resoling my rockport farnums any advice?

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resoling my rockport farnums any advice?

Post by whipcracker »

I still have a pair and wear them everyday. I am going on to have them resoled for the second time. the first time they were resoled the cobbler used a Vibram sole and that wore out in about 6 months. I asked him about it and he said that that was the only type he could on for the way the shoes are built. I'm not sure if i believe him.

Anyone got any suggestions on other types of soles that they have had put on.

I have thought about just buying new shoes, maybe some of Todd most excellent shoes, but I wear shoes out like crazy and have been doing the "resole for $50 with longer wearing soles or buy new shoes for $75 that might need new soles in 6 months" debate.

I am open to suggestions...

BTW, my employer said that they would pay about $50 for resole.
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Re: resoling my rockport farnums any advice?

Post by raider 57 »

I have the same RP Farnum boots whipcracker. They are my "backup-close-enough" boots so I really don't wear mine a whole alot. Still have original soles. They did get much use recently in the snowy weather, and I agree the soles are VERY soft. They show noticable wear quite rapidly. Mucho Comfy though!
I used to get my rockport dresssport shoes redone and they always used the same rockport replacement sole.(and I never seemed to get more than1-1.5 years out of 'em)
Perhaps the replacements are limited due to the shape of the boot itself?
But really, I should think a real Vibram sole would last you longer than 6 mo.? :x If you really like the boots, I'd just keep resoling. I believe they are discontinued, aren't they?
I had my dresssport's done maybe 4 times. Until the inside linings wore out!
Are your Farnum's the dark chocolate color? Mine are and have darkened very nicely after wearing them in snow and followed by a few Pecards applications. Got a great dark brown shade to them now.
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Re: resoling my rockport farnums any advice?

Post by whipcracker »

Mine are the tan color, but after much wear and repeated polishings with Kiwi Parade gloss brown they are a great mottled brown which I think is very nice.

Thanks for the suggestions. I agree they are not SA but close enough and they ARE comfey. I think that they will get new soles, although it could be a good time for some Todds boots... \:D/
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Re: resoling my rockport farnums any advice?

Post by hocfutue »

Cobbler could "only" put on Vibram soles that wore out in 6 months?

Step 1: Find new cobbler.
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Re: resoling my rockport farnums any advice?

Post by whipcracker »

I agree...and it's done, but there are only two where I live...but this othere guy seems to think different than the other. Though the othere one could make shoes from scratch...
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Re: resoling my rockport farnums any advice?

Post by RaidersBash »

If you're thinking of getting some of Todd's I'd say don't hesitate. He'd mentioned he was having an issue with the last manufacturer and may be having to start the process all over again with a new company...and that takes A LOT OF I'd say buy 'em while he's got 'em.
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