After an arduous but patient 2-year wait, my Adventurebilt CS finally arrived Tuesday, right on time for my birthday. And what a perfect gift! I watched Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on Blu-Ray and compared the fedora to every scene, and what can I say... it really is THE hat. 100% screen-accurate down to the finest detail. Seeing it on the screen is one thing, but it is quite another to have it in your hands. It may sound like a cliché, but pictures really can't do justice to this fur felt masterpiece.
Having only one other fedora to compare it with, I set the AB alongside my Swales-made Herbert Johnson Poet. The basic shape is very similar. The beaver felt AB is thinner, smoother, and more supple than its rabbit predecessor, but weight-wise, the HJ feels a bit heavier (but not by much). The ribbon looks identical to the HJ petersham, and both hats sport the distinctive flying V bow.
The AB crown has a fuller appearance when compared to the narrow, slightly tapered Herbert Johnson crown. Steve applied my original Swales brim specs to the Adventurebilt since the dimensional cut was so complimentary to my profile. Due to the un-flared side brims, the AB looks a bit wide on my head, but that is purely cosmetic. What amazes me the most about the AB is the attention to detail that Steve put into it. The hand-stitched sweatband is achieved with machine-made precision, and the glossy bridal satin liner with the pyramid logo is just the icing on the cake.
It goes without saying that the Adventurebilt is a far superior hat to the Herbert Johnson, but I am proud to own two completely screen-accurate Indiana Jones fedoras, both made by the original craftsmen. Not many people can boast that. Now, onto the pictures that everybody is dying to see. Here are a few pics of me goofing around with my hats. After owning only one fedora for the past 11 years, it is just surreal to have two of them sitting side by side. It sort of feels like I now have two girlfriends!

Here's how the hat looks on me: ... 91f5b5.jpg
Adventurebilt CS: ... f475_o.jpg ... 3700_o.jpg ... 1237_o.jpg ... ac7b_o.jpg ... 3857_o.jpg ... a3f9_o.jpg ... c36c_o.jpg
Adventurebilt CS and Herbert Johnson Poet: ... 94f3_o.jpg ... 11df_o.jpg ... 5f9d_o.jpg ... 7536_o.jpg ... 6e98_o.jpg
P.S.- As before, I filmed a video of me opening the box, which will be forthcoming once I figure out my video editing software again!