I've had the hat over a year now, [wow, it's been that long?!] so I'd have noticed them before now if they were there from day one.
I took that photo in a hurry and didn't get the best lighting I could, so forgive the quality.
They seem like little trenches or places where the nap [is that the proper word?] of the felt has been taken off.. much like how those old felt covered Christmas ornaments or cheap toys would do with time and use.
MOTHS!! that's a scary thought. I haven't seen any.. or wait, I did kill one the other day.
I got my father's jeweler's loupe out and inspected the spot.. it appears to be two really severe indentations in the felt. I'm puzzled as to where they could have come from.

I rubbed the area with my thumb, and it revived the felt some, going to get my brush and have a whack at it.