I've waited to write a review of my Marshall College suit from Magnoli Clothiers for a couple of reasons: firts, I wanted to find an appropriate location for the shots, and then I was waiting to receive from Indy Magnoli the complete outfit to do a complete work on the 'Marshall project'.
I found an interesting location just near my house, is a very old Abbey, founded by a greek monk Nilus the Younger, about 2.000 years ago. If you're interested, you can find here on wikipedia its history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nilus_the_Younger
Then, the Marshall suit was uncomplete without the right shirt, tie and shoes of course. Magnoli provided to the perfect tie, as you see it on his website, and created for me a SA shirt in cream. I provided to find a very good old fashion italian shoes, great classic style, named Campanile. And though you can't see them, I wear under the vest a couple of Albert Thurson beige suspender, just for sake of completeness.
I tryed my best to recreate an 'academic Jones' flavour in these pics, I used a couple of books, and one of those is the "Indiana Jones Diary" wrote by Magnoli, my tribute and sincere thank for his amazing work, that for me is a masterpiece.
