Need a new sweat

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Need a new sweat

Post by riothamus »

I've got an Akubra Federation III that has a disintegrating sweat band. I guess it just got too many soakings by sweat. It's super shrunk, cracking, and pulling away from the hat.

Anybody have any recommendations of a hatter that can sew me a new sweat in North Carolina or Virginia?

Failing that, I know some hatters here have reblock services, but I think I just need a new sweat, not the whole shebang. I'd also like to avoid shipping charges to an out of state hatter if I can. I may just sell the hat as is to someone that is closer to a hatter or feels like paying to fix it.

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Re: Need a new sweat

Post by Michaelson »

There used to be a place in Norfolk, VA called 'Hatworks'. They did work for me years ago, and MIGHT be able to help, if they're still around.

The old address and phone number (and I DO mean old) is:

739 Granby St.
Norfolk, VA

You might want to google them and see if they're still in the business.
According to this link, they're still there and at the same phone number: ... at%20Works

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Re: Need a new sweat

Post by riothamus »

Ok, after some digging I did manage to find one place in the Raleigh/Durham, NC area that advertises hat services (not just sales). The Hat Lounge charges $12.50 for a new sweatband. At least that's what their website says. I'm not sure if its been updated in the past year or not. How does $12.50 sound for a sweatband? Sounds fairly reasonable to me. Hopefully they don't sew all the way through the felt.
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Re: Need a new sweat

Post by Michaelson »

Sounds pretty decent. Your best bet is to pay them a visit and ask them to show you exactly what they do before handing over your Fed for the work.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Need a new sweat

Post by BendingOak »

I'm a bit confused by this statement.

riothamus wrote: Hopefully they don't sew all the way through the felt.
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Re: Need a new sweat

Post by riothamus »

Sorry, showing my ignorance probably. I've read some posts where the stitching for the sweat is visible where the brim and crown meet. My wool hat shows stitching there. I'm just hoping that whoever I get to replace the sweat knows what they're doing.

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