Dave? Is that the AB with the smaller brim? Has to be, otherwise your CS needs 2 3/4's on the side. The crown is not in proportion to the brim on that hat. And you wear a larger sized hat than Ford of course.
I had made all of the stunt hats, which some were 7 5/8's, but was told to leave the brims as Ford's. So, I automatically started doing that on orders, and when I came to Dave's hat, it just struck me, the brim is not large enough for the crown size and shape.

But it was made, he felt the same as I did, and I replaced his hat with a larger brimmed one. To compensate for hat size. In brims, 1/8 of an inch matters, when it comes to Indy fedoras.
But the differential needs to be around 1/4 an inch. One of the film hats from a prior film was measured by Bernie to be 2 9/16ths on the sides. That's between 2 1/2 and 2 5/8th. I am sure Swales had a mixture in the hats he made, with variances from hat to hat. I doubt he was "German like" precise in his hand cuts. And that figures into the Raiders fedora, as you compare hat to hat from that film. There is one photo from Raiders where the brim looks to be 2 3/8ths to me on the sides. But I have seen only one photo that shows this width.
One thing about Raiders fedora is the interplay between crown and brim width. Some hats have it, some don't. The CS block does not have the right interplay as exhibited by the Raiders fedora. That is obvious to me. And ok, as it was not meant to be a Raiders fedora anyways. It is its own Indy fedora, like the TOD and TLC hats were.
I think my Raiders block has a pretty close interplay with the film hat though. It's all in the block. It really is. A Raiders block can be too blocky. The CS is blocky. Very square. Which tells me, the Raiders fedora was less so, which means no 360. And it also means there was actually some taper in the Raiders block. The right amount is the key. And I doubt it was more than 3/16ths from bottom to top. This small amount gets rid of the blockiness of the CS.
Pardon me for the hijack. Lets get back to Holt's hat. Outstanding Holt. But as I said, your earlier rabbit hat comparison with the film hat blew me away my friend. When I first saw it, I thought, good gosh, this guy has really nailed this hat! I think it was the front veiw you showed. And I thought at the time, there is no way anyone would ever come as close as you did. And I still hold that opinion. Some may match you, but no one will beat you.
