center Dent bashing

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center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

I have been manipulating my bash, and I think I messed it up. *sorry, John!* It's like the site is TOO full of information. Ive looked at John's bash video for the Raider, and I re-went through it, but I can't get the center dent to be even-or maybe it's just me....THoughts?

and the head pic
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by BendingOak »

Measure the center crease height front and then measure the cent dent height back? post them here. It doesn't look like you hat is turned at all. I not sure you understand what's going on with the turn. Give me a call 971-246-1832, we will get things straight away ( no pun intended).
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

The apex of the crease on the front is 5 inches, the rear dent is at 3.5 inches.

My understanding of the turn is when you center the hat, turn it to warp the brim, and then bash it from the new position. It looks like I have centered the bask back to center, doesn't it?


That is what I get for messing with it.....The creases look kind of set when I push it all out, so I'm probably set to this, right? Ill try to call later this afternoon when I get the kids settled, unless the creases are set. I tried to unbash it and go back through the video step by step, but the set creases make it difficult to do a new center dent, for example.

Thanks for all your help. How far from center did you turn it? I should be able to get back to that if I have that number.
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

I think I found the original center line where you bashed it, John. I rebashed it along there and here is where I am from the inside.

Here is my previous bash where i think I centered it by mistake.

Am I getting closer to where it was?
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by BendingOak »

Hard for me to say. I bash a lot of these and I never measure or look.

The front measuring from the bottom of the ribbon to the middle of the camel humps/ or right up the top of the tight front pinch should be 4 3/4.
The back going from the bottom of the ribbon to the top should be 4 1/4.

You center crease heights are off. Also you can make the hat more boxy if you really re-define the slanted L that i talk about in the video. You have my number feel free.
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by jkdbuck76 »

for one thing, it looks like the side dents are not = in length.

you might want to post a pic of the hat for us showing the top view, ie as if we were
birds overhead looking straight down on your hat.

I think that if you make the side dents of equal length, then things would
straighten out.
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

The front dents aren't = in depth, I though that was the idea for the Raiders bash-one deep one on the right and one shallower one on the left. This is maddening *lol* I have the back at about 4 1/4 and its seems like its barely dented. The front is 4 3/4.

Here are some more pics. I don't have a camera anymore, so my cell cam is all I have.

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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by BendingOak »

What's your first name? and where do you live? Did I bash the hat or send it open crown? If I did bash it I would like to see if I still have the photo that I take most of the time before shipping.
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

THis is why im frustrated.....It looked like this until I popped it out and tried to practice putting it back in.
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by moses »

Looks to me like you've pushed the side dents in too high.
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by BendingOak »

I think we can fix it over the hone together. Give me a call monday afternoon. I would suggest stop working on it until we talk. As not to make matters worse.
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

Here is a pic my daughter just took that shows it on me as it is now, without messing with it any more. I think that I interpreted the dents in the front as not being = when what I was seeing was the 'L' shape on the right side. I also looked at this ... lounge.htm
and in step 6 he says he lets the left dent form itself up so I interpreted that as being more shallow, or not "=".

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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

You should take John up on his phone advice, but I think your biggest problem (IMHO) is the top dent is WAY too deep.
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by crismans »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:You should take John up on his phone advice, but I think your biggest problem (IMHO) is the top dent is WAY too deep.
I agree. It seems to be causing the hat to taper as the dent is too deep. Be sure to call John. He'll walk you back to a good place. :D
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

I pulled that center dent up so its not nearly as drastic as those earlier top down pictures suggest.

Here are the depths now, after I raised it, but before John said to leave it alone.




the center dent is now 1" at its deepest point.
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

I raised the center a bit, and re-defined the L in the video, and looking here. Ive got all the kids today, so its a mad house to try to call him, and quite honestly, if all of you can get this, I should be able to as well.


and the back, currently an 1" in depth. (measured by laying paper over the top, flat, and measuring up to the paper)

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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by BendingOak »

I'm a little lost on your measurements. I think you center dent is to wide from viewing it from above. 971-246-1832
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

I figured it out. I had the top creased in addition to the front, whereas all the ones that I see are only creased on the front and relaxed on the sides. I went image searching and found a few from every angle. It may not be perfect, but it's good enough for me. Not quite as much turn as John put in it but also not dead center. Ive been wearing it every day for a week and a half now.

The first few days with it felt 'strange' , but not I don't even think about it. I pop it on, turn it to the right a bit to center it, and out the door I go.

Thanks all for the help!
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by BendingOak »

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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

Yep. I went there too. Thanks, John!

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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by moses »

I still say it's the side dents that are the problem. The rear corner of each side dent has been raised from where it should be (and was, based on the before pic) - also the top edges of the side dents have been pinched too tightly together rather than being left unpinched as per Pagey's turorial. Just look at the top profile of the hat seen straight on, in both the before and after pics, to see the difference in how these top edges have been pinched together. Sorry I can't put it in words any better than that - but I'm convinced this is what is continuing to pull the top of the crown in.
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Re: center Dent bashing

Post by Alathea_Squared »

Im chalking it up to experience-the creases are pretty tight and I don't think I can smooth them out. But on my next one Ill leave them alone.
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