excellent. there were some certificate and the wrong tracking number, but those are minor and do not warrant a gripe. now, if they ignored me or never send a certificate then i will indeed gripe!!! :D

...but i doubt that will happen

the bottom line is that everyone has the right (and should) talk about the pros and cons of every product for it gives people an idea of where and what they should buy. however, some disgression should be used and abusive attacks are childish.
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Post by Indycraze71 »

I have no problems with voicing ones opinions and complaints, but some people gripe entirely too much sometimes sounding like a broken record and it gets old...that said Merry Christmas too all of you my fellow Indy fans and I do mean all of you...I wish you the best and the happiest. I hope you all receive a piece of gear that you wished for... I'm glad to be here and enjoy this forum immensly thanks to all of you out there in the world for making COW the place to be! CHEERS! :D Brett
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Post by Mike »

Indiana Gater wrote:As much a staple as Michaelson, Fedora, Ren, ITG, MK and a handful of others (I apologize if I left anyone out)
What am I, chopped liver? :wink:
Indiana Texas-girl wrote:But that's my opinion and since this is a forum, I can express it I guess.
OK, just this once. :wink:

Opinions are like... elbows... everyone has them. It's alright to express them as long as it's done civilly. Once things get mean spirited, that's when things get locked down. As long as there's no hidden agendas or malice we tend to let opinions be expressed.

So lets keep it civil.

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Post by Indiana Jackson »

Let me be one the many who say, Thanks Peter for a great jacket! :D

Cheers & Happy Holidays!

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Post by Gater »

"What am I, chopped liver?"

I dunno, I don't label people. But out of respect where it is due, the post has been editted to include you.

"Opinions are like... elbows... everyone has them."

But...what about amputees?? And inbred flipper-babies?? They don't have elbows. What about them????
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Post by IndianaJames »

Nice avatar Mike!

:lol: I J
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Post by SurfinGorilla »


Watch might offend someone that has a flipper baby...and how do you know that they don't have elbows? They just might have very small elbows...ya just never know...

My 2cents..about this topic...ALL opinions are welcome, positive and negative....However, no matter how angry you are try to keep those opinions objective and stick to the facts. My will not find anyone of the other retailers more willing to fix the problem than Peter, this is well documented by dozens of posts from multiple members whom have multiple jackets from different vendors.

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Post by Mike »

Indiana Gater wrote:But...what about amputees?? And inbred flipper-babies?? They don't have elbows. What about them????
Well, the expression I've always heard involved opinions and another part of the anatomy that everyone has, but as this is a PG-13 site, I decided to editorialize.

But technically speaking, amputees would've at one time had them, and as far as flipper-babies, well, I'll just leave that one alone so as not to let this thread get uncivilized. :wink:

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