The look on the poor guys face was priceless, I almost felt bad for him. As an admitted whip collector though he should have known to be more careful.
Still, It’s not too hard to fool someone even with "documents of authenticity". One of the big auction houses recently fell victim to this too, Fortunately that Indy bullwhip never sold. The last authenticated film used Indy bullwhip however sold for over $70,000 at auction in Las Vegas, so even Mark Allen’s estimate was modest.
I really would not be surprised if the whip on this show was one of a Indy stuntman’s personal whips, or that it was on the set of Indy 4 at some point. In addition to the official bullwhips supplied by David Morgan, Joe Strain, Terry Jacka for the production, some of the stunt men did purchase their own Indy bullwhips from Western Stage Prop’s, as Mark Allen commented on in the show. Russell Shultze is also one of their whip makers for the Indy style whips. I had to laugh a bit when he said how sure he was that it was used and cracked in the movie, given that there wasn’t much whip cracking in KOTCS. What litte of it there was, Harrison Ford did because he was better with the whip then the stunt men where
As for the explanation of the origin of the Indy whip, He's told that story before. The fact is though David Morgan was making those short handled American “cowboy” style bullwhips well before anyone ever asked him to make whips for any Indiana Jones move. They where never any sort special request, the original Raiders were not even made for the film, they where the bullwhips that by Glenn Randall had them in his own inventory. Also the bullwhips used in Kingdom of the Crystal skull movie did not have longer handles.