Deeply moved and I appreciate the offers. BUT, it is my understanding this was a one time deal. Very frustrating to make em, and I don't think it is something he wants to tackle again. IF just buying them was possible, heck, I would just pay for the bodies myself. But if I recall correctly, that is not an option.
I feel better about it this morning, after a good night's sleep. (did not lose any sleep over this at all) Afterall, it was just a hat. The bad part was the long wait, with nothing at the end of the wait. But, I am over the sick feeling now, and man it sure is beautiful outside this morning at daybreak. Sun is peeking up over the eastern horizon as I write this, I feel good today, and can't wait to tackle those two hats in the shop waiting for my attention.
I only made this orginal post as numerous folks have emailed me in the past asking about this hat, and it was just faster for me to post it here, so I would not have to send emails to those guys. And most here knew how I was looking forward to this hat. Just thought I would close the chapter on it. So, it is officially closed now. The end of the long story. Thanks again guys for the offers. That means alot to me. But, I could never accept that, even if it were possible. Which it isn't. It's not like I am a needy guy, my life is very rich in all ways.
Plus, that mink beaver hat was a jinxed hat from the get-go. The guys that turned out to own them, were the same ones that almost got Marc out of the Indy 4 deal. Ricardo made the felt in that sample hat the other guy sent in, and the hat that guy sent in was two sizes too small for Ford, which caused Bernie to immediately pick the hat I had stayed up all night to make and overnighted to Bernie. Because my hat was Ford's size. So, he could actually put it on Ford's head. And, on this run of felt, my hats were lighter in color than what Ricardo had made for Marc to sell to that guy.(and Bernie wanted the lighter color) In the haste to get a hat in Bernie's hand, Marc just had a friend and customer to send his own hat in, and as I said, two sizes too small. This too small hat, made it there a couple of days before I could actually make one, in the right size and send it to Bernie. Marc beat me in that deal. But the hat that fit, and was lighter in color won the contest. Haste makes waste. So, in a strange sorta way, I actually am indebted to the guy that sent in the too small hat. History might have been changed if the hat would have fit. So it very well may be perfect justice that he ended up with the mink hat. As a "thank you" from me.
Ironic that the guys that would have left Marc out, got the mink hats. And the guy, me, who got Marc back into the deal, never got a mink hat.

There ain't no justice!!

But then again, perhaps there is. Time will tell. It always does, as I have discovered in my old age. We always reap what we sow, eventually.
Feel free to lock this one down. I have said my final word on this subject. And I will give you my word on that one. Fedora